Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Book Week is always a highlight of the Term 3 Calendar. This year’s theme, Read, Grow, Inspire opened up a huge range of costume possibilities and these were on display in full colour at the parade in the Undercroft last Friday. A love of books and stories is a gift we offer to every student at St Aloysius College. Primary teachers, English teachers, library staff and those of us who just love reading are always seeking to share that love with our students. It was extra special for me this year to have my grandson, Artie, take part in the Book Week Parade with his Chancery Lane friends. Dressed in his Very Hungry Caterpillar outfit, he had fun recognising many characters from some of his favourite stories. It was a beautiful reminder of the joy that books can bring to all of our lives.

Someone with her own love for literature is Year 7 student, Eva, who was recognised for her outstanding writing skills in the recent South Australian English Teachers’ Association short story-writing competition. Eva was awarded first prize in the Years 7 and 8 Category for her story The Shadows, an evocative piece that had me sitting on the edge of my seat! We congratulate Eva and look forward to seeing her writing skills continue to flourish throughout her years at the College.

The Year 12 students participated in their annual Winter Sleepout last Friday. Homelessness is a significant issue in Adelaide at the moment, and the students spent some time making soup, both for themselves and to give to the Adelaide Day Centre. Almost 40 Year 12 students took part this year, highlighting the strong commitment that this cohort shows to issues of justice in our local community. Thanks to staff members Maddie, Mia, Viviana, Tahlia and Chelsey for supporting the students to take this action. These small steps help to create a sense of purpose in tackling injustice in our community.

Year 8 students and staff took part in a 3-day Camp at Wirraway Homestead in Strathalbyn in Week 5 and the first of our Year 9 groups went to the Flinders Ranges this week. Students develop critical social and emotional skills through these experiences, as well as having a lot of fun! We are grateful to the staff who go above and beyond in making them possible.

Last term, many students and parents participated in a survey on the student uniform and we thank all those who took the time to provide feedback. A uniform review is a complex process, which takes into account what parts of the uniform are working and what’s not, and carefully balances the desire for change with affordability. I am grateful to our Leadership team who will ensure that any uniform changes we make will be planned and implemented in the best interests of students and their families.
Thanks to the many Year 10 and 11 families who attended Subject Selection Interviews this week. Having an informed conversation about pathways with the wellbeing of each student at the centre is an important part of ensuring every student’s success. Both students and parents were appreciative of the wide range of subjects on offer and they will embark on their SACE studies for 2024 with confidence.
We were thrilled to see so many in attendance at our Father’s Day Breakfast this morning. There was a tangible sense of excitement and gratitude in the air, as we acknowledged these significant men and the role they play in the lives of our students. As with any school event, it takes a village to make it happen, but I would like to acknowledge in a special way Ms Jacqui Mcilroy (Deputy Principal - Pastoral Care), whose work in building community events in 2023 has been a gift to us all.
Happy Father’s Day to all who are celebrating on Sunday!
Ms Paddy McEvoy
The Charter Ambassador Program
The Charter Ambassador Program gives young people an opportunity to learn about The Charter for Children and Young People and to say what they need to be safe, happy and well, influence change and to learn new skills. Our Year 10 Charter Ambassadors attended a Health and Wellbeing Summit to reflect on self-care. They heard from Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt, who spoke on how to promote health and body positivity in schools. The students are excited to implement their learning at SAC!

‘RemoteCare’ by Darcy and Delilah
Well done to our Year 10 students Darcy and Delilah who presented at the CESA STEM MAD Showcase. Their idea ‘RemoteCare’ is an app designed to give better healthcare provision to people living in remote parts of Australia. Darcy and Delilah were able to present their idea to representatives from across Catholic Education and industry. A huge congratulations to the girls for all the hard work that went into the development of their prototype.
Mr Thomas Cotton
Digital Technologies Coordinator

Mercy Hospitality at the Heart of Cultural Exchange
Mercy light: CONNECTING

St Aloysius College has an enduring history of welcoming international students. Over the last 30 years, thousands of young people from foreign shores have spent time learning, growing and sharing their culture with SAC’s staff and students. A highlight of 2023 has been welcoming the return of international students and staff who participate in Study Tours through SAC’s English Language School of Adelaide (ELSA) program.
Creating a supportive environment for students from different countries and cultures takes special empathy, time and effort, and having a dedicated team of staff on the ground to support international students when they get to SAC ensures a mutually beneficial experience for all. Ms Michelle Barratt has been the International Student Coordinator at SAC for seven years, and she says that the role has taught her a great deal about, “building intercultural understanding and appreciation.”
“The best part about my role is working with many kinds of people. I’ve learnt that even if we come from different backgrounds, people are generally similar in their wants and needs. Our SAC students also come to appreciate this when they spend time with international students,” Ms Barratt explains.
Together with the team of dedicated ELSA staff, Michelle cultivates relationships with international students and staff and tailors immersive experiences during their time at the College to suit each visiting group. An important part of her role is to work alongside SAC students who volunteer to be buddied with international students for the duration of their stay, guiding them through day-to-day classroom activities while building friendships.
Veronica, Celeste, and Adeline have been supportive buddies for Japanese students who have visited SAC as participants in four different Study Tours this year. When asked what they enjoyed most about welcoming students from abroad, their response was unanimous: “the sharing of cultures and friendships that last, even when international students have returned to their home country.”
Adeleine, in Year 8, said it was also a great way to teach friends and family members about the importance of cultural exchange: “I showed my little sister a video of the traditional Japanese dance that was performed for us on the students’ last day at SAC, and she really enjoyed seeing something new.”
Year 10 student, Veronica, who is a member of the Student Representative Council, believes that being a buddy gives students a chance to offer support to others in a practical way.
“Some of my Year 10 classmates are preparing to go on international exchange, and I can’t imagine going to a country where you don’t speak the language well. That’s a scary process. I think it is so important for us to go beyond our comfort zones to help others who are showing such courage in visiting a school overseas.”
Veronica reiterates that, “it is a personal choice to say, ‘I’m going to support those students.’ In doing so, you can help yourself.’”
Both Celeste and Adeline agree, describing how they are impacted their experience as buddies.
“You have to learn to choose your words carefully, which helps build on our communication skills.”
Celeste believes that participating in classes with international students also enables them to grasp the English language in a relaxed environment.
“There is a lot of conversation had in a school setting that you perhaps wouldn’t learn otherwise, so the international students enjoy talking to us about our favourite songs, TV shows, things that we enjoy.”
Another aspect that Veronica, Celeste and Adeline find rewarding as buddies is the responsibility and independence that they are entrusted with by Ms Barratt and ELSA staff.
Celeste shares, “When we first took on the role as buddies, we took part in a training lesson to help us learn to communicate, and to find out more about our roles as buddies… tasks like meeting the students before school, then taking them to their planned activities. Ms Barratt gave us booklets to guide us and was there to offer support if needed. It was really a student-led responsibility though, and the good thing about the SAC buddies is that we come from different classes and friendship groups, so we get to meet new people within the school too.”
Although parting ways with their newfound friends from abroad is challenging, students are not sad – rather, grateful for their experiences together at SAC, bonds formed, and with hopes of reconnecting in the future.
“We have a no phone rule while at school, but we have exchanged details with our Japanese buddies so that we can keep in touch.”
The spirit of Mercy Hospitality is at the heart of a welcoming and caring SAC community that sees, in visitors and newcomers, the potential for lasting friendships.

Up close and personal with the official match ball from the thrilling Matildas!
3ID were lucky enough to get up close and personal with the official match ball from the thrilling Matildas vs. France World Cup game! A huge thanks to Amelia for making this experience possible by entering a Coca-Cola competition, where she won tickets to the game, airfares, accommodation, and of course, the priceless match ball itself!
Students were able to discover more about the world of soccer technology as they learned about the sensors hidden inside the ball, helping to make crucial offside calls. This remarkable keepsake also featured the game's date, final score, and the battling teams' names. What an amazing piece of history to hold in our hands!
“It was so amazing to see Australia win against France and it meant so much to me that I could keep the ball. I was so happy when we found out I won the competition and that I could show the ball to my friends.” Amelia 3ID
Ms Isabella Deluca
Year 3 Teacher

Year 11 Spirituality, Religion and Meaning
Guest Speakers on Social Justice
In Term 2/3 the Year 11 Spirituality, Religion, and Meaning students have had a transformative journey as they embarked on a deep exploration of social awareness and justice. With a commitment to understanding some of the major social issues impacting our society, they delved into an array of pressing social justice issues that impact our country and local communities. They had several intriguing dialogues with a series of guest speakers, including Clare Peterson, Gaby Kinsman, Isabel Salter, Tammy Rees and Louise Miller- Frost MP. From these guest speakers, the Year 11s have been gifted with invaluable insights that ignite their passion for this integral learning and activism. In response, the students have produced individual investigative studies with a focus on challenging some specific social issues, linking to Catholic Social Teachings and fostering empathy and compassion. They determined some of the steps we need to take towards positive change and a brighter future for all.
Guest Speakers in late Term 2.
- Clare Peterson – on First Nations Issues, focus on The Voice to Parliament and the process of constitutional change
- Gaby Kinsman and Isabel Salter – Young Mercy Links – on Refugee Issues and Human Trafficking
- Lousie Miller-Frost MP – Poverty in Australia
- Tammy Rees – Threads Together – Sustainable Clothing
Ms Kate OReilly
Religious Education Curriculum Coordinator (Secondary)

Young Engineers Breakfast
Senior students with career aspirations within STEM and engineering were invited to the Engineers Australia Young Engineers Breakfast at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Wednesday 16 August.
"I really enjoyed the breakfast as I could hear from engineers from all over the country, and even the world. The main topic of the event was A Just Transition. I got to learn about what this meant to all of the panel members and could form an opinion of my own. I discovered that in the context of environmental solutions, a ‘just transition’ is a consideration of economic, environmental and social barriers while implementing new technologies, assuring no one is left behind." Alexis 11MS
"I really loved having the opportunity to learn about the significance of a 'just transition' in today's society. I found that listening to Margaret Gayen speak about the importance of environmental, social, and economical sustainability, as well as what we can do as future engineers to help create a more sustainable future, was incredibly inspiring." Rachael 12LZ
"I really enjoyed talking to the engineers on my table who gave me a lot of insight on the work field of environmental engineering and what it is like. The speakers were very helpful in discussing the ideas revolving a ‘just transition’, which I have now defined it to be how the current generation can transition from our current environmental choices to the next generation with not necessarily different choices but rather choices that make the world more balanced. Hence the idea of a net zero future." Prefei 12LZ
Ms Rachel Gould
Director of Student Wellbeing (Secondary) | Career Education Support

Student Spotlight

From the English Faculty

English & Literacy Coordinator
Year 8 Poetry Presentation – Manal Younus
Adelaide spoken-word poet Manal Younus was once again a welcome visitor to SAC. The Year 8 students were an attentive audience as Manal shared stories of her life and her passion for poetry. Their responses to Manal’s questions gave testament to their familiarity with poetry and the teaching of it throughout the middle school years. The Eritrean-born poet’s messages of being confident in who you are and where you’ve come from were well received and the Year 8s showed their support and appreciation with rousing applause and supportive clicks.
"Wow! Manal was incredible. She performed with such emotion and was so entertaining. It was really fun to watch." Erin 8AT
"I thought Manal’s performance was really inspiring and forced you to visualize what the world was like from someone else’s point of view." Evie 8AT
"I loved the performance. It was very entertaining and she was very confident. I loved her poems and how expressive she was. I learned not be afraid of public speaking and to express my feelings." Charlotte 8MB
"I loved her poem ‘Woman’ as it resonated with me. I loved hearing about her personal experiences with poetry." Mariah 8AT
"Manal’s presentation was really engaging, and she helped me understand that poetry is so much more meaningful than ‘words’. She inspired me to write more for fun." Gianna 8AT
"I loved her encouragement and bravery. She tried to interact with everyone and encouraged everybody to have a try. As for bravery, it’s really simple: She stood up and shared her ideas with courage!" 8MB students

Year 9 Poetry Workshops
In conjunction with their study of poetry this semester, Year 9 students attended a workshop with Adelaide poet Julie Wright. Through presenting examples of her own work, Julie explained how poets observe the world around them – global, local and personal – and then write about it in ways that are deeply personal but which also resonate with readers. The students were challenged to do their own writing, share their ideas and develop their knowledge of poetry.
"I enjoyed the poetry workshop, particularly where we got the opportunity to write different poems drawing inspiration from hers. The concepts and type of poems we wrote about were interesting. I loved writing the poem to God and the poem about Covid 19 as well. This workshop introduced me to different types of poetry and gave an insight into the creativity a poet has in their work." Liliana 9SM
"In the workshop with Julie I learned that some people express most of their emotions through poetry. The workshop challenged my thoughts about poetry because I didn’t know that there where so many different types of poems and how much could be fit into poems." Skye-Laura 9SM
"I enjoyed hearing Julie Wright’s poems and the anecdotes from her life that add to the meaning behind her poetry. I also enjoyed attempting to create poems similar to those we were told about. This has confirmed my liking for the study of poetry because the session was informative and memorable." Amy 9SM
"I think that the poetry workshop is a great way for people to show their creativity especially the people who like poetry or who are trying to get into poetry. Julie Wright was really inspiring, and she also inspired me in some way through her poetic stories. I learned that poetry is a great way to express your feelings and emotions without actually saying how you feel. I also learned a few more poetry devices like how poets use shapes to spark their creativity." Asma 9SM
"I loved how Julie Wright expressed emotions and demonstrated a story in a few lines. It has influenced me into starting to write my own poems for fun." Rayan 9SM
Ms Genevieve Pelekani
English & Literacy Coordinator
From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services
Book Week 2023 - Read, Grow, Inspire
Our Book Week celebrations began with a visit from guest speaker Marina, from award-winning Matilda Bookshop in Stirling. Marina gave a book talk on a range of new fiction and graphic novels to our Year 6 students, inspiring them to read and challenge themselves to try something different. She had lots of fantastic recommendations and connections with other familiar titles to share with us, and students enthusiastically lined up to reserve their favourite titles.

During the first half of the week, Year 4 and 5 students were able to choose a creative and mindful activity related to this year’s theme of ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’, including upcycling old book pages into origami flowers, creating Little People Big Dreams-style book covers of an inspiring person, or story writing.

Receptions, Year 1s and 2s were immersed in using their senses and imagination, in creative and sensory activities inspired by some of the shortlisted books, including creating waterhole stories using their knowledge of the book Bev and Kev, creating patterns and shapes with fruits and vegetables in response to Market Day, and a listening challenge, where they identified different sounds that connected with Where the Lyrebird Lives. They also used their problem solving and recall skills to identify dog-related objects in various mystery boxes from one of this year’s favourites, Lionel and Me.

Year 3 students also had fun with playdough, shaping very creative bread rolls in the spirit of Market Day, and inspired by Frank’s Red Hat, made collage hats using a range of materials in different colours and textures.

Year 7s had to use collaboration and problem-solving skills to solve the ‘Great Book Week Mystery Book Mystery’. Juggling clues from mystery texts and hidden words, the students showed persistence as they worked together to crack the code!
Throughout the week there was a lunchtime book hunt with clues around the school, and this year’s bookmark competition was of a very high standard. Congratulations to all our winning entries -
- Reception – Kiera E RSB
- Year 1 – Ava E 1EG
- Year 2 – Lyra F 2SC
- Year 3 – Mila F 3ID
- Year 4 – Clarisse C 4NP
- Year 5 – Lily N 5AV
- Year 6 – Jarran R 6SD

The much-anticipated Book Parade on Friday morning, arguably the highlight of the week, was colourful and high energy! We loved the wonderful, creative range of characters and costumes on show from both students and staff. Huge thanks to Ms Poppy Garner who compared the parade, and her co-hosts Kiara Lens and Emma Hudson. On a quieter note, our annual Read-In following the parade was a lovely way for older and younger students to connect with each other over a story. Stories are, after all, what Australian Children’s Book Week is all about.
Ms Ali Ripberger, Ms Jessie Wildenauer & Ms Sara Gorroick
Teacher Librarians
Click here to watch a short video of This year’s vibrant celebrations of Book Week at sac!
Women’s Advancement
Last week, we were given the incredible opportunity to attend the Winter Conversation Series with Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson and Honourable Julia Gillard AC, former Prime Minister of Australia. The event was intimate with only around 50 people in attendance and the topic of the conversation was Women’s Advancement. Julia spoke about her experience as Australia’s first Prime Minister, her influential policies and her current goals and initiatives for women around the world. We were able to share our experiences as women moving into tertiary education with her and discuss the importance of taking on difficult opportunities regardless of patriarchal obstacles. Overall, this was a wonderful and inspirational experience that left us feeling empowered and confident in our leadership roles.
Maisha, Cartia & Brooke (Year 12 Students)

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Sporting Spotlight!
congratulations to YEAR 10 STUDENT, CLAIRE
Claire participated at School Sports Australia Swimming Championships in Sydney last week. After 4 days of racing, Claire came away with a Silver in the 50m Breaststroke - achieving a PB of 33.62 which was a whopping 0.43 seconds off her last PB! Her team won Bronze in the Mixed Medley 4x50m Relay and she also finished fourth in the 100m Breaststroke. Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment!
Earlier this month, Nama represented South Australia across at the National Indigenous Tennis Carnival, held in Darwin, NT. Teams from each state gathered to play matches from Friday 11 through to Sunday 13 August. Nama said, “when we were not playing matches we were connecting with other Indigenous players. Sunday we gathered to give out awards and South Australia came 3rd place !” We are so proud of Nama for her accomplishments at this carnival and are excited to watch her flourish as an athlete.

Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator
Continuing the Storytelling of our History
General Studies
The innovative General Studies Program, introduced in 1972, was an attempt to make learning a ‘joy’ and to prepare lower secondary students for a world of integrated knowledge. It shifted the focus from purely academic achievement to an alternative approach accommodating students’ interests and abilities. The new curriculum broke down the traditional subject-oriented approach by incorporating religion, English, history, geography, art and science into one integrated subject. It involved team teaching and group work with its emphasis on justice and empowerment. The program continued into the 1980s when the name was changed to Integrated Studies. Students had mixed views of the program, with one reporting ‘the work is varied and it’s pretty hard to be bored…I’ve discovered it’s possible to enjoy your work and still learn’ while another reports it involved ‘a lot of time wasting!’.
Ms Carol Grantham
Head Archivist
Old Scholars News