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- Select Secondary Sport Term 4
Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,
Our whole school assembly last Tuesday was the first opportunity to share our Acknowledgment of Country video with all students and staff. There was a genuine sense of pride in this work, capturing as it does voices and images of our students, staff and parents. There is great progress being generated by our Reconciliation Action Plan, and a small part of this is acknowledging Kaurna land in authentic ways at our whole school gatherings. Thanks to all who contributed to the development of this video.
Developed as part of our Reconciliation Action Plan, we have worked together with students, families and staff to bring the Acknowledgement of Country video to life
Academic Awards for secondary students were the focal point of the assembly, as well as recognising achievements in a range of curriculum extension activities. Following her success in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition, Year 12 student Rida gave a rousing address, calling on all students to seize the opportunities presented to them and make their voices heard. Congratulations to all the students who were presented with certificates and awards at this assembly.

The Justice and Mercy (JAM) group has been selling tea, coffee and chocolate for Fair Trade Fortnight in the Jordan Undercroft. Raising awareness about ethical choices is an important part of the work of JAM, and our senior students are leading the way in this endeavour. Thanks to all the students and staff who braved these chilly mornings to set up the urn and sell the fair trade goods, helping JAM to profile this issue.

The JAM group also welcomed back old scholar and former staff member Maddie Kelly at their meeting last Friday. Maddie has spent the last five years working at the School of St Jude in Tanzania. Having opened with just 3 students, St Judes now enjoys an enrolment of 1800. Maddie has loved being part of the school, helping to transform lives and fight poverty through education. Students of all ages were deeply moved and inspired by Maddie’s passion for making a difference in the world.

Speaking of making a difference, St Aloysius College was proud to be awarded 1st and 2nd place in the recent 2022 Catholic Education SA STEM MAD (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Making a Difference) Showcase, and will now represent CESA at the National Showcase in Melbourne in September. Congratulations to Year 11 student Imogen, whose app was designed to support students experiencing anxiety, and to Year 10 students Tilda, Emily and Sophie, whose app was designed to support people with Alzheimer’s Disease. These students were able to integrate their passion for justice with STEM skills to come up with some amazing ideas, and we wish them every success as they head to Melbourne.

Finally, I would like to thank all our parents and carers for your understanding as we have navigated the challenges of COVID once again in 2022. Minimising face-to-face meetings has meant we have not been able to build connection and relationship in the usual ways, and this has significantly impacted our newly enrolled families. We look forward to welcoming families to our Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Reviews and Year 11 and 12 Subject Selection Interviews later this term.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Incredibly fun, fascinating & uplifting!
Singing along with JAM Band!
Our Primary classes were so lucky to welcome the JAM Band last Friday. Providing an interactive and educational children's show and inspiring our students to develop confidence and self-esteem, this interactive performance was entertaining and uplifting! Students (and teachers) had a great time dancing and singing at the top of their lungs. Thanks for sharing your energy with us, JAM Band!

Students reflected:
“I liked all of the songs and how they changed them to do it in their own way. I liked how they used different instruments in the songs.” Ashely Phillis 5VT
“The JAM Band was so much fun. I loved getting up and dancing to all the cool songs.” Ruby O’Brien 3ID
“The JAM band was really fun! My favourite part was being part of the concert. I got to dress up like a sailor in blue and white and a bucket hat and talk in an Irish accent. I told everyone that the first thing I’d drink if I were ‘bound for South Australia’ would be a Farmers’ Union Iced Coffee!” Mattea Furnari 4PG
“It was a lot of fun because the music was boppy and I liked getting up and dancing to the music.” Paige Hallligan 2GC
"Their performance was lively, fun, and amusing. Participating in JAM Band’s performance as a volunteer unleashed my party animal side!” Laraib Jaffrey 5JA
"Many students enjoyed the activities and had no problem to join in and have some fun on that Friday morning. The performance had a lot of comedy and the audience, even the new Receptions, listened intently. We can assure you that this ‘concert’ was absolutely amazing." Nekeesha Jayasinghe & Charlize Dang (Year 5 Students)
"Friday's JAM Band performance provided an excellent opportunity for strengthening student self-confidence. Students from Reception to Year 6 participated in the performance by singing along to both known songs and unfamiliar songs learnt on the day. Selected students showed bravery and stepped out of their comfort zone by dressing in costumes to dance, act or speak in front of their peers as a part of the show." Ms Madeleine Binney (Music Teacher)
From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Vocational Education and training
Vocational education and training (VET) provides students with the skills and knowledge needed for work. It includes practical, hands-on learning, which suits many students. Studying VET as part of SACE enables students to get a head start on a qualification and encourages growth in transferable skills such as creativity, problem solving and critical thinking.
VET includes courses in areas such as:
- Trades and technical trade areas
- Early childhood education and care
- Aged care
- Tourism and hospitality
- Fitness and sport and recreation
- Information technology
- Business
Integral to a number of VET courses is structured work placement where students have opportunity to put their theory learning into practice in a work environment.
“Doing a VET course has opened a world of opportunities for me. I am currently completing a Certificate III in Hospitality and only have a couple of weeks left. Through this course I have met so many amazing people, learnt lots of new things, widened my hospitality knowledge and had a great experience working at the Coal Cellar and Grill located in the Hilton Hotel. My work placement at the Hilton Hotel consisted of eight weeks of work at the restaurant. With this placement I have gained real life experience with customers, organising food orders, and working under pressure. Both the placement and VET course were done out of school hours, so it didn’t interfere with my learning but has furthered my education.” Year 10 Student, Caitlin

Caitlin’s employer was so impressed with her work ethic and maturity that they have since offered her part time employment.
VET is available to students moving into Years 10, 11 or 12 in 2023 and enrolments are now open. Please speak to Mrs Stephenson if you are interested to find out more.
SATAC applications
SATAC applications are now open for Year 12 students intending to apply for university or TAFE courses in 2023. All applications should be submitted by the initial closing date of 30 September 2022 to avoid late fees. Once submitted, students may change their preferences until the change of preference deadline on 4 January 2023.
University entrance schemes
University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide will once again be offering the Year 11 Entry Pathway Scheme to Year 12 students graduating in 2022. This pathway offers current Year 12 students who meet eligibility criteria added peace of mind by giving them the opportunity to enter one of Adelaide University’s many undergraduate degrees based on their Year 11 results.
Students must have achieved at least A/B or IB-equivalent Year 11 grades to be considered for entry via this pathway.
This entry pathway is available to current Year 12 students from all South Australian schools.
How to apply
- Submit the online application form by 5:00pm Tuesday 23 August 2022
- Lodge your SATAC application with an eligible University of Adelaide degree in your preference list before 5:00pm Tuesday 23 August 2022.
Note: Adelaide University will assess your highest eligible University of Adelaide preference as at 5:00pm Tuesday 23 August under this scheme
- SAC will provide Adelaide University with your Year 11 subject results
- Early conditional offers will be made by the University directly to eligible applicants in late September 2022.
For more information visit: Year 11 Entry Pathway | Study at Adelaide | University of Adelaide
Flinders University

Due to the social and educational disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Flinders University will continue to offer the Year 11 Grades Admission Pathway for 2023 entry, in addition to the existing range of entry pathways.
The Year 11 Grades Admission Pathway which has been put in place to ensure that students who may have been put under pressure due to the difficulties of study under Covid 19, have every opportunity to apply for university and pursue the career they’ve always dreamed of.
Students undertaking Year 12 in 2022 will be able to apply. If successful, the pathway will provide an early conditional offer into study at Flinders University in 2023.
How to apply
Students will need to follow these simple steps:
- Investigate eligible courses
- Visit flinders.edu.au/year12 and complete the online form
- Apply through SATAC placing your preferred course as your first preference
- Conditional offers will be issued from September 2022
- Flinders will confirm your grade band details with your school by 30 November 2022
- Confirmed offers will be issued via SATAC in January 2023
Visit (flinders.edu.au) for more information.

As well as offering guaranteed entry by selection rank, UniSA also offer guaranteed entry by year 12 grades.
At UniSA you may have guaranteed entry based on your three best Year 12 subject grades for most of their degrees. If you achieve the grades and you put UniSA as your first preference, that’s it, you’re automatically in.
- Subjects need to be 20-credit Stage 2 Tertiary Admission Subjects (TAS)
- Students need to achieve a minimum ATAR of 50
- Students must meet any additional eligibility criteria including prerequisite subjects
More information can be found at: Year 12 entry - Study at UniSA - University of South Australia
Australian Defence Force Academy - Virtual Open Day

At the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) you’ll start learning to become an Officer while undertaking a fully funded degree from the University of New South Wales.
A rewarding career as an Officer in the Navy, Army or Air Force awaits you, with over fifty jobs to choose from. Once you start work, the benefits keep growing - with travel, unique experiences, a fulfilling lifestyle and no HELP debt.
Learn more about ADFA on Saturday 20 August at their virtual ADFA Open Day, or discover what’s happening at the ADFA Open Day in Canberra.
The MASA Annual Quiz Night
On Wednesday 10 August, the Maths Association of South Australia (MASA) ran their Annual Quiz Night across schools in South Australia.
Six teams from SAC attended Black Friars Priory, where we had teams compete in the three different divisions (Junior, Intermediate and Senior). The room buzzed with energy as our students engaged in solving mathematical challenges, jumbled words, Sudoku and answering General Knowledge questions.
A huge congratulations goes to all of our teams for their enthusiasm and camaraderie, and a special mention must go to our Year 12 team of Kalina, Mia, Alisha and Adie for winning the top prize of Best Overall Team for the Senior Division.
Ms Laura Flynn
Mathematics & Numeracy Coordinator

One young author, many inspired young writers!
year 4 students were delighted to welcome old scholar Nomiki Thomas - published author by the age of 13!
On Tuesday 16 August, old scholar Nomiki Thomas spoke with 4NP about her experiences in writing and publishing her own novel called “Goodbye”. The novel was a school project in Year 7 and Nomiki spent nine months writing the book, interviewing authors, illustrators and publishers. Ms Priest’s class enjoyed hearing about what was involved in the creative process. Nomiki has also been busy with public speaking engagements. The proceeds from the book are being donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Students were inspired to begin their own narrative writing. We can’t wait to read what Nomiki writes next.
Ms Nicole Priest
Year 4 Teacher

“What I enjoyed about Nomiki’s visit was that she told us all about how her book journey went and how she published it. I also liked the fact she told us some tips like red herring and cliffhangers for when we might write our own book.” Gabrielle Tamondong (4NP)
“Nomiki’s visit gave me inspiration to write my own book. I was very interested in her book and how she got it published. I was also interested in how she talked to authors and publishers.” Jayda Madi (4NP)

Colourful Collage Butterflies
Combining Science & the enthusiasm for art & colour

The Reception students have enjoyed creating colourful collage butterflies in excited preparation for Book Week next week. The Book Week theme for this year is “Dreaming with Eyes Open”. The artwork to support this theme has been beautifully illustrated by Jasmine Seymour, a First Nations author and illustrator. The Reception students combined their Science inquiry into materials and different types of textures with their enthusiasm for art and colour. Their efforts have resulted in eye-catching butterflies, emanating Jasmine Seymour’s artwork, to build anticipation in our library for next week’s celebrations. We are looking forward to a special week of author visits, fun activities in library sessions, competitions and the Book Week Parade for our primary students and Chancery Lane friends. Book Week is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading and the importance of stories in our lives.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

Year 10 STEM MAD finalist - Off to the State Finals!
working to make a difference in the world
STEM MAD is a STEM competition which uses the design thinking process to assist students to develop solutions to problems with a focus on making a difference in the world. Last semester, our Year 10 Digital Technologies class learned about the systems engineering process and design skills. They spent time researching various real-world problems that were important to them, identified a problem, then implemented a process of designing, prototyping, testing, and improving a solution. Two of our teams earned a spot in the state finals showcase for STEM MAD.

Imogen Robinson won first place in the state competition with her design of an Anxiety App to assist students who suffer anxiety in the classroom. She reflects: “The most memorable part of STEM MAD was being able to share my idea with others and learn about other people’s ideas and concepts! Talking to people who were so passionate about their concepts and being able to share my passion for mine was enjoyable!”
Our Year 10 finalist team consisted of Emily Leviton, Sophie Panaszek, and Tilda Treloar who placed second in the SA state competition with their Alzheimer’s Assistance App. Emily reflected on the experience: “Although it was challenging to decide what areas to focus on, we felt our idea was innovative and the process has developed all our STEM Skills. The experience of the static displays and opportunities to talk to experienced people working in areas of STEM really allowed us to gain confidence and develop our skills in public speaking and communication.”
Both teams will attend the national STEM MAD competition later this year.
It is great to have so many talented and passionate young engineers at SAC, working to make a difference in the world. Congratulations to Imogen, Emily, Sophie, and Tilda on your hard work and terrific achievements.
Mr Tom Cotton
Secondary Digital Technologies Teacher
From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Primary Sport Update
Welcome to Term 3 Primary Sport!
A lot has already been happening in the first few weeks with after school sports resuming, 'Come n Try' starting up for the Year 1s, 2s and 3s, our Year 5/6 Knockout Netball team played their second round of matches, the Year 5/6 Basketball team played their first round of matches and the Cross Country team were involved in the SACPSSA cross country event.

Year 5/6 Knockout Netball
The knockout netball team had been training hard once a week since their Round 1 win towards the end of Term 1. The team had to face St Peter’s Girls, Trinity Gardens PS and Concordia in their second round of matches on Friday 29 July. They fought hard all day and gave everything they had for the purple and gold!
They won the first game convincingly against Concordia (25-14). Next up was Trinity Gardens, who had beaten St Peter’s, so we knew that it was going to be a tough game. Trinity got off to a good start and in the end it was that start that gave them the victory. Our girls won the second half and showed that they had the ability and heart to match it with them (16-23). The last game was against St Peter’s and unfortunately we lost in a close one by a few goals (20-24).
We are so proud of the team for making it through to the second round. The integrity they showed and the never give up attitude that they displayed in all games was amazing. We are looking forward to seeing these girls represent SAC as they move into the secondary school.
Year 5/6 Knockout Basketball
On Monday 8 August our Year 5/6 Knockout team competed in the first round of competition. They were extremely successful, winning all of their pool round games convincingly and making it through to the grand final. They won the Grand Final 27-4 which puts them through to the finals in Term 4. Congratulations to all of the team and we look forward to seeing you do SAC proud in the finals.
Year 3-6 SACPSSA Cross Country
The weather held off for our Cross Country team to compete at the annual event on Thursday 10 August. All participants put in an amazing effort with special mention going to Year 5 student, Maia Burdon, who managed to place 2nd in her event which is no mean feat. Maia has also been selected to be a member of the School Sport SA Under 12 State Team to compete in the National Championships later in the year. Congratulations Maia, we are so proud of you!

Please keep your eye on e-mails for communication regarding primary sport. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, Sarah Anderson, at [email protected] and I will respond as soon as I can.
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator
State Theatre’s Play - Chalkface
“Bullying behaviour, tantrums and tough lessons are all part of a typical day at school – and that’s just in the staffroom!”
A huge group of Year 10 and 11 students saw State theatre’s play Chalkface. This hilarious comedy, explores the politics and hilarity of teaching. A farcical new black comedy from multi-award winning Australian writer Angela Betzien (Total Control, Mortido) and starring acclaimed actor Catherine McClements (Water Rats, Tangle, Wentworth), Chalkface shows us it’s never too late to change, and you’re never too old to learn, or laugh. Please watch this video for student reactions to the production.
Mr Tom Coultas
Drama Coordinator
Year 10 Retreat
Days of reflection at The Village Well at Aldgate
Year 10 Student Daniela Bagnato reflects:
"Between Tuesday 5th July and Wednesday 6thJuly, the Year 10 cohort went to The Village Well at Aldgate for our annual Retreat. It was a beautiful day centred around self-reflection. Activities we participated in included a walk around a giant Labyrinth with insightful stations, a clay meditation and mandala drawing. It was a wonderful day to step away from the school stress and spend some time reflecting on who we are as individuals, while also enjoying some food and activities with our friends."

Year 12 Legal Studies
Learning the practical aspect of dispute resolution in South Australia
The Year 12 Legal Studies students visited the Law Courts to observe how serious and minor criminal disputes are resolved in Australia. In the Supreme Court, the students witnessed a ‘not-guilty’ murder verdict being delivered by a judge relating to a murder charge from 2019 in Murray Bridge. Students also observed a witness giving evidence in a serious criminal trespass case in the District Court and some minor offences in the Magistrates Court.
Ms Lucyna Zwolski
Year 12 Legal Studies Teacher

STUDENTS reflect:
"In the Stage 2 Legal Studies course, we have learned about the judiciary’s role in interpreting and applying law. We were recently granted the opportunity to visit the courts to better understand the content we have learned in class. We watched several cases in the Supreme, District and Magistrate courts, and were able to apply the knowledge Ms Zwolski has taught us, to real-life circumstances. By viewing the defence’s attempt at casting doubt on the evidence given by the prosecution, as well as the judges' decision making, we were able to further understand the roles of different parties in the legal system. This visit has also exposed us to tensions within the legal system, such as the difficulty the jury may have in sifting through evidence, and the lack of diversity within the jury system. We thank those involved in organising this excursion and look forward to future opportunities such as this!" Banen Ahmady, Mahlet Negash, Sarina Najjar and Monique Oaks (Stage 2 Legal Studies students)
The Australian Geography Competition
Acknowledging the excellent results of our students!
Last term, some Year 8 Geography students tested their geographical skills and knowledge in the Australian Geography Competition. Around 70,000 students from all around Australia participated in this competition. Geography is such an important subject because it brings together the physical and the human dimensions of our environment, helping students to develop a deeper understanding of our world and the challenges it faces.
Congratulations to all the students who did exceptionally well in this competition, especially we would like to acknowledge the excellent results of four students:
- Chelsey-Ella Sachse received a Credit
- Sienna D’Arcy received a Distinction
- Imogen Vigor received a Distinction
- Alessia Giglio received a High Distinction, placing her in the top 10% of all students in Australia
Well done to everyone involved!
Ms Lucyna Zwolski

Alessia, Imogen & Sienna receiving their Australian Geography Competition certificates at the Whole School Assembly
Year 2 Chinese Drawings
Year 2 Chinese students were given the challenge to draw a doll and use Chinese characters they have learnt in Terms 1 and 2 to label and make sentences about their dolls.
Students reflected:
“I like that I can design the dolly and write their body parts in Chinese” Loenne 2SC
"It helped me remember animal body parts in Chinese.” Therese 2GC
"It was fun and I learnt the spelling words (Pinyin) well.” Sabina 2BM

Year 10 Languages Day
Opportunities to practise language skills and enjoy some cultural activities were the order of the day for the Year 10 Languages Immersion Day on Friday 12 August. The current students began the day with an expert panel of senior students who gave them the low-down on learning a language to Stage 2 and beyond, with lots of useful tips and anecdotes. Our French exchange student Eglantine gave them insight into the advantages of having a second or even third language, as well as some information about the life of a teenager in France. There were lots of questions, especially once the prospect of overseas study trips was launched.
For the rest of the day the students split into their specific language groups to enjoy a range of activities, from Eglantine cooking crêpes for the French students before the sun came out for a few rounds of pétanque and lunch at the French bistro. The Chinese girls explored different foods in Chinatown before enjoying craft activities, while the Indonesian students created Gamelan music before heading off to lunch. A pasta making workshop and lunch for the Italian students was followed by a trip to Rome, or rather the Sistine Chapel Exhibition in Rundle Place. Now we just need to go and see the real thing!
Ms Jane Mahar
Languages Coordinator

In another sign that life is returning to normal, SAC has hosted our French Exchange student Eglantine Andre for the past ten weeks. Organised through Student Exchanges Australia and New Zealand, Eglantine wanted to come and experience life in a different country where she could consolidate her English language skills. Swapping her long summer holidays, Eglantine tried her hand at some of the subjects not typically offered in French schools, such as Outdoor Education, as well as others that she had not chosen to study at home, like Visual Arts. Eglantine was also an invaluable help in the French classes here, sharing her stories and collaborating with the senior students as they approach their final exams. She was very surprised at how friendly and approachable teachers are here, and formed some good friendships with her peers. Eglantine has now returned home to France ready to start her new school year with many fantastic memories and experiences, but we are sure that this will not be her last visit to Australia.
exchange student Eglantine, reflects:
"During my time at SAC, I got the opportunity to experience many Australian school things. I decided to come to Australia to learn English better and to experience the Australian way of living as well as the experience of being away from my home, family and friends.
I had the opportunity to experience and participate in Year 9 and 10 Languages days. On these days, I did a presentation on escargots and crêpes and the history behind them and then showed them how to make them. I was able to play pétanque with both year levels, visit the Central Market, and eat at a French restaurant.
I had opportunities to give presentations on ‘Languages in France’, ‘What languages have offered me’, ‘Why France is France today’, the French Revolution and French politics. I also went to younger year levels to present to them about My Life in France. This was good as it gave me more English-speaking practice than I thought I was going to have.
I chose to study English, French, IPP, Art, Outdoor Ed, Society and Culture, Religion and Psychology. I particularly like Society and Culture, Outdoor Ed, Art and French. I found a big difference in every aspect of the school as it is less strict here and I liked how every student has a relationship with their teachers. I also liked how school hours are less in Australia and that I got to go home before 7pm.
I have really enjoyed my experiences in Australia and at SAC and I can’t wait to come back!"