Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

I hope that your first fortnight of 2023 at St Aloysius College has been an exciting time of growth in friendships, confidence and connection. As I spoke to parents in the courtyard before and after school, it certainly sounded like the year has begun well, and as Catherine McAuley would say, “a good beginning is of great importance”!

At our Opening Mass, we reflected on the theme of Blessings, taking time to recognise all the people and moments we feel grateful for in our everyday lives. Father James McEvoy offered a blessing over the whole community, and in a special way blessed the senior student leaders for 2023. We wished them well as they take on their important role as models of Mercy, who live out our values in all that they do.

In my role as Principal, I often hear about the amazing achievements of our old scholars. I wanted to share two recent examples:
- Tegan Brink (dux of 1996) was appointed Australia’s High Commissioner to South Africa, following a distinguished career in Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, Geneva and New York. At the 2014 Dux Assembly, Tegan spoke to the students and graduates about three features of her education at SAC she valued most highly: the active manifestation of the Mercy ethos, the quality and commitment of teachers and the international dimension of her education, which encompassed a diverse student population, language learning and exchange programs. We are so proud that Tegan has gone on to make her mark in the world of foreign affairs.
- Tammy Nguyen (Class 0f 1992) travelled to Vietnam during the holidays, spending time at an Orphanage run by the Sisters of Mercy. In addition to caring for children, the Sisters also educate disadvantaged children from Reception to Year 5. Tammy and her family help to support this work and provided some second-hand Surface Pros to be used by the older students.
What struck me in both of these stories is the strong sense of purpose and commitment to justice that Tegan, Tammy and many other graduates bring to their lives beyond school. Whatever pathway their lives take when they graduate, their experience of living by Mercy values continues to drive them forward. We are so proud of their ongoing commitment to make our world a little “less cold and more just”, as Pope Francis once said.

Thanks to the many Reception to Year 7 parents who attended our Meet the Teacher evening on Wednesday. The strong partnership between home and school is central to student success, and we appreciate you making time to connect with us at the College. We look forward to working together to enable every student to flourish.
Ms Paddy McEvoy

From the Catherine McAuley Library
The first week back at school is always an exciting time for students. For our newest students, it’s extra exciting to come up to the library for their first visit and look at all the stories and adventures waiting on the shelves. As our Reception students begin their school chapter here at SAC, our library team extends to them the same commitment we have to all our students. We love to share stories with you. We love to inspire you with new book suggestions for your own reading choices. We love to support you in your research, your exploration of new ideas and discovering more about the world around you. We are here to help, and we look forward to seeing all our students sharing the library with the joy we witnessed from our new Receptions in their inaugural library visit last week.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

2023, A Year of Blessings
There has been much to celebrate already this year. We were fortunate to begin 2023 together on campus, as opposed to some cohorts learning online, which is how the 2022 school year began. The past few years have delivered significant challenges to many communities and ours is no exception. But, in the spirit of courage, one of our Mercy Values, we move into the year ahead with hope and confidence that things can and will continue to improve.
We are recognising 2023 as the Year of Blessings at SAC.
Elizabeth Boylan, Faith and Mission Coordinator, says, “we have chosen to focus on blessings in our lives, which includes but is much more than gratitude. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness but some of us have more for which to be grateful than others, and you cannot return something you have never received. Sadly, not everyone is a recipient of kindness.”
Henri Nouwen, Catholic priest, writer and theologian, said that “the act of blessing is one that affirms, touches the original goodness in another person, let’s another person know that they are beloved by God.”
When we can see the blessings around us, we can be a blessing to others.

Being a blessing to others is something that everyone at SAC can do. One simple and effective way for students to be a blessing to others is by participating in our new Mercy Matters program, which will be launched for students over the next few weeks.
Mercy Matters is a community service program that aims to encourage students to experience the personal growth and enrichment that flows from making a difference to those in need. Mercy Matters promotes works of Mercy as well as discussion and reflection on this experience.
As Mercy foundress, Catherine McAuley, observed, “The proof of love is deed” and the call to love is at the heart of our Christian faith and Mercy mission. Indeed, it is at the heart of our humanity.
All students from Year 7 to Year 9 will participate in Mercy Matters by immersing themselves in the varied justice and mercy initiatives accessible at SAC.
This program will help students to build connections with other students and staff as they practice the Mercy Values of justice, compassion, hospitality, respect, service and courage. In doing so, we know that our students will be a blessing to others, and we hope that they will feel joy for having done so.
Being a blessing to others, of course, extends beyond the Mercy Matters program at SAC. In this Year of Blessings, we reflect on the knowledge that people’s lives can be hard and present many challenges, and that we don’t always have a lot to be grateful for. It is in these times that the blessings of community and solidarity, which we strive to build at SAC, can sustain us.
We look forward to celebrating many blessings with you in 2023, and we wish you and your family a blessed year ahead.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team
From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Entry to Medicine/Dentistry 2024
Quick Facts:
The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is a 2-hour computer-based test that assesses a range of abilities identified by universities as important in practicing in the fields of medicine, dentistry, and clinical sciences.
You are required to sit the UCAT ANZ 2023 test (between 3 July and 12 August 2023) if you are intending to apply for entry in 2024 to a relevant course or program listed below:
The University of Adelaide | Medicine, Dental Surgery, Oral Health |
Central Queensland University | Medical Science (Regional Medical Pathway provisional entry to UQ) |
Charles Sturt University | Dental Science, Medicine (Joint Program in Medicine) |
Curtin University | Medicine |
Flinders University | Clinical Sciences / Medicine |
Flinders University | Dental Health Science |
Monash University | Medicine |
The University of Newcastle / University of New England | Joint Medical Program |
The University of New South Wales | Medicine |
The University of Queensland | Medicine (provisional entry), Dental Science |
University of Southern Queensland | Medicine Pathway (Provisional entry to UQ MD, Darling Downs-Southwest Medical Pathway) |
University of Tasmania | Medicine |
The University of Western Australia | Medicine (Direct Pathway), Dental Medicine (Direct Pathway) |
Western Sydney University | Medicine |
The University of Auckland (NZ) | Medicine |
University of Otago | Medicine, Dentistry |
- Students are encouraged to browse University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand (UCAT ANZ) | UCAT ANZ Consortium to find out more browse details about the Test Format | UCAT ANZ Consortium
- Read the essential Preparation Resources | UCAT ANZ Consortium to become familiar with the test
- Practice Tests | UCAT ANZ Consortium are to assist students in familiarising themselves with the type of questions they can expect to see in the test. Completing practice tests is a vital part of preparation for the UCAT

There are two upcoming information sessions at SAC to assist students interested in medicine, dentistry and clinical sciences:
Seminar/workshop introducing UCAT hosted by Fraser’s Medical
(Tuesday 21 February)
1 – 1.45pm in the McAuley Auditorium.
This workshop is suitable for students in Year 10, 11 or 12.
Exploring course options for Medicine in Adelaide, hosted by the University of Adelaide and Flinders University.
(Friday 10 March)
12.15 -1pm in the McAuley Auditorium.
Suitable for students in Year 11 or 12.
Work Experience 2023
At this time of the year all students in Year 10 are preparing to secure placements for work experience. Work Experience is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain an insight into the world of work and provides some unique possibilities for personal development.
We invite families and friends of SAC to make contact with Ms Julie Stephenson (Work Experience Coordinator) if you, or the organisation in which you work, can offer a placement to support one or more students. We are appreciative of workplaces who so generously host students as a gesture of goodwill while sharing their knowledge of a career area with a young person.
Year 10 students spend considerable time during Personal Learning Studies lessons to prepare for placement, including understanding of occupational health and safety and workplace requirements. As always, we look forward to visiting students out in the workforce in Term 2 where they so often thrive and shine.
From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
2023 Sacraments Information

Students at St Aloysius College have an opportunity to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation from Year 3 and Confirmation and First Eucharist from Year 4. Students will learn about these sacraments through the Religious Education program with their teachers and will attend a one-day workshop at school. Students will then celebrate their sacraments in the Adelaide Cathedral Parish or in their own parishes. Parents are required to attend a meeting leading up to the celebration to participate in the family preparation. If you wish for your daughter to be prepared for these three important Sacraments this year, please click here to access a letter and complete the form, and return it to me (Ms Isabella Deluca) by Wednesday 22 March, 2023. Please note your daughter must be baptised Catholic in order to celebrate these Sacraments.
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
Primary School students will celebrate Shrove Tuesday on the 21st of February by enjoying some pancakes with their class. If you are a registered volunteer on the SAC database and would like to help cook pancakes, please email me (Ms Isabella Deluca) [email protected]. Volunteers would be required from 8:30am - 9:45am.
Please click here to access the Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday Letter and further information about Project Compassion or if you would like to donate online, please visit the Caritas Australia website at: Project Compassion | Donate Now | Caritas Australia

From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)
At St Aloysius, we have a proud tradition of working to nurture student leadership across our school in a wide range of areas. One of those includes our Student Representative Council (SRC), which is a formal group of students, elected by their peers to represent them and their points of view.
As an SRC, students facilitate leadership and decision making by bringing important issues to the notice of the school community, as well as organising whole school events and taking on additional responsibilities.
We congratulate our 2023 SRC members, a strong group of passionate and energetic young leaders.
Congratulations to the following students:
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
(Deputy Principal Pastoral Care)

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
Welcome to another wonderful year of Music at St Aloysius College. Music forms an integral part of the College community and provides students with opportunities to form new friendships, gain valuable life-skills, and contribute to the school community in a variety of ways. In addition to Music in the R-12 curriculum, St Aloysius College offers students the opportunity to take up individual tuition on a range of instruments and join various musical ensembles.
Why should students learn a musical instrument?
A wealth of recent research supports the fact that learning an instrument for an extended period of time has the potential to impact all aspects of a student’s intellectual and emotional intelligence. This extends beyond the music curriculum and may impact on a child’s capacity to achieve across all curriculum areas. Such studies have demonstrated that participating in a strong music program assists students to develop not only musical skills, but concentration, group cooperation, literacy, responsibility, self-esteem and confidence. Learning a musical instrument and participating in musical ensembles engages students in activities which develop higher-order thinking skills, executive functioning skills and creative problem-solving abilities. It’s also fun and a great way to meet new people! Instruments available for tuition at SAC in 2023 include:
Acoustic Guitar | Flute | Violin |
Electric Guitar | Clarinet | Viola |
Bass Guitar | Oboe | Cello |
Drum Kit/Percussion | Saxophone | Double Bass |
Piano | Trumpet | Harp |
Voice | Trombone | French Horn |
Lessons will be offered for 30 minutes per week during school time. Times are generally negotiated with the individual instrumental teacher so that lessons are on either fixed or rotating timetables, as appropriate. 2023 Instrumental/Vocal Tuition Application Forms with all details are available for collection from the Front Office, on the SAC website, or your daughter may collect a copy from the Music Department.
Ensemble playing gives students the opportunity to learn a vast array of repertoire while experiencing the fun and satisfaction of rehearsing and performing as part of a group. Students also use the opportunity to expand upon the techniques learned in private lessons. We encourage all students learning an instrument to participate in at least one ensemble at the school.
Ensembles offered are:
- Primary/Junior Choirs (Years 3-6)
- Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir (Years 5-6)
- Middle School Choir (Year 7-9)
- Senior Choir (Year 10-12)
- Catch 22 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (audition required)
- Junior String Ensemble
- String Quartet (audition required)
- Orchestra (Years 7-12)
- Flute Ensemble
- Primary Concert Band
- Primary Guitar Ensemble
- Concert Band (Years 7-12)
- Year 7/8 Band
- Stage Band (Years 8-12)
- Rock Bands (Years 8-12, audition required for Senior Rock Band)
- Drum Corps (Years 7-12)
- Small Jazz Combo (Year 10-12)
Each of these ensembles will have a variety of opportunities to perform throughout the year, the first performance for several of these groups will be at the Sounds of City Schools event on Thursday 2 March, followed by Open Night on Thursday 9 March. We hope to see many of you there!
To sign up for an ensemble, please go to Primary and Secondary Music Ensembles 2023 - Formstack

This year, the SAC Music Department is also introducing a Primary Strings Project. This program aims to offer an inspiring string education for participating students, with lessons occurring in small groups, reducing the cost to families. In this program, students will have private weekly small groups tuition with a specialist string tutor, and will be able to join the Junior String Ensemble once a suitable standard has been reached.
Students will have the opportunity to come and try the string instrument of their choice before enrolling, with the following ‘Come and Try’ sessions available:
Cello: Wednesday 15 February at lunch in D6
Violin/Viola: Friday 17 February at lunch D6 OR Friday 17 February from 3:15 – 3:45 in D6 (parents welcome to attend – please email [email protected] to register)
Further information regarding lesson and hire costs will be available at the Come and Try sessions.
For more information about the Instrumental or Music Curriculum Extension Program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ms Fiona Turner
Music | Instrumental Program & Curriculum Extension Coordinator