Acknowledgement of Country

From our SRC Executive

SRC President
Every year, Cancer Council hosts Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, bringing people together to raise funds for the prevention, support and research of cancer. As part of our Year 12 Initiative, the SRC Executive Team decided to plan our own Biggest Morning Tea, and through our endeavours we managed to raise an astounding $1,212.59 for the Cancer Council! With only a few weeks to plan, the SRC’s held a morning tea for staff and Year 12 students during recess, as well as a bake stall in the Jordan Courtyard at lunch. It is rare to find a person who has not been impacted by cancer in one way or another, and we thought that bringing people together over some delicious baked goods would be a lovely event to have at this point in the year. We would like to say an enormous thank you to Ms Mcilroy for assisting us with organising, we could not have done it without her! Thank you to all those staff members and Year 12 students who baked for the occasion, and anyone who donated to our fundraiser, the money raised will go towards creating a more cancer-free future.
"events like these always give us a little break to spend time with each other just when we need it."

Our Year 12 cohort has been keeping busy with the Morning Tea, Senior Formal and of course our studies, but events like these always give us a little break to spend time with each other just when we need it. The Year 12 Retreat in Week 1 of Term 3 and the Vinnies sleep out are events that the cohort are anticipating eagerly. The 2022 Seniors have such a tight bond, and these friendships are only made stronger by the support we receive from each other during one of our toughest years of schooling. As we move into our mid-year exams, the care and help we receive from our teachers, coordinators and greater school community assists us immensely, and the bonds we’ve formed with SAC contributes to the bittersweet end of our schooling. We look forward to spending these last few months as Year 12’s getting involved with our JAM group, cheering loud at Athletics Carnival and working hard at Mercy Day, as well as making memories to last a lifetime of our final year at SAC.
Ellie Simms
Year 12 Student and SRC President
"friendships are only made stronger by the support we receive from each other"...

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Work Experience Week
In Week 8 of Term 2, Year 10 students headed out on work experience for four days. Preparation occurred during PLS classes to ensure students were prepared with a clear understanding of workplace rights and responsibilities. Year 10 teachers visited placement sites throughout the week, and it was wonderful to see so many students engaged with workplace learning. We were proud of the Year 10’s who were wonderful representatives of St Aloysius College, and we thank all host employers for their support and encouragement.

This year we also offered an internal program as an alternative option for work experience. Students participated in a virtual work experience for two days and attended employment preparation workshops for two days. They completed resumes, cover letters, joined presentations on first impressions and participated in a mock interview process. We were impressed with students who took information and advice on board which reflected in their preparation for the interviews where they dressed to impress!
Congratulations to all involved!
Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator

UniSA are excited to announce that they are running tours these July school holidays to give you the opportunity to step onto a UniSA campus.
Take a tour of our state-of-the-art facilities, chat about study and career options and connect with UniSA staff in a small group tour. Bookings are open now – check out the dates for each campus below.
Registrations are open now via their website
* Magill Campus: Wednesday 13 July (10:00am - 11:00am) | |
* Mawson Lakes: Thursday 14 July (10:00am - 11:00am) | |
* City West: Wednesday 20 July (10:00am - 11:00am) | |
* City East: Wednesday 20 July (12:00pm - 1:00pm) | |
* Whyalla and Mount Gambier: Upon request |
Are you interested in a career in Nursing or Midwifery?

Flinders University are holding an online Nursing and Midwifery information session on Tuesday 12 July from 11-11.30am. Join a current Nursing/Midwifery student to find out more about what it’s like studying Nursing/Midwifery at Flinders. The session will cover entry requirements, course content, placement opportunities and specialisation options.
To register, click on the link below:
Nursing & Midwifery - Livestream Information Session - Events at Flinders
Defence Careers -
Women in Defence Ask Me Anything Session Online (Tuesday 19July at 5pm)

With a diverse range of roles available to women, you can find a flexible role that suits your lifestyle and that’s as rewarding and flexible as it is challenging.
Join an upcoming info session with current serving female members to ask any questions you may have about Australian Defence Force careers.
Details and Registration: Women in Defence Ask Me Anything Session
From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Term 2 Primary Sport - many great achievements to celebrate!
After School Sport
Congratulations to all of the students that have participated in Term 2 Primary Sport. It has been a busy, successful, and enjoyable term of sport, with many great achievements to celebrate. We have had large numbers participating in afterschool netball and basketball! Our Reception students have just concluded their first fundamental sports program.
We are looking forward to the continuation of Winter sports into Term 3.

Looking ahead to Term 3
Reception-Year 3 Come N Try
The Come 'n' Try Programs for Reception to Year 3 students will continue next term for all those students who were nominated in Term 2. A reminder email will be sent during Week 1, Term 3.
Year 3 to 6 Sport
Our After-school Sports Program will continue next term, with games resuming in Week 2. Please check your email for updates.
A huge congratulations to Year 6 student Lottie, who represented East Adelaide at the SAPSASA Netball Carnival, and went undefeated, well done Lottie!
Also, Year 5 student Maia competed and won the Under 11 Oakbank Cross Country. This is an amazing achievement, with many students across the state participating. She is now in the State Team to compete at Nationals in Adelaide at the end of August. Well done Maia!

SACPSSA Cross Country Carnvial, Thursday week 3
Our Year 5/6 Knockout netball team will compete in the 2nd Round on Friday 29 July (Week 1) | |||
Knockout basketball will compete in the 1st Round on Monday 8 August (Week 3) | |||
SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival on Thursday 11 August (Week 3) |
Thank you to all parents, staff, students & coaches who have been involved in Primary Sport this year, your support is greatly appreciated. I will be going on leave next term and have handed over the running of Primary Sport to Ms Sarah Anderson. I have really enjoyed watching our girls compete and learn new sports. I wish everyone all the best for the rest of the year.
Ms Mel Potter
Primary Sport Coordinator
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
winter sport
As another exciting and busy term of sport draws to a close, I would like to say thank you to the many parents, old scholars, staff and students who have made this term a great success. A special thank you to the coaches for conducting weekly training sessions and organising teams on game days and also thank you to parents for scoring and timing for netball and lacrosse each week. This assistance is much appreciated and has added to the smooth running of sport at SAC.

Pink Round
On Saturday 25 June, the Catholic Girls Schools Sports Association hosted it’s annual Pink Round. Players were encouraged to ‘wear it pink’ to generate discussion around breast screening and show support for the 20,000+ women and men diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia every year.
Donations and proceeds from the Pink Round were donated to the Jane McGrath Foundation, funding the fantastic McGrath Breast Care Nurses who support individuals and their families experiencing breast cancer.
Our sport community really got around this great cause and banded together to raise awareness.

Term 3 Information
Our Winter season of sport continues in Term 3 with the final four rounds and finals still to be played. Please note that all netball, soccer and badminton training and games will recommence in Term 3 in Week 1 Saturday 30 July. Please refer to the weekly schedule & draws on the SEQTA Term 2/3 Sport Portal.
A friendly reminder of the SAC Sport Policies
- All players are required to attend all meetings, training sessions and games.
- If a player will be absent from a game or training a parent/guardian (not the player) must notify the appropriate Sport Coordinator via email, text message or phone call at the earliest possible time, preferably at least one day prior to the game or training session.
- If a student is absent from a training session or game and has not provided sufficient notification via the one of the above methods she will receive a warning. If this happens a second time the SAC behaviour guidelines will be applied.
- Students are required to be at all games at least 15 minutes prior to the starting time.
- Students are required to wear the full correct Physical Education uniform to, from and during sport, including training sessions.
- Students and parents must follow the St Aloysius College Sport - Code of Conduct for all SAC sporting events.
- Transport and supervision:
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for transport of their child to and from the sport venue. SAC staff or coaches will be supervising from 10 minutes prior to the game and until 10 minutes after its conclusion. Parents/Guardians are expected to be punctual and considerate of supervising staff.
- Parents/Guardians have provided contact phone numbers and emergency contact details to the school. Please ensure that these remain up-to-date so that parents/guardians/emergency contacts can be contacted quickly in an emergency.
- Parents/Guardians must collect their child/children from sport. Any other arrangements for the collection of children from sport must be notified in writing.
Why is it important to be on time to matches and training?
- To adequately warm up as a team allowing players to physically and mentally prepare for the physical activity ahead.
- So the coach can implement their planned game strategy or training session and not have to make last minute changes.
- To allow the coaches sufficient time to organise the scoring and timing of games by the parents who are rostered on that day.
Term 2 Knockout Sport
We have had a jam-packed term of knockout sport, with seven teams competing in the Statewide Schools Sports competition in soccer, basketball, netball, Australian Rules Football and volleyball.
Our Open Girls Knockout AFL team will be progressing through to the semi-final in Term 3. Whilst our other sides won’t be progressing any further, we are so proud of the way our girls have represented the College in these competitions and their commitment to their individual sport.
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator

AI Top 10 for Australia and New Zealand
Thousands of Australian and New Zealand high school students engaged in the challenge with almost 500 team submissions. Microsoft brought together a group of global leaders in technology and society to judge submissions. The Top 10 teams were recognised in a virtual announcement with Lee Hickin (Microsoft Chief Technology Officer; NSW Government AI Advisory and Review Committee and ICJ Ambassador) and Tiffany Wright (Director Education, Australia Microsoft) via Microsoft Teams.
Congratulations to Year 9 student Darcy who placed in the Top 10 in the Australian and New Zealand region. Her concept was an app for communication between teachers/schools and parents who speak English as a second language. The app uses pictures and translation to ensure that teachers and schools can communicate effectively with all parents.
Ms Joanne Villis
Digital Technologies Coordinator
It’s great to see our students leading innovative ideas with the aim to assist others.
SAC’s Arch D Leader
hearing and learning from some of the best podcast & radio producers in the world

Congratulations to Year 9 student Isabella, who represented St Aloysius College at the Arch D Leaders Day which focused on hearing and learning from some of the best podcast & radio producers in the world. It also focused on relationships with peers and facilitating a space to create something collaboratively with other student leaders and podcast producers from across the state. Year 9 student Scarlett, was also selected, however, was unable to attend on the day.
“It was great meeting new people from different schools. I met people who shared the same interests, and it was easy to connect. It was interesting but also a little stressful when we recorded a podcast with one take, no editing or repeated recordings.” Isabella (Year 9 Student)
Ms Joanne Villis
Digital Technologies Coordinator

SAC's Fencing Star!
Student achievemnt
Congratulations Sunday!

Congratulations to Year 5 student Sunday on her efforts in fencing (sword fighting) where she recently won a competition held by the Fencing Association of SA. Sunday won the Under 11s foil category and was over the moon! Pictured on the left after her comp, we can see Sunday with her winner ribbon.
Fencing is such an uncommon sport and it'll be great to see other students inspired by Sunday to give it a try! Did you know Fencing was one of the first sports to be played in the Olympics?
Bridget Tran
Year 10 Student
Young Mercy Leader Making a Difference

"For the last three months I have participated in the youth Governor's Leadership Foundation. As a part of this program, I have worked with five other students from around Adelaide with the non-for-profit Charity, Ronald McDonald House Charity SA which is a charity that supports and homes sick children around south Australia. Our mission was to attract more youth into the charity and spread awareness. To achieve this, we worked closely with the Ronald McDonald House Charity, to create three short videos interviewing people involved with the house. We had the opportunity to interview one of their youngest volunteers, a father of one of the children receiving support from the house, and the Head of Fundraising and Marketing. These videos shed light on the Charity's work- and shows people how they can get involved with this amazing charity."
Bridget Tran
Year 10 Student
A Joyous Occasion!
Celebrating the Sacraments of Confirmation & First Communion
The Sacraments of Confirmation & First Eucharist complete the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church. On Wednesday 22 June, sixteen Year 4 students, their sponsors and families gathered in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral to celebrate these sacraments. The candidates prepared with their class teachers and in a workshop day this term.
Our celebrant, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan assisted by Fr Anthoni Adimai and Deacon Paul Crowe, led the congregation Mass. In the Rite of Confirmation students renewed their Baptismal promises, firstly spoken for them by their godparents. They were anointed with the oil of Chrism, in their chosen Confirmation name with the words “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Students researched their named saints in preparation for this, and proudly wore the sash they had made with their special name. During this time, their sponsor placed their right hand on their right shoulder as a sign of support.

At Communion time, the candidates received the Body of Christ at their First Holy Communion. This moment in their faith journey signified their inclusion as fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. This commitment was witnessed by the whole congregation, especially their proud sponsor and families who then joined them in Communion. At the conclusion of the Mass, students received a special pin to remember this joyous occasion.
Congratulations to:
- Amilia Candotti
- Chloe Battilana
- Georgia Couch
- Alaysha Davey
- Eloise Deane
- Jasmine Luong
- Cielo Malapira
- Harper McLaughlin
- Daniela Monge
- Alexandra Nguyen
- Estelle Psarros
- Mia Maria Tammaro-Lopresti
- Gabrielle Tamondong
- Blythe Truslove
- Mollaidh Walsh
- Mila Zunic
Thank you to the Primary Choir and their angelic voices, to our readers Angelica Alfaro, Ceit Deane and Lisa McLaughlin, and College staff who assisted in many ways on the night. Many thanks to the families who made generous donations to Catherine House.
Further congratulations to Eloise, Daniela & Mollaidh who celebrated their Sacrament of Reconciliation on 20 June in the Cunningham Memorial Chapel.
Ms Sandra Sofia
Religious Education Coordinator (R-6)
From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services

“Colours of Australia”
The junior primary students have been exploring the beautiful collection of books by Bronwyn Bancroft, a First Nations author and illustrator. As they read through “Colours of Australia”, the students used a Nature Colour Wheel plate to make connections between colours in the books and in nature.
We looked at the Kaurna seasonal calendar and talked about Kudlila – Winter; when the Earth is washed. We shared ideas and things we wondered about after looking at the seasonal calendar.
Using natural materials, the students enjoyed connecting the colours in nature with the colours on their wheels. They appreciated the beauty in the natural materials, especially at this colourful time of the year, and extended their use of these objects to create their own natural artwork.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services Coordinator

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator

On the Tuesday evening of Week 8, the five Year 7 Music classes came together to perform for their family and friends, with each class performing as an ensemble, followed by duet and small group performances. The concert also included a performance by the Continuers Band, an ensemble comprising of students who had been part of the Immersion Program in the past. At the conclusion of the concert, all five classes performed an item together, producing a fantastic and energetic sound!
The concert was the culmination of the work done by all the classes during the Band Program, part of the Year 7 Music Course. In this program, students choose a woodwind or brass instrument and receive weekly tuition in a small group with a specialist instrumental tutor. They also come together with their class to form an ensemble.
This program provided an opportunity for Year 7 students to experience learning an instrument as part of the curriculum, and integrating listening, theory and reflection within the context of performance.
We congratulate all the students who performed and thank the Instrumental Tutors and Year 7 Music teachers who joined them on the night.

The following Sunday, the Music Department were excited to host the SAC Sunday Soirée, with three concerts featuring various instrumental and singing performances from a selection of our private music tuition students. This was an opportunity for students to perform the repertoire they had been working on with their tutors, and to share their music with parents, family and friends. Participation in the Soirée provided students with invaluable performance experience and a chance for them to be applauded for all their hard work and practice.
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator
It was wonderful to see the depth of up-coming talent with the junior and middle-school year levels. Congratulations to all involved!

Made it to the National Final in Sydney!
Congratulations to Year 12 student Rida, who won the State Final of the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition. Rida was one of eight students to have reached this final from an original field of 200 students. She spoke to the topic ‘War is Not the Answer’ and received accolades from not only the judges but from her fellow competitors, Rostrum members and the wider audience who heard her speak in the House of Assembly in Parliament House. We congratulate Rida and wish her well at the National Final in Sydney!
Ms Elizabeth Boylan
Religious Education (R‑12) Coordinator | Liturgies Coordinator

From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

The eSafety Commission is running free webinars for parents and carers of young people aged 13-18. These live webinars will give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
Registrations for the following webinars are now open:
- Monday 5 September @ 12.30 to 1.30 pm
- Wednesday 7 September @ 7.30 to 8.30 pm
The webinar will help parents and carers to understand online sexual harassment and image-based abuse, (non-consensual sharing of intimate images) and will cover:
- the difference between online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
- how to report online sexual harassment to social media companies
- how to report image-based abuse to eSafety and when to report to police
- where to get support if you feel upset or worried about something that has happened online.
You can choose to attend the webinar with your teen or share resources with them afterwards from the webinar package.
For more information, visit the eSafety Commission website or eSafety webinars for parents and carers for other 2022 webinars that will be offered on a broad range of topics.
St Aloysius College uniform policy - REMINDER
Thank you for your support of the St Aloysius College uniform policy. The school uniform is an important representation of our identity and we believe that students should wear it with pride. The image below provides a clear summary of our summer, winter, and PE uniform expectations.

Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
(Deputy Principal Pastoral Care)
From the Visual Arts Department

Visual Arts Coordinator
Paper Dresses on display in the Foyer Gallery
On display in the SAC Foyer Gallery is a wonderful exhibition of paper dresses designed and created by the Year 11 Design students. The girls were given the task to create a dress for a celebrity to wear to the Met Gala; the dress was to be only made only out of paper. We congratulate these students on the skill and creativity shown in their creations, each design is very unique and eye catching.
great skill and creativity shown in these stunning creations!

Learning from the masters!
During Week 9 a selection of Year 11 and 12 Visual Art students attended life drawing workshops at the Art Gallery of South Australia. These workshops were a great opportunity for our students to be taught by practising artist Elle Noir and to view a range of beautiful drawings from the Art Gallery's collection that are not usually seen by the general public.

An enriching opportunity - The Centenarian Portrait Project By Teenagers
Over the past six months two members of the St Aloysius community, Year 10 student Olivia and 2021 Graduate Molly Hambidge-Hay have been involved in an exciting art project, The Centenarian Portrait Project By Teenagers. They were part of a group of teenage artists from across South Australia that created portraits of 100 year old’s. It is part of a national portrait project launched by Social Art Enterprise Embraced Inc that aims to stop ageism and bridge the gap between the old and young members of our community. Each teenage artist was paired with a centenarian and over the last few months they met regularly. The beautiful artworks that resulted from this special interaction are on display at the Drill Hall at the Torrens Parade Ground until the end of June.
“Through every meeting I’ve had with Helene Silwedel, each one brought me closer to the way she sees the world. Thank you to Helene, the facility staff, and The Centenarian Portrait Project for giving me this enriching opportunity, and a new friend made.” Olivia (Year 10 student)

SAC Acknowledgement of Country Video
This NAIDOC Week, we are proud to be sharing our very own SAC Acknowledgement of Country with our community. Developed as part of our Reconciliation Action Plan, we have worked together with students, families and staff to bring this to life. It was a wonderful opportunity to share a glimpse of the Kaurna language our students and staff have been learning and to highlight the important cultural learning that takes place here, on Kaurna Country. May the learning continue.
To watch the SAC Acknowledgement of Country video, please click here or on the image below.

NAIDOC week 2022
What will you do to Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up?
#getup #standup #showup #alwayswasalwayswillbe

Year 11 Retreat
Enlightened, connected and sharing the Importance of Our Land

On Friday the 1st of July, the Year 11 cohort travelled to Sunnybrae Estate where we were exposed to the realm of indigenous culture. The retreat took a different approach from previous years. This year was the first year where Year 11s could partake in different traditional indigenous activities such as weaving, dancing, silk painting, the indigenous language, and a digeridoo workshop. We were also able to listen and learn from speeches about the personal stories of speakers Pilawuk White and David Booth.
A story that moved us was Pilawuk’s personal story about her experience with the stolen generation. For many of us, this was the first time we were confronted with the reality of Australia’s past actions against the indigenous community. Another featured speaker, David Booth, shared with us some of the Indigenous cultures he partakes in when welcoming non-indigenous individuals into their lands.
In participating in the water ceremony, we were enlightened about the importance of being connected to the land. With all of us bringing water from our homes to the ceremony everyone was connected to each other and the land, spiritually. Being given the opportunity to be immersed and educated in indigenous culture was a privilege.
Annaliese Hicks, Paige Forbes & Ava Gallina (Year 11 Students)