Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Year 12 students are now fully focussed on their final assessments and exams and families are looking forward to the Year 12 Graduation Dinner later this month. It has been great to see our Year 11 students stepping up to be the senior leaders of the school. I would like to congratulate the Year 12 SRC Executive for 2023, as announced in the last newsletter, who will represent the College with pride in a range of forums.

received their senior badges from this year’s Year 12 Executive Leaders
This week we have also acknowledged two outstanding Year 11 students who have received awards. Teyah has won the Mercy Award for her commitment to First Nations justice, in recognition of her actions in implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), including Chairing the RAP meeting last term. Crystal received the Muriel Matters Award. The criteria for this award include involvement in democratic processes to make change, showing initiative beyond school-based activities and taking action with a degree of selflessness. Crystal has certainly exceeded these expectations and we are proud to nominate her as the SAC recipient of the Muriel Matters Award.

The connection between students of all ages through learning and leadership is one of the many strengths of a Reception to Year 12 learning environment. It was visible last week when Year 4 student Mariana brought in over 10,000 bread tags she had collected as part of the Bread Tags for Wheelchairs program. In celebrating this thoughtful action, Mariana was also able to see the Year 12 Design piece created by Elise, which was a dress created out of bread tags, featured as a part of the Year 12 Art and Design Exhibition in the front foyer. The dress is a stunning garment that makes an important statement about sustainable fashion, and Elise and Mariana are able to support and encourage one another in their work.

I hope you have had the chance to pass through our foyer gallery this week. The Year 12 Art and Design Exhibition is a stunning display of creativity and talent. Opened by old scholar Jayde Vandborg, now a graphic designer for Solstice Media, the pieces range from jewellery to paintings, architecture to costume design. Thank you to the many families who attended the opening last week and congratulations to all the Year 12 Art and Design students and staff on your achievements.

The Year 11 Drama class also created something very special last Friday, with an ensemble piece that intertwined a murder mystery with hilarious comedy. The Bold, The Young and The Murdered was a play that gave each of the actors a chance to shine, but more importantly, the sense of collaboration and connection that was evident in their performances was brilliant. Congratulations to Tom Coultas and the Year 11 Drama class on bringing together a very entertaining play.

Next week we will welcome nearly 100 students and their families who will join the College in 2023. As Catherine McAuley said, “A good beginning is of great importance”, so we put time and thought into preparing for these first visits to the College so that students leave here with a sense of excitement about the journey ahead. It will be our privilege to work in partnership with their families to ensure that each child and young person flourishes here at St Aloysius College.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
The Writers' Group Poetry Workshop
The Writers' Group team enthusiastically put together a poetry workshop for interested students from Years 4 and 5 to participate in at lunchtime. It was a wonderful opportunity for our older students to support the primary writers as they shared and developed their ideas. Students showed creativity as they constructed limericks, and then courage as they shared their efforts. Celebrating their results together was the highlight of the session. There are two more workshops planned and we look forward to these sessions being further chances for connection and achievement. A big thank you to the Writers' Group for showing leadership and commitment to sharing their passion for writing with younger students.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

A Cause Close to the Heart

Did you know that, on average, 57 Australians are diagnosed with breast cancer each week? That equates to 20,000 Australians each year, and it makes breast cancer the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. Many Australians, even if not diagnosed themselves, are likely to know someone who is or will be within their lifetime.
During the month of October, the St Aloysius College community recognised breast cancer awareness month, which culminated in our annual Pink Day. This is a fundraising and awareness raising event, with all proceeds supporting the Cancer Council; an organisation which aims to minimise the prevalence of cancer through successful prevention, quality treatment, support for patients and their families, and world-class research.
The first Pink Day at St Aloysius College was held in memory of Nicole Jacobs, a well-respected teacher in SAC’s Science faculty from 2008 until 2015. Nicole sadly died from breast cancer in June 2015.
Each year for Pink Day, all students and staff are encouraged to come to school dressed in the colour pink and bring along a gold coin donation. There are also a range of engaging and educational activities that students can choose to participate in to increase their knowledge about breast cancer and learn about some of the organisations, like Cancer Council, who are working to save lives.
One opportunity that students enjoyed this year was composing and decorating personal letters of support for breast cancer patients. People suffering from any forms of cancer may experience stages of loneliness, grief and anxiety, and it is the students’ hope that their letters of support will warm the hearts of those who are presently receiving treatment.
It’s not only the students’ words that are encouraging; their actions are having a tangible impact, too! On Pink Day, the SAC community raised $2111.90 for the Cancer Council SA’s Breast Cancer Fund. According to the Cancer Council, “…through a combination of prevention and screening, the survival rate for breast cancer now sits at 91 per cent—this is an increase from 25 years ago when it was just 75 per cent.” That is, in part, thanks to funds raised within the community through events like SAC’s annual Pink Day.
Another practical way that the SAC community has showed support this year is by sewing special bags that breast cancer patients can use after surgery to discretely carry a lymph node drainage container.
We thank the SAC Community for their ongoing support to raise awareness and funds in support of breast cancer prevention, research and treatment. The Justice and Mercy team will be accepting donations of sewn bags until the end of Term 1 next year, so please email [email protected] if you are interested in contributing. We continue to keep all members of our community who are affected by breast cancer in our minds and hearts.
- Breast Cancer Statistics in Australia | NBCF
- Cancer Council SA : Template TSF Breast Cancer Fund (
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team

Reading Mentor Program
sharing the joy of literature with young readers
Three years ago, as part of Communities of Practice, a mentor program was developed with an aim to offer more reading practise for young readers in Year 5, and some eager Year 10 students were eager to take on the role as mentors. Year 12 students, Tara and Adie, have followed through with the Reading Mentor Program through the past three years, offering encouragement and wise tips, and sharing in the joy of literature with young readers. We are so very grateful for so generously giving their time for this project.
The Year 12 mentors and Year 5 readers reflect on the Reading Mentor Program:
"For the past three years we've had the opportunity to visit younger students once or twice a week and listen to them as they read. This has been such a rewarding experience, and it's been fantastic to see these girls' confidence and reading skills blossom throughout the year. Thank you once again for this amazing opportunity, and all the best for the future!"
Adie (Year 12 Student)
"Since 2020, I have been reading with various students from Year 4 and Year 5. We would sit together for fifteen minutes once a week and practise pronunciation and reading aloud. This allowed students to become more confident in their reading, helping them to improve work in class and activities outside of school. I have really enjoyed this experience as I made great connections with some of the younger students and improved my own abilities to communicate and teach ideas." Tara (Year 12 Student)
"I enjoyed reading to Adie this year. Last year I had Tara practising with me, which was great too. They have been helpful and nice. I want to wish them the best of luck for their future." Anuki and Alana (Year 5 Students)
Ms Judith OLoughlin

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Ingenuity Adelaide
Recently, all Year 9 students visited the Ingenuity exhibition held at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Ingenuity features a range of interactive, STEM-focused activities. It provides an insight into the variety of career opportunities available across architecture and built environment, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
SAC students attended an engaging information session and then had time to browse the array of projects exhibited. University students presented their work to school-aged students who were interested to learn more about studying STEM programs at the University of Adelaide. Bringing together all the faculty's teaching disciplines across the twelve schools under the one event banner, Ingenuity delivered a collective showcase of over 300 student projects, information displays and achievements.

Life in the Uni Lane
This year, Life in the Uni Lane was designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to experience Flinders University through an exciting and practical program focusing on STEM, Sport & Fitness, Creative Arts, Nutrition and Health.
SAC students had a great day with opportunity to tour Flinders University and to take part in a range of interactive workshops including:
- Rollercoaster construction
- A visit to the brain and cognition laboratory
- Mapping and connection from the department of Humanities and Social Sciences
- CPR with Paramedic students

Coaching Collective
Last week saw commencement of the 2022 Coaching Collective program. It is a program that aims to encourage career exploration whilst offering students across two different year levels opportunity to work collaboratively.
Year 3 students were excited to be paired with year 8 students who will be coaching and offering support to create a visual presentation about a specific job. We are thankful to all year 8’s who voluntarily participate in the program and gain immense leadership and communication skills whilst doing so.
In the first session year 3 students participated in getting to know you activities with their year 8 coaches. They dressed up in career-related costumes and will commence research on their particular job. It was an exciting time for everyone and we look forward to flourishing relationships as their journey together progresses.

Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator
Year 11 Drama Night
During Week 3, our talented Year 11 Drama class performed The Bold, the Young and the Murdered – a comic soap opera parodying the typical style of TV soap operas from the 1980s. A blend of mystery and beautifully bold, the class took on this challenging script and performed with energy and enthusiasm to an enthusiastic audience! Thank you to all who came to support the students.
Mr Tom Coultas
Drama Coordinator

Hot Shots Tennis Day
On Wednesday 26 October, 24 Years 3 and 4 students enjoyed a day out at the Hot Shots tennis competition at Millswood Tennis Centre. The day involved promoting the game of tennis to young players using smaller sized courts and racquets and red balls. Each Hot Shots team was comprised of four players and there were non-stop mini tennis matches played against other schools. The students played doubles, with different partners each round, and singles matches, and it was really pleasing to see the great hitting throughout the day.
Tennis helps children to develop speed, strength, and agility. The girls displayed enthusiasm and good sportsmanship throughout the competition. Emphasis was placed on maximum participation, learning new skills and court etiquette. All three SAC teams won the tennis dancing round, displaying wonderful multi-tasking abilities! We hope the girls will continue on with their tennis and join a local Hot Shots tennis program at a nearby club.
Ms Sarah Eaton
Physical Education Teacher

SAC Short Story & Poetry Competition
'Celebrating our Mercy Values'
'Celebrating our Mercy Values’ was the theme for our SAC Short Story and Poetry Competition this year. Students across the school entered writing reflecting on our values of Compassion, Courage, Respect, Justice, Hospitality and Service. This year we also had the honour of awarding the inaugural Neville Stapleton Poetry Awards. Gifted by the family of our much-loved staff member who passed away earlier this year, the awards were to the winning poetry entries from students from Years 10 – 12 (Senior) and Years 7 – 9 (Middle School).
Congratulations to the following students whose entries won in their division:
- Clelia Carbone (5VT) – Primary Poetry
- Sophia Barbara (7RK) – Middle School Short Story
Congratulations also to Eleanor Buckham (10EH) and Myf Hardy (7RK) whose poetry attracted a special mention from the judges.
The Neville Stapleton Poetry Awards will be presented in assemblies later this term.
Ms Genevieve Pelekani
English Coordinator

A Special Farewell
As we send off our Seniors, we say a special farewell to two courageous young women. Christine and Angela joined the SAC community in 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. We would like to celebrate their resilience and persistence. Transitioning into a new cultural environment is challenging, especially during a time of such uncertainty. Christine and Angela wish to pursue further studies in Psychology and Nursing, and we wish them all the best for their upcoming exams and future endeavours.

Just Chemical Fun!
Neutralisation with indicators making rainbows of colour
It’s not ALL hard work in Year 11 Chemistry – just most of the time! When exploring neutralization reactions, we found that sometimes it was a case of a colourless solution of acid reacting with a colourless solution of base, to form a colourless solution of some type of salt and water – not easy to observe! We then worked out that neutralization is always an exothermic reaction and so can be detected by its temperature increase; but even prettier was the following of the neutralization reaction using a single acid-base indicator, or a mixture of several. Universal indicator gave us some great colour changes, as we started with either excess acid or base and added its chemical opposite in careful proportions. Check out Bridget’s test tube (third from the left) in which she has managed to create a rainbow. She capitalised on the apparent lower density of the acid solution and carefully added it as an upper layer, deliberately restricting their mixing. They then began to diffuse into each other, react and create the graded rainbow you can see.
Ms Sandra Eustace
Chemistry Teacher

What students thought Chemistry would look like when they chose it as a Senior Subject!
Origami Lessons Together!

It was wonderful to see the SiA sisters from 5JS with the new Reception students working together during a Chinese lesson. Reception students are learning about farm animals and the SiA sisters were very helpful by teaching them how to fold a paper cow and write in Chinese characters.
The Reception students loved this activity and wanted more!
Ms Elaine Angwin
Chinese Teacher

Continuing the Storytelling of our History

Styling the uniform
The school uniform was introduced in the 1930s and regulations were strictly enforced with dresses worn below the knee and even the sports tunic had to touch the ground when kneeling. The 1960s and 70s saw a more progressive society and this was reflected in the uniform styles. Students ‘tweaked’ the uniform to match the fashion trends. ‘Witches britches’ were worn under uniforms and there was a craze for making the winter beret stand up higher by stuffing it to add height. In 1967, a new summer uniform was introduced for business course and matriculation students, consisting of a white knee length dress with white jacket. The winter uniform in a houndstooth material didn’t take on. The 1968 winter uniform saw the end of ties, hats and gloves, however the summer uniform with its short mauve dress was accompanied by a small hat that was more of a fashion accessory than providing any sun protection.
Ms Carol Grantham
Head Archivist

Christmas Hampers 2022
It’s that time of year again! Our friends at the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons are asking for donations of items listed in this poster. Please do not bring toys in poor condition or food items that are nearing expiry. Please place all donated goods inside the containers in the front foyer. We ask you to take note of items the Centre does not need, and also, please do not gift-wrap your donations. Thank you for your support with this annual initiative.