Acknowledgement of Country

From the Acting Principal

Acting Principal
We celebrated St Aloysius Day on June 21 and we know our namesake as the patron of youth and students. Back in the 16th Century St Aloysius gave up his noble life and inheritance at such a young age as his calling to God was strong, inspiring his mission for justice. Aloysius was considered to be clear-headed, inflexible, unbribable, utterly unself-seeking, all impressive qualities for a man who only lived until 23! It is no wonder that the early Sisters of Mercy working in St Aloysius College chose Aloysius as our patron saint – he embodied so much of what the Sisters did and continue to strive for, in seeking justice, education and opportunity for all, especially for the poor. We carry forward the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy and enjoy the opportunities we have to continue to work with our students and the wider community to strive for justice and mercy in Adelaide and across the world today.
It is fitting to reflect on how the life of the young Jesuit bears witness to many of the Mercy Values at the heart of our school. Our English Coordinator, Genevieve Pelekani, penned a prayer to celebrate St Aloysius Day which I share with you now:
Aloysius was destined for a military career as a nobleman but courageously resigned his inheritance and social status, joining the Jesuit order. We pray for our students, that they may courageously choose their path as scholars and beyond school. Like Aloysius, may they find teachers and mentors who will guide and support them.
God of Mercy, hear us.
God of Mercy, hear our prayer.
Aloysius quietly and humbly cared for the abandoned, vulnerable and dying. He was clearly devoted to and at the service of others. We pray for all members of our SAC community, especially at the start of Refugee Week, that we will generously and respectfully care for those in need. Like Aloysius, may we welcome and care for others in a spirit of respectful hospitality.
God of Mercy, hear us.
God of Mercy, hear our prayer.
When the plague broke out in Rome, Aloysius volunteered to care for the sick and dying. His compassionate service resulted in him contracting the illness, from which he died at the age of 23. We pray for all of us at SAC, that we will compassionately serve those around us, especially those in need. May our love be seen in deeds of service, such as our ministry at Moore Street and our annual Can Drive.
God of Mercy, hear us.
God of Mercy, hear our prayer.
St Aloysius day - celebrating our patron saint

A huge welcome to the newest members of our community, the mid-year Reception students who joined us on Monday for their first transition visit. As expected, there is always a sense of anticipation and some nerves, but already in such a short time the girls have gelled and are looking forward to their remaining visits this term.

I extend that welcome to the family of our Reception students, many of whom are already connected to us via older sisters. As I mentioned to parents, we begin this partnership together in our joint hope for the girls to be happy, safe and confident learners. We look forward to the mid-year students beginning in earnest in Term 3.

This week marked World Refugee Week, a time to come together to celebrate the strength, resilience of forcibly displaced people and the way they enrich our communities. Over the week, students gathered at a lunchtime documentary screening of ‘The Staging Post’ as well as a Q&A with old scholar Zahra Ahsani (Class of 2013) and Mercy Sister and refugee advocate, Meredith Evans rsm to talk about the reality of refugee experiences in Australia and how we can stand in solidarity with refugee and asylum seeker communities. Students of all year levels will also have the opportunity to be involved in lunchtime activities next Monday to learn more about the experience of refugees.

Last year as part of the Year 10 Design course, students created posters for the SA Refugee Week 2023 Youth Poster Awards Exhibition. These designs highlight the themes of the United Nations International Refugee Convention including multiculturalism, human rights, cultural diversity, anti-racism and the welcoming of refugees into Australia. From 370 entries, three of our students’ artworks were chosen to be displayed in the SA Refugee Week 2023 Youth Poster Awards Exhibition at the Children’s Artspace Gallery at Adelaide Festival Centre. A big congratulations goes to Gabriella Baggio, who is the award Runner Up Winner in the Secondary School division! What an outstanding achievement! #WorldRefugeeDayAustralian Migrant Resource Centre
OUTSTANDING POSTERS CREATED BY the 3 finalists of the SA Refugee Week 2023 Youth Poster Competition

Poster designed by Anjali Becker

Award Winning poster designed by Gabriella Baggio

Poster designed by Poshika Magesh
It was wonderful to welcome back more old scholars this week to present an education session with students and staff around the upcoming referendum on the First Nations Voice to Parliament. ‘Heart to Heart’ is an initiative of a group of law students from The University of Adelaide. Harper Robb (Class of 2017), Clare Peterson (Class of 2017) and Jordan West (Class of 2021) very generously used their legal backgrounds and research skills to share clear and credible information about the referendum process. Our Year 12 legal studies students found this particularly beneficial, and we will be sharing more information with our community as we approach the referendum this November.

Last week we launched our uniform review with the community – it has been over a decade since our last review so we will be undertaking quite an extensive consultation and feedback process with staff, students and families. We are keen to ensure that any future decisions we make about our uniforms are driven by comfortability for students and that they are something that our students can take great ownership of and proudly represent the school in.
The first stage of the review is seeking feedback via a survey from the staff, student and parent perspective – if you have not had the chance, please complete the SCHOOL UNIFORM REVIEW here. We will have focus groups and other consultation across the next 12 months with a plan to implement a new uniform for the 2025 school year.
Mr Nick Tattoli
Acting Principal
The last major School Uniform change took place in 2008 when both summer and winter uniforms were replaced.
Please complete the SCHOOL UNIFORM REVIEW here
Thriving People
Thriving People is a Catholic Education initiative for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to foster cultural knowledge and understanding from leaders within the community. Events are held for Primary and Senior students, offering them a variety of cultural activities. This year's events at Carclew included weaving, painting, dance and music recording. These gatherings create a valuable platform for students to forge connections while also receiving guidance from significant community leaders who impart cultural wisdom and mentorship. By nurturing their understanding of identity, these experiences contribute to our students' well-being and understanding of their place in the world.
Ms Viviana Graney
First Nations Focus Teacher

Celebrating Creation
Celebrating Creation is the focus of the Year 9 retreat. The retreat builds on the Year 9 Creation Unit in which we explore the way in which the creation accounts in Genesis, along with scientific explanations including Natural Selection and the Big Bang reflect our innate desire to understand the why and how of our existence. The retreat is designed to expand the students’ understanding of what it means to be made in the image of God by seeing all creation as an image of God and exploring the way in which we are all interconnected in the one story of the universe. The retreat affords students the opportunity to see themselves radically interrelated with the universe and to think about their relationship with God mediated through all creation.
Ms Elizabeth Boylan
Faith and Mission Coordinator
Student Reflections on the Day:
"I enjoyed the yoga. It calmed me and let my mind relax and feel closer to nature. It made me reflect on how lucky I am to have opportunities I take for granted. I felt the flow of the holy spirit and inner peace."
"My favourite part of the retreat was the cosmic walk. It created a serene and tranquil environment. The candles being lit individually gave us time to reflect on the beauty of creation."
"During the day, my favourite activity was the art task. I thoroughly enjoyed letting my mind wander with the paint brush. Drawing nature put me in a mindful space."
"The meditative seed mandala activity was very intriguing. It was helpful for achieving mental calmness and concentration. By focusing on ourselves, it enabled us to capture inner stillness and concentration. This task allowed us to escape the conflicts going on around us and peacefully enjoy the time."

Grandparents Day - A heartwarming occasion that brings generations together 💖
Grandparents and Grandfriends play an important part in the lives of children, and the impact of their contribution is so significant. Our Reception students celebrated the relationships they have with these special people by sharing the morning at SAC Grandparents’ and Grandfriends’ Day 2023. Grandparents and Grandfriends were proudly shown around classrooms, dressed up for photo-booth shots, read with in the library, interviewed about their favourite memories as well as sharing in many other games and creative activities. It was a special time for students and their treasured people to share and celebrate connection, appreciate the love they bring to each other’s lives, and spend a joyous morning together here at SAC.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher-Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

Thread Together
Over recent weeks, Year 11 students have heard from some guest speakers, as part on their Stage 1 Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning course. Students are required to investigate a contemporary social justice issue.
Tammy Rees from Anglicare SA, spoke to our Year 11 students about a program it runs here in Adelaide, called Thread Together, which provides new clothing and accessories to those in need. People experiencing or at risk of homelessness, Aboriginal communities, refugees, survivors of domestic violence, and the long-term unemployed can visit Thread Together in Gilbert Street, where they can choose a new set of clothes.
The program has a positive social impact, instilling independence and enabling dignity, as well as an environmental one, by reducing the amount of brand-new clothing ending up in landfill.
Students were surprised to learn that many high-end fashion labels including, Sass and Bide, donate their unsold stock to Thread Together, where volunteers, sort stock, drive the vans, and most importantly, support clients and help to restore their confidence.
Ms Elizabeth Boylan
Faith and Mission Coordinator

Year 11's Future Investments & Innovative Ideas
SAC's ‘Shark Tank’
This semester, students in Year 11 Business Innovation have been working towards creating a new product or service. Students have engaged in the Design Thinking Process to empathise, define, ideate, prototype, and test their business ideas. Along the way, students have received feedback and made meaningful refinements to their ideas to come to a final product or service. Last week, students prepared and presented a pitch of their innovative ideas to a panel of teachers. The students had a great time participating in the ‘Shark Tank’ style interactions with the teachers and their peers.

Year 11 Business Innovation students, Chloe Ross, and Stacey Frisina took advantage of the opportunity to create physical prototypes of their proposed products. With assistance from Mr Thomas Cotton, the students used the 3D printer to bring their ideas to life.
“3D printing allowed my ideas to come to life through a product that I have been working on in business innovations. I used the 3D printer to print a prototype of a shampoo bottle.” Stacey Frisina 11SE

Students Reflected:
"The pitch presentation was an invaluable experience for me. I enjoyed every step of the process, from brainstorming to pitching my own idea. Looking back at my designs and ideas prompted for my prototype, I realised this journey sparked a lot of creativity and entrepreneurial skills in me I did not know existed." Belle Tsz Ching Phung 11MB
"I presented my pitch to the sharks which was a really fun way to end our topic looking at start-up businesses. My business was an online service which was targeting visual learners who struggle to cook from written recipes, and solving their problem through presenting healthy, sophisticated and delicious recipes in the form of videos. This involves videos of chefs and professionals who show you exactly what you need to do, providing tips and tricks along the way, making the experience easier, more interactive and fun.” Hannah Kearins 11LN
bringing the share markeT to life in the year 11 classrooms

As part of the Year 11 Economics course and the Year 11 Business Innovation course, students learn about public companies and the nature of the share market. To bring the classroom to life, students participated in the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) School’s Share market Game. As part of the game, students were provided with $50,000 in virtual cash to invest in a simulated share market over a 2-month period. Students gained first-hand experience in buying and selling shares, researching companies, and using technical language. The game officially concluded on the 8th of June 2023. A big congratulations to Alice Tyler and Ava Smith who took first place in their respective classes.
Ms Kiara Schonberger
Year 11 Teacher

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
A FULL WEEK OF Work Experience
Congratulations to all Year 10 students who have undertaken work experience this week. Work experience is a chance to really understand what a professional workplace is like and to be part of an organisation that is not usually accessible to secondary school students. Employers offer a glimpse into their daily working lives whilst educating work experience students regarding company requirements and roles available. No matter where a work experience placement is undertaken, it provides opportunity to develop employability skills, an understanding of work and to enhance workplace communications skills. Preparation occurred during PLS classes to ensure students were ready with a clear understanding of workplace rights and responsibilities. Year 10 teachers visited placement sites throughout the week, and it was wonderful to see so many students engaged and happy. We are proud of the Year 10’s who were wonderful representatives of St Aloysius College and we thank all host employers for their support and encouragement.

School Holiday campus tours UniSA
A great start to Charley’s career
Australian School-based Apprenticeships allow students to work towards a nationally recognised qualification while completing their secondary school studies. The benefits for Year 12 student, Charley, have been immense as she works towards a Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology, guided by experts within the industry while gaining the latest knowledge and skills. Well done, Charley, we look forward to hearing of your future success!

Pictured above: Year 12 student, Charley, with current premier of South Australia, Peter Malinauskas, as they announce capital funding to support organisations such as the Motor Trade Association to upgrade their facilities.
From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
The recent weeks have been very busy for the Music Department. Among the variety of activities during Arts Week in Week 6, the Year 11 and 12 Music students showcased their talents and hard work at the Senior Music Evening, performing repertoire for their assessments while entertaining their families and friends. Once again, it was wonderful to hear the high-quality works produced by the students.

Last week also saw the Year 7 Music classes perform for their family and friends at the Year 7 Music Concert, demonstrating the skills that they have developed over the course of the Semester 1 Band Program. In this program, students choose a woodwind or brass instrument and receive weekly tuition in a small group with a specialist instrumental tutor. They also come together with their class to form an ensemble. At the conclusion of the concert, all five classes performed Power Rock together, producing an awesome sound! The concert also featured the Continuers Concert Band, performing an energetic rendition of Louie, Louie.
We congratulate all the students who performed and thank the Instrumental Tutors and staff who joined them on the night.

Also in Week 7, the Year 5 students attended the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s Light! Camera! Symphony! Concert at Grainger Studio. After learning more about the instruments and some of the repertoire in their Music classes with Ms Madeleine Binney, they heard the Orchestra play some epic and familiar pieces of film music.
"It was a fantastic experience - I loved the range of dynamics the orchestra used and the control the conductor had. Overall, I was ‘wowed." Nimithi 5MF
"I liked in one of the pieces that the orchestra built up the sound by layering it and then all played together for a big finish at the end." Daniela 5MF
"It was great to learn more about the instruments from the orchestra and that I could see the instruments that I hear in movies. It was such a fun experience which I won’t get to do very often". Vivienne L MF
"The orchestra built the tension while playing and really made you image the film." Mila 5JS
At SAC, we are fortunate to have very talented and experienced music tutors, who come in each week to tutor students who wish to have private vocal and instrumental lessons. Outside of their teaching, many of the tutors are involved in a variety of musical endeavours and perform across a range of musical experiences including their own shows, in musicals, and as supporting artists. Recently, violin tutor Emma Richardson and SAC Music Assistant and piano/cello tutor Samantha Greer were part string section for the Adelaide leg of Michael Bublé’s Australian tour, performing two shows with him. Emma also flew to Sydney to perform his show there. This is just one example of the many cool things our tutors do, and it is wonderful to have so many inspiring music tutors connected to our school!
Ms Fiona Turner
Music | Instrumental Program & Curriculum Extension Coordinator
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Winter Sport Update
SAC teams will be approaching Round 6 of the SA Catholic School Sport Girls Schools Association competition this weekend. Regraded draws have now been placed on the Term 2/3 SEQTA sport portal. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with these as venues and game times have changed for some teams.
With the colder part of winter well and truly among us, there has been a significant increase in lateness to trainings/games and absences due to illness. Any communication in advance is much appreciated so that coaches are aware of numbers and fill ins can be sourced in a reasonable timeframe.
1. All players are required to attend all meetings, training sessions and games.
2. If a player will be absent from a game or training a parent/guardian (not the player) must notify the appropriate Sport Coordinator via email, text message or phone call at the earliest possible time, preferably at least one day prior to the game or training session.
3. If a student is absent from a training session or game and has not provided sufficient notification via the one of the above methods she will receive a warning. If this happens a second time the Behaviour Management Policy will be applied (refer SAC Student Diary).
4. Students are required to be at all games at least 15 minutes prior to the starting time.
5. Students are required to wear the full correct Physical Education uniform to, from and during sport, including training sessions.
6. Students and parents must follow the St Aloysius College Sport - Code of Conduct for all SAC sporting events.
7. Transport and supervision:
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for transport of their child to and from the sport venue. SAC staff or coaches will be supervising from 10 minutes prior to the game and until 10 minutes after its conclusion. Parents/Guardians are expected to be punctual and considerate of supervising staff.
- Parents/Guardians have provided contact phone numbers and emergency contact details to the school. Please ensure that these remain up-to-date so that parents/guardians/emergency contacts can be contacted quickly in an emergency.
- Parents/Guardians must collect their child/children from sport. Any other arrangements for the collection of children from sport must be notified in writing.
Knockout Sport
During Week 7, both our senior knockout netball and senior knockout footy teams competed in Round 1 of the School Sport SA Statewide Competition.
In their first game against Glenunga, the Years 11/12 netballers pulled off a 6-point turnaround in the last quarter to bring the scores to a tie. A shot on the buzzer by our GS was counted ‘no goal’, so both teams were sent into overtime. Unfortunately, the girls couldn’t hold on in the last minute, losing by only 2 points. Finishing the day on a positive, the girls pulled off a convincing win against Woodcroft College in the second game. We commend the girls on all their efforts in lead up, and for the many years of service that our Year 12 students have given to the knockout netball program at SAC.

The senior knockout Australian Rules Football team travelled over to Willunga on Friday of Week 7 to meet Norwood International High & Willunga High. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t our day. Playing to a modified game structure due to some unforeseen venue circumstances, the team fell short to Norwood by just 7 points in the first game and a few goals to Willunga. Goal scorers for the day were Macy Philpott, Gracie Sim,
We look forward to future opportunities where these girls will play together again.
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator


From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
Over the past few months, students have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation by reflecting on the importance of forgiveness, examining their actions, and understanding the impact of their choices. With the guidance of their parents, teachers, and our parish community, they have engaged in meaningful discussions and activities.
On Thursday 8th June, 18 students celebrated their First Reconciliation. This special occasion is a significant milestone in students’ spiritual growth and deepening relationship with God. Congratulations to the students on this special moment in their faith journey and a warm thank you to the parents, families, and all those who have supported and nurtured the students throughout their preparation for this sacrament.
Ms Isabella Deluca
Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

The wild weather is not enough to deter our Year 11 Outdoor Education class!
Although the planned kayaking expedition on the Murray River could not occur due to storms, these students were still able to put their planning and practical skills to good use. The class participated in single-day trips; one sunny paddle at the Happy Valley Reservoir, and scenic Bushwalking at Black Hill Creek and Waite Conservation Reserve. The students worked effectively as a group and enjoyed their own cooked meals to keep both morale and energy levels up. A good time was had by all
Special thanks to staff members Mr Berard and AFL Trainee, Ella, for their help and flexibility over the course of the week.
Mr Michael Heath
Outdoor Education Coordinator

Term 2 Primary Assembly
a wonderful showcase of learning and abilities
Our Year 1 and 3 students were excited to host the Primary Assembly last week. They started with the beautiful prayer ‘A Gift to You’, and then shared some highlights of the term. The Year 1 Pyjama Party, Year 2 Zoo Snooze, Year 3 Camp, and the amazing Year 1 artworks inspired by Jimmy Pike were some of the wonderful items displayed. Also, participants of the Year 5-6 da Vinci Decathlon were acknowledged for demonstrating amazing problem-solving skills and teamwork in their recent competition.
To wrap up the assembly, the Primary Band delivered a fantastic performance that was enjoyed by all in attendance. Opportunities like this offer our students a platform to showcase their learning and abilities. Thanks to all the parents that joined us on the day and to our special visitors from Chancery Lane!