Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Welcome to the 2023 school year. I would like to extend a special welcome to the many new students and families who have joined us at St Aloysius College this year. We hope that in these first few days and weeks, you will experience the warmth of Mercy hospitality that quickly enables our students and their families to feel a sense of connection and belonging.

At our first whole staff gathering last week, we reflected on our appreciation for the opportunity to gather together, given the challenges of COVID restrictions. The Liturgy Committee has chosen the theme of “Blessings” for our Masses and liturgies this year. We recognise the complexity of this theme and acknowledge that the hardship and loss experienced by many of our families in the last few years can make it difficult to feel grateful at times. Our Christian tradition provides many ways to deepen our experience of gratitude, such as the Daily Examen, a Jesuit model of prayer that we use with our secondary RE classes. We know we have much to be thankful for and we commit ourselves to finding authentic ways to express our gratitude in the course of 2023.
Students, staff and families were impressed with the excellent results achieved by the Year 12 Class of 2022. In this newsletter, you will find a summary of the results presented by Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning), Jacqui Jury. Every student successfully completed the SACE, with one third of the cohort achieving an ATAR over 90 and 55% achieving an ATAR over 80. Special congratulations to Dux of the College, Alisha, who achieved an ATAR of 99.7. Congratulations to Roshani (99.4) and Pari (99.2) who also achieved an ATAR over 99, placing them in the top 1% of Australia. More detail on the outstanding results from the Class of 2022 can be found in the pages of this newsletter. We look forward to celebrating with the graduates and their families at the Dux Assembly, which will be held on Friday 17 February.
Welcome to New and Returning Staff
We are pleased to welcome: Shane Meegan (Science Teacher), Amanda Tan (Science Teacher), Lilian Shan (Mathematics Teacher), Kiara Schonberger (HASS Teacher), Chelsey Webb (English/ HASS/ RP Teacher), Timothy Edwards (Mathematics Teacher), Stacey Nolan (Inclusive Education Coordinator), Angus Oosterbroek (Digital Technologies Teacher), Tahlia Gallina (Mathematics Teacher), Abbey Bowman (Science Teacher), Daniela Nudo (Year 1 Teacher), Michaela Farrugia (Year 5 Teacher), Demi Williams (Languages/English/RE Teacher), Aaron Casey (Year 6 Teacher), Inge Wishart (Year 6 Teacher), Sara Gorroick (Teacher-Librarian), Ryan Moon (ICT Manager), Ella Angel (AFL Trainee), Linh Nguyen (Mathematics Teacher) and Georgia Lawrence-Doyle (English/HASS Teacher).
Holiday Works
Another busy holiday period for the Maintenance Team saw the completion of resurfacing and soundproofing the stairwells in the Redden Centre. The Wakefield St frontage had a refresh along with many learning areas across the school. The kitchen facilities in the Staff Room also had a well overdue makeover, providing a pleasant space for staff to enjoy. The Expressive Arts Centre has been made more accessible for all people, with direct entry on the ground level into the theatre. We are so gratefully to the Maintenance Team members, Matt and Tony, for their continued hard work over the holidays.

This Newsletter enables us to share with our community the huge variety of activities taking place in the College each week. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope that you will enjoy finding familiar faces and places included throughout the year. Wishing you all every blessing for the year ahead.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
Welcome to the start of a new school year, especially to the new students, families and staff who are joining St Aloysius. It is an exciting time for students whether they are starting school for the first time, starting a new year level or commencing their final year of schooling. My hope for every student is that they achieve their personal best and embrace the learning and opportunities that will enable them to flourish this year.
The Class of 2022 achieved phenomenal results. Congratulations to our College Dux, Alisha who achieved an ATAR of 99.7. Congratulations also to Roshani (ATAR 99.4) and Pari (ATAR 99.2), placing all three students in the top 1% of Australian students.

Our students received 58 A+ grades with 28 Merits awarded across 8 subjects including: Ancient Studies, Digital Technologies, English, English Literary Studies, Legal Studies, Modern History, Research Project and Society and Culture.
Some of the highlights from the class of 2022 include:
- 100% SACE Completion
- 21% percent of students achieved an ATAR over 95, placing them in the top 5% of all Australian students.
- 33% of students achieved an ATAR over 90, placing them in the top 10% of all Australian students.
- 22% of students achieved an ATAR over 80, placing them in the top 20% of all Australian students
- Over 50% of our Year 12 students achieved an ATAR over 80, placing them in the top 20% of all Australian students.
- 49% of all subject grades were A grade
- 88% of all grades were A or B grades
- 99% of all students who applied for university received a First-Round offer.
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and all their teachers!

School Diary
The student diary is an important tool for communication between school and home, as well as a place to record homework and due dates for assignments. Teachers will check the diary regularly and we ask you to check and sign the diary at least once a week. The diary is an invaluable tool to help students develop their organisational skills.
Homework is an essential part of the study program at St Aloysius College, helping to develop learning patterns, reinforce class learning, develop study skills and provide opportunities for revision, reading and completion of ongoing assessment tasks. Students are expected to complete homework set by their teachers. Teachers are also very conscious of the many demands on students, recognising that homework should not deny students the opportunity to spend time with their family, friends or engage in other interests. Students should be able to develop the ability to incorporate homework into their lives in a balanced way. Communication with the subject teacher from parents or caregivers is needed if students have been unable to complete homework.
Teachers understand that difficulties completing tasks can arise. In these circumstances, early communication of difficulties is strongly encouraged. If an assignment cannot be completed by the due date, then an extension should be requested. Students in Year 11 or 12 who are absent on the day of a test or exam due to illness may require a medical certificate. In situations where students are experiencing significant challenges with schoolwork, or if students are likely to be absent for more than a few days, students and/or parents should contact their daughter’s Home Class teachers and/or subject teachers as soon as possible.
Additional information regarding meeting deadlines, time management and eligibility for special provisions can be found in our Work Completion Guidelines.
If you have any questions about the curriculum at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)
From the Deputy Principal (Administration)

Deputy Principal (Administration)
As we commence the school year, I would like to extend a warm welcome back to all of our returning students and families. A very special welcome also to our new students and families beginning at St Aloysius College.
We are lucky enough to celebrate and provide opportunities for our students across the year, and it is worthwhile to take some time to scroll through some of the dates highlighted in the calendar so that you can plan ahead for some key events.

‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening for Reception to Year 7 Parents
‘Meet the Teacher’ evening is being held at the College on Wednesday 8 February from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. This is an opportunity for Reception to Year 7 parents and caregivers to meet their daughter’s Home Class teacher in their classroom and to hear about the year’s program and special features.
Year 3 Parent Information Session re Laptop Program
At 6:00pm on Wednesday 8 February, prior to the Meet the Teacher Evening, we will be holding an information session for Year 3 parents about our one-to-one laptop program. The session will include details about how the Surface Pro devices will be used in the education program, cyber safety, safe use and protection of the device and data and coverage for accidental loss or damage. The session will be held in the McAuley Auditorium.
Security and Visitors’ Badges
St Aloysius College, in line with many other schools and businesses, requires all people coming onto the school property during the school day to first report to the SAC Office in the main foyer to sign in and to wear a visitor’s badge whilst on the school property. This procedure operates from 8:45am to 3:00pm. During the school day it is usually only possible to enter the property through the Wakefield Street doors. If you are in the school grounds without a badge you will be asked to immediately report to the SAC Office. Please do not try to rush past the SAC Office desk without getting a visitor’s badge, even if the staff are a little busy, as the safety of students is very important to us and unidentified strangers pose a serious threat to everyone. Whilst we are sorry if this practice inconveniences parents and visitors coming to the College, we hope you will understand our reasons for implementing this procedure - the safety of our students.
St Aloysius College will continue to follow the advice of our governing bodies and SA Health regarding our approach to COVID-19 and its potential impact on school events and other practices. We will continue to communicate with parents and caregivers as such needs arise.
As per SA Health guidelines, to reduce the risk to others, if a student test positives to COVID-19, they should:
- Stay home until their acute symptoms have cleared (usually 5 to 7 days)
- If they must leave the house, wear a mask when indoors or on public transport
Please note that all positive cases must be reported to SA Health and families must inform St Aloysius College – this can be done via the link on the SEQTA Engage Welcome Page or by contacting the SAC office.
Collaborative systems:
If you are yet to set up your parent/caregiver accounts on SEQTA and Consent2Go, or viewed our social media platforms, please select the relevant tabs below.
St Aloysius College uses SEQTA as a learning management system to enable greater collaboration between school and home. The SEQTA platform consists of three integrated portals:
- SEQTA Teach for teaching staff
- SEQTA Learn for students
- SEQTA Engage for parents and caregivers
The portal allows parents and caregivers a snapshot into the lessons taught for the day, homework set, upcoming assessments, feedback and rubrics on marked assessment tasks, and formal academic reports.
If you are new to the College this year, or a current parent/caregiver yet to set up your SEQTA login, you should have received a separate ‘Welcome to SEQTA’ email. Please follow the prompts in the email to set up your account.
Click here for further information, including the SEQTA app details along with login and user guides.
Starting in 2023, we will be utilising Consent2Go - a digital solution that easily enables you to accurately keep and update your child’s health records and provide consent for school events, excursions and camps in a secure and timely manner.
If you are new to the College this year, or a current parent/caregiver yet to set up your Consent2Go account, you will receive a separate ‘Student Profile Update Invitation’ email. This email will be sent from: St Aloysius College - [MCBSchools] [email protected] so please ensure you look out for this in your inbox. Please follow the prompts in the email to set up your account.
Click here for further information, including an introduction to Consent2Go and FAQs.
SAC on Social Media
I hope that this is a successful year for all of our students and their families and I look forward to meeting you all at the various events throughout the year.
Mr Nick Tattoli
Deputy Principal (Administration)
SAC School Uniform Information

School Terms
Tuesday 8:15am – 11:30am
Wednesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday 8:15am – 11:30am
Opening times are advertised in the SAC Newsletter prior to the end of each term. Entry is via the Angas Street gate.
- Uniforms can also be purchased from our Online Shop.
- Click here to view detailed information re the SAC School Uniform.