From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
It was great to see so many of our Year 12 students take to the pool at the Swimming Carnival. Whether they were swimming the 50 metres freestyle or floating down the pool on an inflatable flamingo, the message to younger students was clear: you are never too old to enjoy having fun with friends and staying active. Thank you to all the house captains for their leadership on the day and to Nicole Wedding and the PE staff for their excellent organisation.

The sounds of the city colleges were in the air on Franklin St last Thursday, as students from St Aloysius, St Mary’s and Christian Brothers Colleges shared their musical talents with family and friends. We were grateful for the hospitality provided by the St Mary’s College staff and students, and appreciated the way the students from all three schools encouraged and supported one another’s performances. Thanks also to the staff and students who set up and ran the SAC Op Shop on the night. The focus was not so much on sales, as on profiling the commitment to social justice and student agency that the Op Shop represents.

The Music Department had no time to rest, as they headed off to Nunyara in Belair the next day for the annual Music Camp. This event enables students and staff to collaborate for an extended period of time on the new musical repertoire. Many of these items were on show last night at our annual Open Night. I am so grateful to the whole team in the Music Department, who go above and beyond to engage students in Music and see the enormous benefits to students in both learning and wellbeing.

Open Night 2023 saw the full range of SAC experiences on show for our prospective families. A larger than usual group of visitors made for a great atmosphere and gave our tour guides and student participants a chance to showcase their talents and our school facilities. Thanks to all our existing families who came along and supported your daughter’s participation.

This week we welcomed the Trustee Directors of Mercy Ministry Companions (MMC) to Adelaide for the first time since their appointment last year. MMC is the Public Juridic Person (PJP) responsible for the governance of the ministries of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (schools, hospitals, aged care facilities, and community service agencies). Our Mercy identity is at the core of our work here at the College and we were grateful to the Trustee Directors for choosing to come and spend time with us in Adelaide.

This year the Alliance of Girls’ Schools of Australasia took out a full page in The Advertiser to promote the advantages of a girls’ school education. This association unites schools from the Catholic, independent and public sectors in our passion to address gender inequality. With our purple ribbons proudly on display on Wednesday, students were aware of the importance of International Women’s Day in profiling issues of justice and inclusion for women around the world.

Sister Janet Lowe has been supporting students and families at SAC for over 20 years, so it was with a heavy heart that we bid her farewell last Tuesday and wished her the best of luck for a well-deserved retirement. For those of you who have experienced Sr Janet’s compassionate support, you will know how authentically she embodies Mercy in everything she does. We will miss her enormously and we will be forever grateful for the gift she has been to St Aloysius College.

Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
NAPLAN Testing

Australian students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests in Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar, punctuation) and Numeracy. Students will undertake all tests online, except for the Year 3 Writing test, which will be completed on paper.
NAPLAN tests now take place in Term 1, commencing on Wednesday 15 March. Most students will complete all test domains between 15 – 20 March. If students are absent for tests, they will be able to complete catch-up tests during the NAPLAN testing window: Wednesday 15 March – Friday 24 March.
From 2023, there are significant changes to the way that NAPLAN results are reported to parents. The numerical NAPLAN bands and the national minimum standard will be replaced by the following 4 levels of achievement:
- Exceeding
- Strong
- Developing
- Needs additional support
Further information about how results will be reported can be accessed here: NEW PROFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR NAPLAN
The recent NAPLAN practice test provided students with an opportunity to experience the test environment. Students and parents can also visit the NAPLAN Public Demonstration Site to explore the types of questions they may experience in each of the four test domains.
It is important that students come to school each day with their Surface Pro fully charged and a set of wired headphones (not wireless, e.g. airpods). For students who do not have headphones, we have a limited supply of spare sets that can be borrowed.
The test schedule appears below, please note that the lesson time allocated also includes preparation (logging on to the NAPLAN browser, testing headphones etc.) and time for finalising the test sessions.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)

International Women’s Day at SAC

International Women’s Day in one of the most important events in our Justice and Mercy calendar at SAC. It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate our school identity and the ways in which we empower girls to become people who lead with courage and compassion.
In the weeks leading up to International Women’s Day this year, students in the JAM group considered ways that our school community could celebrate this year. Between them, they made 1,200 purple ribbons in one lunchtime and these were given to all students to wear on International Women’s Day. In the context of International Women’s Day, the colour purple represents justice, dignity and loyalty, and is worn by many people each year to mark the occasion.

The JAM students reflected on one of the main themes of this year’s International Women’s Day, #EmbraceEquity. The words ‘equality’ and ‘equity’ are often used interchangeably, and despite being similar in that their core meanings is ‘fairness’, their true meanings are quite different. It is important for people to understand these differences when it comes to striving for a just and equitable future for all. So, here are the key definitions for those important words:
“Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities.
Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances, and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.” (https://www.internationalwomensday.com)
On International Women’s Day, students were invited to write the name of or draw a symbol representing a girl or woman who inspires them on a large banner, inside the words ‘IWD: #EMBRACEEQUITY’. So many students were eager to participate that the whole banner was filled, creating a colourful and diverse collage of words, images and love notes for females our students most admire. There were some big names written on the banner: the likes of Jane Goodall, Emma Watson and Henrietta Lacks. But the majority of names were those of students’ relatives, teachers and friends. A humbling reminder that heroes are present in our everyday, and that we needn’t look too far beyond our immediate circles to find the best version of who we’d like to be.

Another highlight of the week was the annual International Women’s Day breakfast at Adelaide Convention Centre, which was attended on Friday 10th March by our Year 12 SRC Executive accompanied by Principal, Ms Paddy McEvoy, and Deputy Principal – Pastoral Care, Ms Jacqui McIlroy. This is the largest International Women’s Day event in Australia and it raises tens of thousands of dollars for causes supporting females.
This year’s speaker was Caroline Kennedy, an American author, attorney and diplomat, and daughter of the late John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States. Our Year 12 leaders were delighted to have the opportunity to hear from a notable woman who has dedicated her life to serving the people of her country.

Year 12 Social Justice Leader, Ella, said, “I think it is great that we could attend the breakfast because seeing people who have made a change in women’s representation in various fields gives us hope and inspiration for what we can achieve.”
Hearing from event host and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, was also a highlight. Year 12 SRC President, Crystal, shared that, “Senator Wong gave us some insights into the gender pay gap, the percentage of women in parliament, and that even though progress has been made, there’s still more to be done. Penny Wong said that it makes sense for women to participate in decision making because women represent half of society.”
We are confident that students from SAC go into the world equipped with the courage, compassion and vision to ‘embrace equity’ for everyone they meet in their personal and professional lives.
Maddie Kelly
JAM Coordinator

A Curious Thing
A group of Year 8 students attended a Fringe production called ‘A curious thing: The story of Mary Anning’. A great time was had learning about Mary Anning, who was a fascinating British palaeontologist, and her amazing fossil discoveries.

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Summer sport has commenced over the last 2-3 weeks,
with our volleyball, tennis, basketball, touch football and water polo teams off to an exciting start!

During Round 2, on the 18th of February, the Catholic Girls Schools Sports Association hosted ‘Blue Round’. This important calendar event aims to raise awareness for mental health and the work that Beyond Blue does for those experiencing mental health issues. Across all venues, teams were asked to wear it blue to raise awareness and show their support. At SAC, our students and visiting teams exchanged a blue ribbon for words of support and positivity for others to read.

Term 2/3 Winter Sport Nominations are Now Open!
Nominations for winter sport are now open on the SAC website.
The season will run from Week 2, Term 2 to Week 4, Term 3.
If your daughter is interested in playing netball, badminton, soccer, lacrosse or Australian rules football, please head to the link below before Sunday 19th March!
For more information about game days, uniform or trainings, please see the Sport Handbook on the school website or any of the Secondary Sport SEQTA Portals.
Season dates, team lists & information packs will be uploaded to the SEQTA Term 2/3 Sport Portal by Week 9 of Term 1. Draws to come in the first week of Term 2.
Knockout Sport
The knockout sport calendar will begin in week 8, with year 11-12 knockout touch football. Trials for this competition were held during week 6 and the selected team will go head to head with several other SA schools on Tuesday, 21st March at City Touch, Adelaide. If they are successful in all of their games, they will progress through to the final early in Term 2. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates in the student bulletin, SETQTA knockout sport portal & school newsletter!
Trials for our Year 9 & 10 and Year 11&12 knockout netball teams were held Thursday 9th March. A second trial will likely be held during lunchtime or after school in the next couple of weeks followed by team selections shortly after. Year 7 & 8s will also have an opportunity to trial for in the near future – so keep an eye out on the student bulletin on SEQTA for trial dates.
Sporting Spotlight
Six students represented St Aloysius College in the School Sport SA Individual Swimming Secondary Championships last Friday. The performances were outstanding, with most of our competitors achieving PBs in one or more events. A special mention to Claire Borgmeyer for her outstanding performance in 50m Breaststroke, which was only .02s off the record time for her age group! We wish all competitors the best of luck in their road to state championships.

From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
2023 Sacraments Information **** reminder ****

Students at St Aloysius College have an opportunity to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation from Year 3 and Confirmation and First Eucharist from Year 4. Students will learn about these sacraments through the Religious Education program with their teachers and will attend a one-day workshop at school. Students will then celebrate their sacraments in the Adelaide Cathedral Parish or in their own parishes. Parents are required to attend a meeting leading up to the celebration to participate in the family preparation. If you wish for your daughter to be prepared for these three important Sacraments this year, please click here to access a letter and complete the form, and return it to me (Ms Isabella Deluca) by Wednesday 22 March, 2023. Please note your daughter must be baptised Catholic in order to celebrate these Sacraments.
From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services
tips and tricks on Writers’ Week!
Our Year 7 classes enthusiastically shared a session with guest author Tristan Bancks on Monday. Tristan, in Adelaide for Writers’ Week, talked with our students about his books and his journey as a writer. There were tips and tricks, examples and extracts from books, together with funny stories that engaged and amused everyone! The Year 7’s had some excellent questions for Tristan, and they took advantage of his skills and experiences as an author to develop their own understanding of how a book is created. Tristan’s books are very popular in our library, and we were lucky enough to get a sneak peak at his new book due to be released in August. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to feel encouraged and inspired as readers and writers through Tristan’s outstanding presentation to us.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

Our Year 2 students loved sharing the book ‘Welcome to Country’, by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy in their library session last week. Inspired by the story to appreciate and treasure beauty in the world around us, the students enjoyed creating artwork using natural materials from our country.

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Australian National University Open Day
The Australian National University (ANU) is holding their Open Day on Saturday 18 March. This aligns with their direct application process and will let you experience their beautiful Acton campus before you apply for an early offer. Direct applications to ANU opened on 1st March and close In May. This is the preferred method of application for school leavers.
With many tours, information sessions and activities, ANU Open Day can help to answer your questions. If you’re not sure what you want to study at university, there’s also the chance to meet current students and find out what they think of their courses.
Register here.

Vocational Education and Training
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is skill-based education and training that provides people with the workplace skills and technical knowledge they need to meet current and future employment demands. An integral part of the Australian tertiary education system, VET is designed to support economic, regional and community development.
VET offers stand alone qualifications as well as apprenticeships and traineeships that let you learn in the workplace while in paid employment. It leads to nationally recognised qualifications that range from Certificates I – IV to Diploma and Advanced Diploma that may be Integrated into your SACE program.
VET courses are available for some of the largest employment growth areas and for occupations reporting a shortage of labour.
In today’s competitive job market, it’s important to have the right technical skills and qualifications. Many employers all over Australia hold VET qualifications in high regard, recognising the significance of structured programs designed by Industry experts.
Please speak to Ms Stephenson in the Careers Centre for more information if you are keen to explore VET options.
Alumni Breakfast
Calling all old scholars! Would you like to be part of the SAC Alumni Breakfast In 2023?
The Alumni Breakfast is an opportunity for old scholars from a variety of occupations to offer senior students' insight into different career and study options. The breakfast provides an important opportunity to inspire our students, to hear personal stories of diverse pathway options, and to further reinforce the significance of establishing positive professional networks. Hearing form alumni is particularly powerful for current students and discussions are informal and in small groups.
When: Tuesday 9 May 2023
Time: 7.30am – 9.30am
Location: SAC in the McAuley Auditorium
Please contact Julie Stephenson at [email protected] if you would like to find out more or if you are keen to participate.
Students interested in Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Health
Our recent UCAT information session was very well attended by students from Years 10-12. A reminder that UCAT registrations are now open and the closing date is Wednesday 17 May.
Amazed and inspired!
Last Friday, students from 8AT visited the Jam Factory craft and design studio. Students were treated to a tour behind the scenes, viewing practitioners creating ceramics, glass blowing and jewellery. Many students were amazed and inspired by what they discovered.
Ms Phoebe Koch
Art Teacher

The Wandering Earth II

On Tuesday 21 February, the Year 10, 11, and 12 Chinese students took a trip to the cinema to watch ‘The Wandering Earth II'. The film showed the unification of the world’s countries to overcome an apocalyptic future. The movie was a great chance to use our Chinese skills in real life as well as enjoy and appreciate Chinese media. This just shows the many fantastic events that senior languages have to offer. On behalf of the senior Chinese classes, we would like to thank Ms Li and Ms Angwin for providing us with this amazing opportunity, everybody had a fantastic time.
Evie Piper
Language Leader
Year 12 Outdoor Education
Our Year 12 Outdoor Education students have been making progress on the practical components of their Stage 2 AT1 and AT21 Assessments this term. The students have participated in Kayaking Skill Development sessions in the SAC Pool, as well as Field Trips to West Lakes and Garden Island, to analyse their performance of a variety of strokes which will ensure safe and enjoyable journeys on the water.
Whilst out on the Field Trips, we have also visited Wara Wayingga - Tennyson Dunes to collect evidence and data to study the biodiversity of this natural environment, the last of its kind along our coast.
Meanwhile, Stage 1 students in Year 11 have been preparing for upcoming High Ropes and Rock-Climbing courses. These experiences require students to possess an understanding of Group Dynamics and Leadership skills, as well as basic Risk Assessment and Planning used for outdoor adventure activities.
Mr Michael Heath
Outdoor Education Coordinator

SAC Laneway! One week to go!
Come along to SAC Laneway! A fun night that showcases the SAC music talent and supports the Rock Band to record at Chapel Lane Studios! With a stage set up in the Dunlevie courtyard, performances from The Senior Rock Band - "The Unexpected", Year 10-12 Rock Band, Senior and middle school choir, primary band, stage and concert band and the drum corps it's going to be a great night!!
There are also many food and drink options available with other entertainment, such as bouncy castles, giant Jenga and snakes and ladders!
With a gold coin donation to enter, this is going to be a great night with family, fun and friends. Can't wait to see you there!!