Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC, Welcome to Term 3. I hope the term has started well for all our students and their families. In a special way, I would like to welcome and acknowledge the 16 new Reception students who have just completed their first fortnight of school, and the 12 students who have joined the College in other year levels this semester. We hope that you have experienced a warm Mercy welcome in your first days here and that you will quickly feel a strong sense of connection and belonging at St Aloysius College.

We were honoured in Week 1 this term to welcome Her Excellency, the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, to meet with our Year 12 SRC Executive. Her Excellency led a conversation with the students that was both inspiring and informative. Ranging from women in leadership to strategies for creating change in communities, student leaders were thoughtful in their questioning and grateful for Her Excellency’s considered responses. We are proud that old scholar, Dame Roma Mitchell, was the first female Governor of an Australian state, and we shared our hope that SAC graduates will continue to blaze a trail for women in SA, walking in the footsteps of these outstanding leaders.

The energy and talent on display at the Arts Theatre last week in High School Musical is hard to capture in a few words. The experience of being part of a school production is one of the most memorable of many students’ schooling, and we are so proud of the 150 students who brought the theatre to life with music, dance and drama. Of course, these events are only possible through the exceptional skill and generosity of our staff. I would like to acknowledge Lucy Dilger (Director) and Fiona Turner (Musical Director), along with the many staff who contributed countless hours from planning through to rehearsals and performances. Your vision and creativity are gifts to our students and we are so grateful for your commitment to this project from conception to delivery – what you created together was a breathtaking spectacle for all of us who had the privilege of seeing it. We look forward to seeing highlights of the production at SAC Spectacular later in the year.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH OUR STUDENTS' energy & talent captured in a short clip!

This week a group of 10 students took part in an adventurous journey to the Tiwi Islands as part of their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. Alan Brown and Libby Butterworth have led this expedition for many years, and this year was the first time I had the opportunity to take part. It was an honour to spend time with Sr Anne Gardiner, a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who has spent 70 years living and working alongside the people of Bathurst Island. Despite being recognised as Senior Australian of the Year in 2016, Sr Anne speaks humbly of all she has learnt in her time on Bathurst Island. Sr Anne has helped to create a Museum that now celebrates the history and culture of the Tiwi people and SAC has been able to support Sr Anne’s work through our fundraising efforts. At a time when the recognition of First Nations peoples is front and centre for us here in Australia, we appreciate being able to share such authentic insights into the Tiwi culture with our staff and students.

Finally, I would like to thank you for all your “welcome backs” in the courtyard since my return to school this term. To take a break after 10 years as Principal was a fantastic chance to rest and I returned with renewed energy. I am privileged to have an excellent Leadership Team who continued to lead with courage and compassion during this time. In a special way, I would like to acknowledge Nick Tattoli, who stepped into the role of Acting Principal with a calm confidence that ensured SAC was in good hands. I count my blessings each day to work alongside such wonderful people.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
Young Mercy Leaders Pilgrimage 2023 – Moving Forward in Mercy

During the Term 2 school holidays, three Year 11 students represented St Aloysius College at the Young Mercy Leaders Pilgrimage in Melbourne. Anjali, Eleanor and Grace joined students and staff from 17 Mercy schools around Australia for the inaugural two-day gathering.
The Pilgrimage was hosted by the Academy of Mary Immaculate in Fitzroy and Our Lady of Mercy College in Heidelberg. As Catherine McAuley said, “a good beginning is of great importance,” and day one of the pilgrimage didn’t disappoint. Upon entering the grounds of the Academy, murmurs of excitement rippled through the group as they absorbed their surroundings: new to the vast majority of students and staff, yet somehow familiar.
“I thought it was only our school who had Mercy Day!” Exclaimed one student from interstate, indicating to a ‘Countdown to Mercy Day!’ sign displayed on a wall near the gathering hall.
The spirit of Mercy and the shared values of Mercy schools were tangible as well as visible. This is the richness of Mercy; it connects us across borders and oceans to others who are also learning and working in communities inspired by Catherine McAuley’s ethos and vision.
The Academy of Mary Immaculate is itself a significant Mercy landmark. Its chapel is the final resting place of Ursula Frayne, an Irish Mother Superior of the Sisters of the Sisters of Mercy who was sent to Australia in the mid-1800s, where she became the Australian Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy and opened the Academy in 1857.
The first activities of the Pilgrimage encouraged students to reflect, converse, and deepen their knowledge of the history of Mercy in Australia. They discussed some of Catherine’s motives for establishing the Sisters of Mercy, her commitment to serving girls and women, the myriad challenges she encountered, and how, where and why we see Mercy in action today.

The afternoon session took students beyond the Academy walls and into the bustling streets of Fitzroy, a vibrant cultural and arts hub just outside the Melbourne CBD. Many may know the suburb as the home of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. First and foremost, it is the country of the Woiwurrung people of the Kulin nation. Students and staff were divided into groups and followed the Fitzroy Aboriginal Heritage Walk. The trail takes walkers to 16 sites in the suburb, with plaques installed detailing their historical significance.
Fitzroy was the heart of Victoria’s Aboriginal rights movement between the 1960s and 1980s and taking the Heritage Walk helped students to understand more about the struggles First Nations peoples faced at a time in relatively recent history.
On day two at Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg, a range of guest speakers from the Mercy community shared stories that were inspiring and entertaining, with each presentation calling students to consider how they, too, can live Mercy in their daily lives. Sister of Mercy, Cathy Solano, has spent more than a decade working in Africa. Her workshop on interculturality challenged students to think about how they interact with people from other cultures and the unconscious biases they have, and left them feeling motivated to move beyond mere tolerance of people from different backgrounds, to build authentic and meaningful understanding and connection.

Students also listened to presentations about Mercy Works and heard from members of Young Mercy Links Melbourne, a group for post-school students who keep the spirit of Mercy alive by raising awareness, funds and volunteering for Mercy-affiliated causes. Young Mercy Links also operates in South Australia and is coordinated by SAC Old Scholar, Gaby Kinsman, and support coordinators, Maya Murali and Isabel Salter, also old scholars. Students were impressed by the work of Young Mercy Links and excited by the thought that, even in several years when they leave their respective schools, they can stay connected to the Mercy community.
It is difficult to imagine how Catherine McAuley and Ursula Frayne envisioned the Mercy ethos taking shape in the 21st Century, but one thing is certain: their example shows that Mercy is applicable to any time or place. The values of Courage, Compassion, Service, Justice, Respect and Hospitality are needed today as much as ever. The symbol for the Young Mercy Leaders Pilgrimage was an artwork of three Sisters of Mercy standing in a row, one Sister looking back to the shores of Ireland, where her roots are and another Sister facing forward to the desert plains of Australia, where her unknown future lay. In between the two stands Catherine McAuley, staring front-on as a sign of the present moment, clutching her Bible and crucifix. Catherine said, “We have one solid comfort amidst this little tripping about: our hearts can always be in the same place, centred in God, for whom alone we go forward – or stay back.” Catherine’s faith and the drive it gave her to serve those in need has transformed lives all over the world.
The Young Mercy Leaders Pilgrimage was a step forward for Anjali, Eleanor and Grace and their peers from Mercy schools around Australia. Catherine and Ursula would undoubtedly be proud to see how these young people are living Mercy today and continuing to be “shining lamps”.
Ms Maddie Kelly
JAM Coordinator
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Why should your daughter participate?
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a leading, structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering young people to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance.
As a non-formal framework, the Award can play a vital role in providing opportunities for young people to develop essential life skills, increase their employability and foster their creativity and innovation. The Award is transforming individuals, communities and societies around the world.
The aims of the Award are for participants to:
- develop a sense of community service and responsibility to others
- encourage the development of personal interests and practical skills
- encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery
- encourage participation in physical recreation and improvement of performance.
- successful participants can be awarded up to 40 SACE CREDITS.
Below are some photos of the Bronze expedition during Week 10 of last term, along with some student’s quotes about the camp.
“Overall, I really enjoyed the camp. It was a great experience where I met new people that I hadn’t talked to before, I was able to bond with these girls and have a shared experience through this camp”. Lucinda L, 8MH
“The Bronze Dukes camps were a fantastic experience for me to focus on my outdoor skills and capability to learn new things. On day 1 my group walked over 16-kilometers and had to encourage each other to continue and push through the very long walk”. Clementina C, 8SN
“In conclusion, although the weather wasn’t as nice and caused us many difficulties and couldn’t even sit around the campfire for group time the overall experience was great. I felt like I learned many things about what to prepare and got more fluent in reading a map. I liked the camp”. Annie W, 8SN
Mr Alan Brown
Duke of Edinburgh International Award Coordinator

From the Visual Arts Department

Visual Arts Coordinator
Learning From the MasterS!
Learning from the masters, drawing workshop at the Art Gallery of South Australia
In Week 10 the Semester 2 Visual Art class attended a drawing workshop at the Art Gallery of South Australia. The workshop was a great opportunity for our students to be taught by practicing artist Ellie Noir and to view a range of beautiful drawings from the art galleries collection that are not usually seen by the general public.
"It was great fun to try new drawing approaches and to use charcoal." Rosalie Heredia
"It was a great experience to draw from life and I am so grateful for this opportunity.” Chelsi Ciccozi
"This workshop helped me to understand human proportions and the importance of patience.” Piper Polgase

Senior Art & Design Exhibition
Are you interested in finding out what happens in Year 10, 11 and 12 Art and Design? Be sure not to miss the inspiring senior Art and Design display in the foyer!
See the dynamic works of the Semester 1, Year 10 and 11 Art & Design classes. On display are heart-warming ‘My Place’ paintings from the Year 10 Art students, innovative shelter designs from the Year 10 Design students, a variety of couture paper dresses inspired by the sea created in Year 11 Design, skilled artworks inspired by the environment created by the Year 11 Art students . This exhibition is on display until next week (Week 3 of this term), Wednesday August 9th.
Year 10 Retreat - Finding the Sacred Within
Students reflect on their Year 10 Retreat experience and activities.
The Year 10 Retreat, Finding the Sacred Within, is an encounter with prayer using three different meditative activities, including a labyrinth walk, a mandala meditation and a clay meditation. The labyrinth walk is a practice used by Christians since the fourth century. Christians walk the labyrinth to quieten the mind, find balance, and to meditate. Eastern contemplative traditions use symbols such as the mantra and mandala as a means of centring the mind. The mandala is not unknown in the Christian tradition, an obvious example being the rose windows of the great cathedrals - it is a symbol of the whole self, by which self-knowledge may grow, and hence knowledge of God. Students used a meditative process whereby they have an opportunity to create their image of God. While the finished product is a personal symbol of the artist’s image of God, the idea that it is a creative action is of equal consequence. Thus, the focus is on the working with the clay as much as constructing the finished product.
The Year 10 Retreat gave students the opportunity to pause and reflect while enjoying one another's presence in a tranquil environment.
Ms Libby Boylan
Faith and Mission Coordinator

Year 11 Retreat Day
At the Year 11 Retreat Day, students and staff participated in a workshop facilitated by First Nations peoples. The workshops included painting, weaving, silk-screening, dance, Aboriginal artefacts and a yarn-up session, all of which afforded the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal culture and traditions.
"I enjoyed having the opportunity to learn about the significance of art in Indigenous culture, as a medium to carry stories through sacred symbols and images." Tara T, 11SE
"I found the painting session very empowering as we learnt about Betty Muffler's art, the way she tells her story and uses her voice through her artwork." Anjali B, 11 SE
"In the silk screen I created. I used different symbols, connecting my family and interests with aboriginal symbols and culture. The leaf represents my love, passion, and care for nature and gardening. This symbol connects to aboriginal culture with its connection to country and its care and respect for the land on which we live." Savannah B, 11MS
The Year 11 retreat gave all students the opportunity to become immersed within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. With learning beside inspirational individuals, like Pilawuk, we were able to further understand the deep connection that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals have to their land and heritage. It was a transformative experience that left all of us with a newfound appreciation for such a significant history." Gabriella B, 11FT
"Not only did we go to a beautiful place, but together as a cohort we were able to further our understanding and explore hands on about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. I was able to walk away from the day feeling at peace, with a much greater appreciation for their incredible culture. The best Retreat, for sure!" Mia, 11FT

Be on the lookout for us!

Each Monday at lunchtime, a group of wonderful Year 8 students meet to create beaded bracelets displaying our school’s Mercy Values of Compassion, Hospitality, Respect, Service, Justice and Courage.
During these sessions, the girls have an opportunity to socialise, engage and get creative in a cosy, friendly and welcoming environment. These bracelets will be sold on Mercy Day at the 8NW stall to raise money for Mercy works at the end of the term!
Ms Maria Fragnito & Ms Mary Kotsionis

Going the Distance for Those in Need – JAM News
Did you know that approximately 7,000 people in South Australia are experiencing homelessness? August 7-13 marks the beginning of National Homelessness Week, a week dedicated to educating the community on the issue of homelessness and advocating for the eradication of homelessness. SAC provides continued, year-round support to Mercy Works around Adelaide devoted to supporting the homeless, such as Sister Janet Mead’s Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless and Catherine House. Next week, we will continue our dedication to ensuring a just, equitable and merciful society for all. Students will participate in the Walk a Mile in My Boots on August 11, fundraising for the Hutt Street Centre and walking in solidarity with those experiencing homelessness in South Australia. SAC students will also have the opportunity to attend Homelessness SA’s Annual Memorial Service that day for those who have passed away while experiencing homelessness in South Australia. This all leads up to our annual Winter Sleepout on August 25, where our Year 12s will have the opportunity to learn about homelessness and hear from homelessness services from around our state, before sleeping out under the stars in solidarity with some of the most vulnerable members of our society.
Students wishing to participate in Walk A Mile in my Boots (any age) the Year 12 Sleepout (Year 12 only) can register by emailing Maddie Kelly ([email protected]) until 5pm 9am on Monday 7 August.
Would you like to donate to our Walk A Mile campaign? Click this link to donate to the SAC team: Walk a Mile - St Aloysius College
Ms Maddie Kelly & Ms Mia Konopka
JAM Coordinator & JAM Support Coordinator

Can we research? Yes, we can!
A Research Question: “In 2023, to what extent were First Semester, Year 11 students of SAC able to….
- Author and refine a Research Question?
- Plan research processes that are highly appropriate to that Research Question?
- Conduct research, analyse information and explore ideas to develop the research?
- Develop knowledge and skills specific to the Research Question?
- Synthesise this knowledge and these skills and ideas to produce a resolution to the Research Question using relevant, substantiated key findings?
- Make judgements to assess the effectiveness of the research processes used and the decisions made in the face of opportunities and challenges in finding information for their research?
- Assess the strengths and limitations of their own Research Outcome?
- Understand and develop one or more significant capabilities?
- Express their ideas clearly and logically?”
The following analysis of the SACE results released on July 25 will give us some idea of the answer:
- 19% of the resulted students were awarded A+ grade
[Congratulations here go to Layla of 11FT, Isabella, Alice and Emily of 11LK, Daniela, Elli, Morgan and Jade of 11LN, Sara, Eleanor, Alexis and Tali of 11MS, Zuha, Anjali, Zayna, Dior and Tara of 11SE, and Caitlin, Abbie, Sara, Amelia, Poshika and Amelie of 11MB.]
- 62% of student grades were in the A band
- 36% were in the B band
These results show that the students, teaching and support staff involved deserve our heartiest congratulations for their dogged hard work and ideas generation.
Examples of Research Questions developed and investigated by students included “What non-pharmacological interventions can be used to manage mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease for patients living at home, and how do they work?”, “What elements do I need to create an optimal biotope paludarium for an adult Varanus semiremex (Rustys Monitor)?”, “How does the use of colloquialisms in Australia make understanding English harder for refugees?”, and “To what extent can human abusive behaviours be explained?”
Here is what some of the students had to say about the Research Project journey:
"I really appreciated the chance that Research Project gave me to use my own personal interests in an educational setting. I found it really engaging to be able to research my own topic that I loved and create something that I wouldn’t be able to study in school otherwise, because it is so different from any subject offered. Research Project helped me reflect upon what I might want to study at university and pursue as a career through being able to engage with a single topic for months on end, and enjoying it throughout. I learnt some amazing communication skills, reaching out to people via email, social media, and phone calls to gather information, as well as thoroughly searching the internet and exhausting all resources available in order to find information. I think Research Project is an amazing chance for people whose interests do not align perfectly with school subjects to use their alternative knowledge to their advantage and put it towards their education." Sara
"Research project was an opportunity that allowed me to explore a topic of interest in a great level of depth and detail. My research project enabled me to explore the importance of understanding and evaluating the past, to assess current and future events. Thorough research exposed me to a variety of differing perspectives which ultimately enabled me to perceive the world around me in a different light. I improved my ability to think critically and creatively by demonstrating insightful analysis and I will carry these skills with me for many years to come." Tara
"Research project has not only been a fantastic way to develop my analytical & literary skills, but also to expand my understanding in an area I am extremely passionate about. My topic, the International Space Station and international cooperation in the space industry, allowed me to explore the intricate details of space history and the project's unconscious role in shaping the sector. Understanding how international cooperation in human-spaceflight has evolved has also increased my understanding of the space industry's current dynamics and their implications for the future. Being able to deeply investigate the subtleties of my topic was another aspect I loved, and I am tremendously proud of what I have been able to achieve in this subject." Amelia
Ms Sandra Eustace
Research Project Coordinator
Some of the highly successful graduates of Research Project B in Semester 1, 2023

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Important Info:
- Basketball, Lacrosse and Netball have already begun for Term 3. It is important that your children attend scheduled training sessions in order to improve their skills and game knowledge.
- Come and Try for Receptions, Year 1s and Year 2s starts next week. Consent2Gos will be out soon.
Good Luck!
- On Tuesday 8 August our Year 5/6 Knockout Basketballers are playing in Round 1 of the Statewide Schools Knockout Competition
- On Thursday 10 August our Year 5/6 Knockout Netballers are playing in Round 2 of the Statewide Schools Knockout Competition
- Also, on Thursday 10 August, our SACPSSA Cross Country team are off to CBC Junior School Parklands to compete in the Catholics Schools Cross Country Event
Congratulations to Sidney Fahey, 6LA, who has been selected in the 12 and under SA Basketball team to compete in Perth later in the term. Good luck Sidney!!
On Tuesday of Week 4 we have sports team photos. This will include basketball, netball and lacrosse teams plus knockout teams and any other SAC rep teams. More information on this will be out soon so please keep your eye out.
Athletics trials for the SAC SACPSSA and SAPSASA teams is approaching (hopefully Week 4). Please keep your eye on your email for instructions on how your daughter can nominate if interested.
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator
Sunday’s Fencing Pursuits
We were impressed to hear some news about our SAC fencer, Year 6 student, Sunday, who continues to pursue her passion for fencing.
Sunday travelled to Sydney at the end of last term to compete in the Koala Mini Challenge and the Friendship Team Cup, a competition for fencers from all over South East Asia! It was her first interstate event and a wonderful experience fencing against some tough and more experienced fencers. Sunday's mum shared she had an amazing time and made some new friends.
As Sunday was the only SA competitor, she was teamed with some Victorian fencers for the teams event, and her team came 2nd!
Check out some photos below of Sunday in action!

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator

Vocational Education and Training
Vocational education and training (VET) enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for work through a nationally recognised industry-developed training package or accredited course. Undertaking VET may benefit student exploration of a variety of career pathways and qualifications can be completed in a diverse range of industries such as business administration, , game design/animation, legal services, early childhood education and care, electrotechnology, hair and beauty, light vehicle mechanics, individual support, allied health assistance or sport and recreation.
Why study VET?
VET is an excellent choice of study for many students. It includes practical, hands-on learning, improves employability skills, and can lead to jobs in many fields. Studying VET as part of the SACE gives students a head start on a qualification, while also developing independence and time-management skills sought by employers.
- VET enables students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace.
- Undertaking VET while at school allows students to mix general and vocational education and to make a start on training for a career before they leave school.
- VET studies allow secondary students to gain practical skills in a specific industry while contributing towards the completion of SACE.
Enrolments for courses commencing in 2024 are now open so please see Mrs Stephenson in the Careers Centre for more information.
Flinders uniTEST at SAC

What is it?
If you’re in Year 12, uniTEST is available to enhance your chances of getting into Flinders.
uniTEST is an exam style test and is not based on any curriculum or subject areas; therefore, you do not need any special knowledge. The purpose of uniTEST is to assess the generic reasoning and thinking skills that underpin higher education studies. uniTEST is administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).
The maximum time allowed for the test is 2.5 hours.
There is no cost to sit uniTEST.
No preparation is required but you can view sample questions (PDF).
uniTEST is a 95 item, multiple choice exam that measures the following skills in 3 core components (each of 30 items):
- Quantitative reasoning
- Critical reasoning
- Verbal-plausible reasoning.
There will be one sitting of the Flinders uniTEST for Year 12 students at SAC on Monday 11th September at 1.45pm. Please register with Mrs Stephenson in the Careers Centre.
For more information: uniTEST - Flinders University

Links for Open Days:
- Open Day | University of Adelaide
- Open Day - University of South Australia (
- Open Days 11-13 August 2023 - Flinders University
- ACAP | Adelaide Campus Open Day | 12 August 2023
- Open Day | AIE Institute
TAFE SA Information Sessions
Information Sessions (

Continuing the Storytelling of our History
Year 10 Dancing
Nervous excitement always preceded the Year 10 (and later Year 9) formal dancing lessons with CBC. Shaking hands and sweaty palms joined as they were introduced to the various dance styles, which included the Foxtrot, Military Two-Step, Jive, Barn Dance and everyone’s favourite, the Tango - the dance of love! Both boys and girls overcame their anxieties to join in the fun and when asked how the lessons could be improved, the answer was…to have more of them!
Ms Carol Grantham
Head Archivist

Attention all fathers and significant men in the lives of our students:
sac invites you to Save the Date!