Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Term 3 has wrapped up beautifully and there are many success stories to celebrate. Our Music Department has had no time to rest since the Spring Concert, with the Catholic Schools Music Festival taking place at the Festival Theatre this week. I was lucky enough to attend Tuesday night’s performance with Ms Jacqui Mcilroy, and the Year 5 and 6 students were so impressive in the mass choir of over 300 students. A solo performance of With You, by Nia Phillips(11MS) was a showstopper, and the Senior Choir gave a moving rendition of When You Believe. Thanks to the many parents who came out to encourage and support the students and, as always, thanks to the wonderful teachers, whose belief in the transformational influence of music in children’s lives drives them to create these performance opportunities.
This week I attended a celebration for First Nations students graduating from Catholic schools in SA. Staff members Viviana Graney, Maja Tongerie and I were proud to sit alongside India, Teyah, Danica, Keeral, and their families, as they were presented individually with a framed artwork and a graduation certificate. These four young women have worked extremely hard, not just this year but throughout their education, and they have big dreams! We know they will go on to be outstanding leaders in the years ahead.
Our second group of Year 9 campers spent Week 9 in the Flinders Ranges. Experiencing the beauty of the Australian outback is a significant aspect of this experience, along with taking on some challenging hikes and connecting with peers in the great outdoors. Cultivating a sense of wonder and awe in young people can be a supportive factor in promoting student wellbeing, and we thank the staff who accompanied the girls on this journey.

The Mercy Day Mass on Wednesday was a beautiful celebration of the mercy ethos that sits at the heart of this school community. Georgia Gray (Class of 2011) gave a moving reflection on the ways in which mercy shaped her life, both at school and beyond. The Mass concluded with a blessing for a very special staff member who has served the College with pride for 28 years and now looks forward to a well-deserved retirement. Gunars Kargans has been part of the Maintenance Team for as long as most of us can remember — some Old Scholars who are parents of current students remember him from their own days at SAC! Students and staff will miss him greatly, with his generous heart, his concern for colleagues and students and, most of all, his sense of fun! Gunars is always willing to participate in school events, whether it’s Pink Day, Mercy Day or the Can Drive; he understands the meaning of mercy and his many acts of kindness will not be forgotten. We bade him farewell with an Irish Blessing from the choir and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Ms Paddy McEvoy

As we move into the Term 3 holidays, I leave you with a Mercy Day Blessing from Mercy Ministry Companions:

From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services
2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge
It has been a busy week in the library as we have submitted all our entries for the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge. This annual initiative acknowledges students who have read twelve or more books over the first three terms of the year. Students have been busily recording stories shared in class, library lessons, class novels, audio books and personal reading. Last year, we had a record number of 440 students who submitted their entries. We have well and truly eclipsed our highest number of entries with a total number of 513 in 2023! The increase in our total is largely due to a higher participation rate across Years 7 and 8. We are really proud of these students for valuing the benefits and joy that reading brings. We’re looking forward to sharing certificates and medals with all participants next term.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

A Fantastic Day at the Zoo!

On Thursday 14 September, our Reception students had a fantastic day at the zoo, basking in the warm spring sun and observing the animals out and about enjoying the sunshine.
During their zoo visit, students eagerly learned about Australian animals in a session led by zoo educator, Erin. Students explored the unique features, habitats, diets, and behaviours of Australian animals, had the chance to touch and explore animal skins and get up close and personal with a stick insect and blue tongue lizard. Students also learned about the importance of conservation, understanding why we need to protect these incredible animals and their homes.
As the day ended our Reception students returned to school with newfound knowledge and precious memories. A huge thank you to our dedicated volunteers who made this day possible!
Ms Olivia Spadavecchia
Reception Teacher

Slow and Steady Fashion Wins the Race
Mercy light: Leading

How do you feel about the fact that an item of clothing is worn just seven times before it is disposed of? A 2015 survey of 2,000 women by UK-based charity, Barnado’s, determined this. It’s a statistic that shocks students and staff within our school community.
Considering rapidly changing social media and influencer trends, it’s perhaps not so surprising that consumers’ fashion purchasing and disposal habits are fast and fickle. However, we at SAC, steeped in the values of Courage, Justice, Service, Respect, Compassion and Hospitality, are keen to ask questions about the problem and seek responses to benefit the greater good.
One huge step forward was the opening of the SAC Op Shop. Teachers, Rosa Frezza and Louise Tunney, have voluntarily co-led the project with students for four years.

Rosa says, “The SAC Op Shop was a vision of teacher, Wendy Lacoon, and passionate student leaders in 2019, who created a space where clothes could be recycled and occasionally repurposed. This shows students how slow fashion can help to spark social and environmental change.”
The Op Shop welcomes donations from anyone in our community, with a yellow wheelie bin located front and centre in the office, hungry for donations of pre-loved clothing and accessories that are still in good condition. A large team of staff and students volunteer their time to sort through the clothing and rehome it in The Op Shop, located inside our expressive arts center and is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1pm-1:40pm.
Fast fashion education is also embedded in classroom learning. In September, at the invitation of Year 11 Society and Culture teacher, Sarah Cowling, students heard from Melanie Flintoft and Robyn White from Australian fashion label, Sunset Lover, about the brand’s commitment to RISE; having a Responsible Impact for Society and the Environment, and this aligns closely with values instilled in SAC students.
The Year 11s were impressed with Melanie and Robyn’s interactive presentation and asked many considered questions about how they could be a part of the solution, rather than the problem.

The same week, Year 11 students, Elli, Morgan, Olivia and Jade, hosted a fast fashion quiz to further spread the word the ethical issues with Fast Fashion and the flow-on impacts on those employed in the textiles and fashion industry.
Elli fervently believes that, “Instead of purchasing from companies that offer low-price, low-quality options, people should take more care and look for different ways to shop.”
Elli, Morgan, Olivia and Jade voice a message of hope, recognising that, “our actions can affect both the environment and people working in the factories that produce the clothing that we purchase. Many workers get treated very poorly, and through research we came to a much clearer understanding of how important it is to make a change.”
“Through raising awareness, more young people can change their habits and be more careful about how they participate in the fashion industry.”

The SAC community is committed to advocacy against the negative impacts of fast fashion, and all proceeds from sales at the SAC Op Shop are donated to local charities: it’s a winning initiative for all.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing Team & Social Justice Coordinator

Why we need more women in STEM
The International Coalition of Girls’ Schools hosted an event at Loreto College to consider the topic of “Why we need more women in STEM”. Our Year 11 students asked great questions and we were proud to see old scholar Eva Balan-Vnuk on the panel.
Student Reflections
"You can’t be what you can’t see. This was the opening statement addressed to us all, but with a panel of six women working across various areas of STEM, I think it’s safe to say that we were able to gain an insight into a variety of fields. Hearing about different career pathways was definitely valuable for us all while we consider possible careers for our own futures, as well as having the opportunity to speak to the panellists after the event." Zayna,Year 11 Student
"Attending the women in STEM event was a great opportunity to meet women in various STEM related careers and listen to their stories about how they got into the careers they’re currently in. It also allowed me to see that pursuing a STEM career isn’t always a linear path like I had thought it was." Abbie, Year 11 Student
"At the Women in STEM event, I enjoyed learning about many different career paths which we have as options to us. In addition to listening to the panel members speak about their own experiences, I was able to ask my own questions. I was particularly interested in how their careers have advanced when such a large proportion of in the STEM industry are male, and how they are trying to fight this." Alexis, Year 11 Student

Year 8 Retreat “Friendship, My life as gift”
As part of student’s Religious Education and Pastoral Care program, the Year 8 students participated in a one-day retreat at the Italian Centre on Carrington Street Adelaide last Thursday and Friday. In small groups, students participated in activities that involved group discussion, reflection, relaxation, and prayer, focusing on the theme of “Friendship, My life as gift”.
Ms Lisa McLaughlin
Year 8 Coordinator

"The Year 8 Retreat was a refreshing experience which allowed everyone to develop deeper bonds with teachers and students. It provided a good opportunity for students to interact with other people with creative tasks. During this experience, teachers were very supportive and were open to helping students feel more comfortable engaging and joining in. One of the activities included interacting out in nature and connecting with not only members in our group but other friends too. At the end of day, everyone walked out full of new friendships, growth of self-confidence and deeper connections with classmates and peers." June, Annie & Amelia, Year 8 Students
"At the Year 8 Retreat, we had time to relax and get away from schoolwork. We were able to build closer relationships with students from other classes that we wouldn’t have normally socialised with. We were able to get to know our teachers on a more personal level. We really enjoyed Year 8 Retreat! " Amel & Georgia, Year 8 Students
"This retreat was a fun filled day to the Italian Center where we participated in prayer, meditation, crafts, and writing. We based our day on the idea “life as a gift” and friendships. Every student and teacher were given a booklet which we used to write thank you letters to people we appreciate. We wrote affirmations to each other and received them from others. By the end of retreat everyone had made new friends and made lots of connections with peers and teachers. Overall, the year 8 retreat was something to remember and something everyone would want to do again." Olivia, Year 8 Student

The Dictionary Of Lost Words by Pip Williams
Based on the South Australian novel of the same name our students went to see an amazing production of The Dictionary Of Lost Words by Pip Williams and adapted for the stage by playwright Verity Laughton Motherless and ever curious, Esme spends her childhood in the Scriptorium – the “Scrippy”, a converted garden shed in Oxford where her father and a team of lexicographers guided by Dr James Murray are gathering words for the very first Oxford English Dictionary. She hides beneath the sorting table and catches a word on a “slip” as it falls and soon, she finds other words that have been neglected by the men. Here begins Esme’s collection of her own: the Dictionary of Lost Words.
As the years pass, Esme realises that little importance is placed on recording the words and meanings relating to women’s experiences and as her world expands and her circle of friends grows – actresses, suffragettes, market traders, workers, she realises the power in their silenced voices and decides to lend them hers. And on the way, she comes to understand the many meanings of the word “love”.
Mr Tom Coultas
Drama Coordinator
Students Reflected:
"The performers were very emotional, and the storyline was very moving" Nyrony, Year 10 Student
"The play as very immersive, a lot of great acting, for a three hour play it only felt like one hour." Michelle, Year 11 Student
"There was a lot of emotional moments in the play." Lorraine, Year 10 Student
"It was amazing how they incorporated projections to give it a sense of place and time." Chloe, Year 10 Student

SAC's Judo National Champion!
Congratulations to Year 5 student, Vivienne, who recently competed in the National School Judo Championships in the Junior Girls U52kg category and won convincingly both fights and took away a Gold medal! She then competed in the International Open Championship (same category) and won another Gold medal, making her the Judo National Champion for her ages/weight group!
Vivienne now has her sights set on Brisbane in 2032! What an outstanding achievement - Congratulations Vivienne!

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
Showcasing the Wonderful Musical Talents of our Students

On Friday 15 September, the Music Department held their annual Spring Concert at the magnificent Adelaide Town Hall. Students from Years 1-12 came together to showcase their talents for the SAC community. Highlights of the evening included performances from a range of choirs and instrumental ensembles, as well as our senior soloists and a combined item to end the evening. The audience were treated to a vast range of genres including Jazz, Classical, Pop, Rock, Musical Theatre and many more. Year 12 students also had the opportunity to present their SACE Stage 2 repertoire. Once again, the evening concluded with a combined item featuring all performers, bringing together the Primary and Secondary ensembles to give the night a big finish.
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator
senior music Students reflected:
"As it was our final Spring Concert, we enjoyed making music with the year 1-12 SAC music cohort. Even though it was an emotional night, we found it a rewarding and fun night and one we will definitely remember." Senior Music Class
"We are looking forward to the remaining music events of 2023 and hope to see you there!" Rita, Sienna, Rachael & Angelica, Year 12 Students

Year 4 Maritime Museum Excursion
REFLECTION BY Year 4 Students: Ivy, Lexi & Alexis Stewart - Year 4 Students
On Tuesday 19 September all Year 4 classes went to the Maritime Museum in Port Adelaide. We have been learning about Australian History and the First Fleet during class, so the Year 4 teachers and volunteers took us to the Maritime Museum to learn more about Australian history. Ms Wildenauer, Ms O’Loughlin and some parents came along too.
The Year 4 classes did three activities - Encounters, The Ketch and a self-guided tour around the museum. In Encounters we learnt about when Mathew Flinders and Nicolas Baudin had an encounter In Encounter Bay which is why it’s called Encounter Bay. We also learnt that navy boats were made thin so they could glide through the water easier and about Aboriginal people meeting Indonesians, The Dutch and Captain Cook.
The next activity was going about the sailing ship The Ketch. We had a checklist of places we needed to find like the captain’s cabin, the helm, the compass and we also found the galley kitchen which could barely fit 3 people inside. Next was the self-guided tour around the Museum. We saw cabins which the early settlers used to sleep in when they were on their way to South Australia. We also saw a giant iron anchor from Matthew Flinders’ ship called “The Investigator”. The anchor was old and looked like wood even though it was made of iron. It was pulled up from the ocean 170 years after it had been cut off during a storm. We learnt a lot at the museum and had lots of fun learning new things.
After finishing up at the Maritime Museum, we then walked to Hart’s Mill playground where we had some lunch and enjoyed playing on equipment such as the hamster wheel and the spider web.
Finally, the buses arrived and we returned to school after a fun day of learning.

Legal Studies: "Should the Australian Constitution be easier to change?"
On Friday 22 September, Year 11 Legal Studies students, Gabriella, Daniela, Grace, and Charlotte, attended the South Australian Schools Constitutional Convention at Parliament House. Throughout the day, the students had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions to a panel of parliamentary members, as well as engage in a mock referendum considering the question "Should the Australian Constitution be easier to change?"
"The SA Constitutional Convention held at State Parliament House on September 22nd was an amazing experience to be a part of. Being able to learn about one of the most important documents in Australia in depth was incredible. Moreover, the guest speakers and politician panel provided comprehensive opinions on the topic. We are all very blessed to have had the opportunity to represent SAC at an event like this one." Daniela, Year 11

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Summer sport is on the horizon! Nominations are closed and teams have been entered to SA Catholic Girls Schools Sport Association. It is advised that the Term 4 sport portal is checked frequently during the holidays, as team lists, training schedules, information packs and draws will be uploaded shortly. Please be sure to organise any specific uniforms during the holidays so you are set for Round 1 in Week 1!
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator
- Competition - SAC Basketball jersey and shorts (to be purchased from SAC Uniform Shop)
- Training - Full SAC Physical Education uniform
Dance & Fitness
- Training - Full SAC Physical Education uniform
Indoor Volleyball
- Competition - SAC universal numbered singlet (to be purchased from the SAC Uniform Shop)
- Training - Full SAC Physical Education uniform
- Competition and Training - Full SAC Physical Education uniform
- SAC performance cap (to be purchased from the SAC Uniform Shop)
Touch Football
- Competition - SAC universal numbered singlet (to be purchased from the SAC Uniform Shop)
- Training - Full SAC Physical Education uniform
Water Polo
- Competition - SAC Water Polo or swimming bathers (to be purchased from SAC Uniform Shop)
- Training - Full piece bathers
Sporting Spotlight!
We are very proud to share some more amazing accomplishments from Claire (Year 10 student) for her participation at the recent National Open Short Course Championships. Claire competed from the 13th of September at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, swimming the 100m Breaststroke on Day 1 with her heat swim qualifying her for the Age Final where she finished 3rd and 13th overall with a PB of 1.11.52. On Day 2 she competed in the 50m Breaststroke, which was a solid heat swim that qualified her for the Age Final. She finished 3rd and 13th overall with a PB of 32.74. And as an added bonus, she got to meet the famous Cody Simpson! Congratulations to Claire on these amazing results.
Congratulations Claire, on your amazing swimming results!

Reception to Year 6 - ICAS Results
This year, students from Year 3 to Year 6 were given the opportunity to participate in ICAS Assessments in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Digital Technologies. Developed for students, ICAS assesses the higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills needed for success in the relevant disciplines.
We acknowledge the following students with outstanding results, achieving certificates of credit, distinction and high distinction. These students will be formally recognised at a future Primary Assembly.
Congratulations to all students for challenging themselves and their achievements in the ICAS Competitions this year.
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary Coordinator (Teaching & Learning)
Credit | Distinction |
Sisira Anantula – Year 3 Loenne Chang – Year 3 Tanisha Damle – Year 5 Lily Nelson - Year 5 Maya Cooke – Year 6 Jarran Ren – Year 6 Serena Thai – Year 6 | Vivian Chan – Year 5 Arielle Herman – Year 5 Alina Thai – Year 6 |
Credit | Distinction |
Tanisha Damle – Year 5 Arielle Herman – Year 5 Lily Nelson - Year 5 Diya Sapra – Year 6 Alina Thai – Year 6 | Rosalie Fernando – Year 4 |
Credit | Distinction | High Distinction |
Aanya Weerawardhane – Year 3 Tanisha Damle – Year 5 Lily Nelson - Year 5 | Vivian Chan – Year 5 Jarran Ren – Year 6 Alina Thai – Year 6 | Arielle Herman – Year 5 |
Credit | Distinction |
Rosalie Fernando – Year 4 Giulia Georgeff – Year 4 Vivian Chan – Year 5 Lily Nelson – Year 5 Serena Thai – Year 6 Alina Thai – Year 6 | Arielle Herman – Year 5 Jarran Ren – Year 6 |
You may have heard our very own SAC Year 3 student, Amina, as the weather kid on Fresh 92.7!
Well done to Year 3 student, Amina, who recently was given the opportunity to be the Fresh FM weather kid on ‘The Breakfast show’ on Fresh 92.7. In her own words, Amina reflected on this really cool experience on the radio: "I had to wait a while for the guys to call me up and when we arrived, it was a big studio. I went into a room with a special microphone and got to wear headphones. I read from the script to tell everyone the weather. I enjoyed taking a photo with Tom and Callum – it was so much fun!"

Happy Holidays Everyone!