Book your ticket now to ensure you don't miss out on seeing this amazing showcase of student talent on Adelaide's premier stage at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on December 1.
$4022.80 was raised by SAC families and staff to support Breast Cancer Network Australia. This is nearly double what we raised in 2022, and the largest amount ever raised on PINK DAY since it first started in 2014!
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation. They work tirelessly to ensure that all Australians who are affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support. SAC's funds will help them to continue delivering life-changing services.
Thank you to all who support this amazing cause each year.
From the Principal

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Christmas came early to SAC this year, with our 53 Wakefield St Hub on Pageant Day bringing festive cheer to our door. The National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant has passed by the College for many years, but it was a joy to welcome families to access our facilities and enjoy the playground, face painting, the Op Shop, Christmas crafts and a variety of refreshments. We couldn’t have asked for better weather this year and people turned out in force to make the most of the sunshine. Thank you to the many students, families and staff members who joined us for this special event, and an even bigger thank you to Tony (one of our Maintenance team), the Marketing team, and many other staff, old scholars and parent supporters who came out to set up at the crack of dawn last Saturday. Your passion for connecting with the broader community was greatly appreciated and will no doubt be the start of a wonderful new tradition.

The foyer is currently hosting the Year 12 Art and Design Exhibition, showcasing the talents of the Class of 2023. Both the Visual Arts – Art and Visual Arts – Design pieces are a testament to the excellent skills our students have gained in their pursuit of the arts curriculum. Many of the Artists’ Statements indicate their engagement with very emotional material, and they have clearly explored this through their work. Thanks to the Visual Arts teachers, especially Phoebe Koch and Louise Tunney, who have encouraged students to explore a range of media and enabled them to produce a collection of unique pieces that reflect the diversity of both classes.

This week’s Parent Forum gave the Leadership Team a chance to present the refreshed Master Plan to our families, as well as responding to some questions raised by parents around learning and wellbeing. Thanks to those parents and caregivers who were able to attend. The positive response to the invitation indicates that many were grateful for this opportunity to engage with the Leadership team and we can see that this platform for parent engagement is an effective one to enable collaboration and communication.

It was a pleasure to attend the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards presentation at the Adelaide Town Hall this week. Year 12 students Sienna, Zara, Elsie and Prefei and staff member Laila were presented to the Governor Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC in a ceremony that celebrated the commitment and perseverance of students and staff in achieving the highest level of this award. We thank Coordinators Alan Brown and Libby Butterworth, who support the students to participate in and document personal skill development, outdoor education and community service components, all of which align strongly with our Mercy values. We congratulate all Gold Award recipients on their achievements and look forward to celebrating many more of our Bronze and Silver level students in future years.

Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Ingenuity Adelaide
Recently all Year 9 students visited Ingenuity held at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Ingenuity is an exhibition featuring a range of interactive, STEM-focused activities. It provides an insight into the variety of career opportunities available across architecture and built environment, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
SAC students had time to browse the array of projects exhibited as well as asking questions and participating in hands on activities. University students presented their work to school aged students who were interested to learn more about studying STEM programs at the University of Adelaide.

Coaching Collective
Last week saw commencement of the 2023 Coaching Collective program. It is a program that aims to encourage career exploration whilst offering students across two different year levels opportunity to work collaboratively.
Year 3 students were excited to be paired with Year 8 students who will be coaching and offering support with research to create a visual presentation about a specific job. We are thankful to all Year 8s who voluntarily participate in the program and gain immense leadership and communication skills whilst doing so.
In the first session Year 3 students participated in 'getting to know you' activities prepared by their Year 8 coaches. They dressed up in career related costumes and have now commenced research on their particular job. It was an exciting time for everyone, and we look forward to flourishing relationships as their journey together progresses.
Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator

2024 Australian of the Year Awards
Congratulations and thank you to The SAC Small Jazz Combo who entertained guests arriving at the SA 2024 Australian of the Year Awards held at Adelaide Oval last week. While the students were performing, the SAC staff were lucky enough to meet and chat with Mercy Sister, Meredith Evans, who was named 2024 Senior Australian of the Year for South Australia later in the evening! A very special moment! Sister Meredith has devoted her life to serving others and has had a significant impact on many SAC students and Old Scholars over many years. Sister Meredith Evans established the new Circle of Friends in Adelaide to support refugees, and worked closely with SAC Old Scholars to establish the South Australian division of Young Mercy Links for young people passionate about social justice. She also re-established Justice for Refugees SA and Young Christian Workers Movement in the state. For every act of Mercy made by Sister Meredith, there are countless more that she does privately. We can all learn something from her humility and the actions she takes to walk the talk and be merciful every day.

A Hub of Festivity: Christmas arrives at 53 Wakefield St

Mercy Light: Connecting
There wasn’t a cloud in the sky at dawn on Saturday November 4, a promising start to what would turn out to be an extraordinary day at St Aloysius College. Members of the 53 Wakefield St Hub planning group started trickling through the gates at 5:30am. It was hard to imagine that, in fewer than two hours, the dimly lit campus would be soaked in sunshine and teeming with people.

Adelaide’s Christmas cheer boasts a history almost as long as the life of SAC, beginning with the opening of the Magic Cave in 1896 – Father Christmas’ local residence - and then, in 1933, the very first Christmas Pageant was created. Father Christmas was escorted to the Magic Cave by eight floats, four bands, observed by 200,000 spectators lining the streets, and lasted around 40 minutes (

Although the 1930s were a time of economic depression, and subsequent difficulty for South Australians, the Christmas Pageant gave people hope, a sense of connection and joy.
St Aloysius College is a community that always strives to be a ‘hub’ of the same. For many years, the National Pharmacies Christmas Pageant has floated past our Wakefield St doors. Mercy Hospitality is a core element of College identity, so this year, after several years of event cancellations and uncertainty, there seemed no better time than to try something new: opening the Wakefield St doors to the wider community on Pageant Day. And there was no better year to begin this new tradition, with our very ow Old Scholar, Anne Quay (Class of 2000) as this year’s Pageant Queen!
What started as an initial conversation between members of the Old Scholars Association soon captured the hearts and imagination of SAC staff and parents, who banded to form the first ever 53 Wakefield St Hub Planning Group. Seventeen people discussed visions and ideas and transformed them into one of SAC’s most joyous community occasions. There was great anticipation leading up to the inaugural event, publicised by Adelady’s Hayley Pearson in a fabulous segment on Channel 9’s Hello SA! We also received generous support from St John’s Ambulance SA, who partnered with us to provide First Aid and cook the breakfast barbeque.
Behind the scenes with Adelady!

On Pageant Day, more than 700 people from the wider community poured through the doors to enjoy the school’s facilities, refreshments, Christmas-themed activities and the playground. SAC’s popup Op-Shop was showcased, raising over $400 for Mercy Works through sales.
Outside the doors on Wakefield St from 7am, staff, students, parents and daughters traipsed down the street handing out multicoloured chalk for children while spreading the word about tempting treats inside, including hot drinks from Café Komodo, refreshing juice from the Boost Mobeel, Jonny’s Popcorn and of course the scrumptious breakfast barbeque served by St John’s Ambulance staff, volunteers, and SAC Old Scholars.

SAC’s talented Jazz Ensemble, donning Christmas-themed accessories, enticed people inside and the Catholic Schools Music Festival Choir’s performance of some favourite tunes in the Jordan Courtyard provided the perfect entertainment for those making crafts and lining up for refreshments.

Anjali Becker, in Year 11, volunteered with her mum, Giselle. When they weren’t strolling down Wakefield St spreading the word about the Pageant Hub, they were busily selling items at the popup Op-Shop, including Anjali’s homemade scrunchies.
Anjali said, "Pageant Day has been a tradition in our family since my first Christmas and we know how exciting the event can be but also how tiring sitting out on the street in the lead up to the event can be. At a time where we have gotten older as a family and attending the Pageant is no longer part of our Christmas traditions, it was lovely to be still involved in the event and meet members of the wider community to brighten their morning.”
Anjali’s mother, Giselle, added, “We loved the experience of working in the Op-Shop for Pageant Day! It was so lovely to get to know members of the St Aloysius College community and introduce the public to the incredible opportunities and initiatives of the school. We loved the opportunity to get into the Christmas spirit by putting our Mercy Value of Hospitality into action and we look forward to doing this again next year!"

Anjali and Giselle express sentiments shared by all who were involved in the success of the 53 Wakefield St Hub. Thank you to all the staff, parent/guardian, student and Old Scholar volunteers who helped us on the day and in the leadup to the event.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing Team

Corporate Supporters:
- St John’s Ambulance – Barbeque
- Drakes Supermarkets
- Boost Juice – Boost Mobeel
- Café Komodo
- Jonny’s Popcorn
Planning Group Members:
- Lisa Bennett
- Vicki Penny
- Nina Jerebica
- Gisela Hamel
- Alice Munton
- Tenielle Nuske
- Courtney Kerr
- Wendy-Anne Heuzenroeder
- Kylie Butler
- Fiona Turner
- Nick Tattoli
- Doreen Maiello
- Abby Matte
- Steve Andrews
- Alexandra Gonzalez-Salas
- Maddie Kelly
- Holly Surynt
- Gaby Kinsman
From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

As of Term 1 next year, there will be a change to our current Mobile Phone Policy for Year 9 students.
Given the success of the change of policy at Year 7 and Year 8, as of next year, we will implement an “Away for the Day” policy at Year 9 as well. This will mean that students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, who bring their phones to school will be required leave them in their lockers throughout the school day.
Your continued support will be crucial to our success in implementing this change of policy. If you need to communicate with your child during the school day, please call 8217 3200 and we will ensure the message is passed on. As we have done this year, if students access their phone during the school day, then we will ask them to store it in the Year Level Coordinator’s office for the day.
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a leading structured (non-formal education) youth development program, empowering young people to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance.
As a non-formal framework, the Award can play a vital role in providing opportunities for young people to develop essential life skills, increase their employability and foster their creativity and innovation. The Award is transforming individuals, communities and societies around the world.
The aims of the Award are for participants to:
- Develop a sense of community service and responsibility to others
- Encourage the development of personal interests and practical skills
- Encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery
- Encourage participation in physical recreation and improvement of performance.
- Successful participants can be awarded up to 40 SACE credits.
Below are some photos and a student's reflection of this term's Gold/Silver kayak expedition from Lake Bonney to Loch Luna.
Mr Alan Brown & Ms Libby Butterworth
Duke of Edinburgh International Award Coordinators

Darcy's daily reflections:
Day 1 (Tuesday): The first day consisted of arriving at the caravan park, setting up, and getting used to the kayak. We learned how to set up our kayaks, how to properly paddle, and how to reduce our chance of capsizing (an important one!).
Day 2 (Wednesday): This was our first proper day and it was a real fun one. Setting off early in the morning, we made good progress and arrived at our campsite around mid-day. Being the first day, I found kayaking surprisingly easy. I didn't get tired nor feel like I was going to tip over. It was perfect weather and upon arriving at the campsite we went swimming in the lagoon. That night we all sat together and played campfire games, one of my favourite things. Although, this day taught me it was important to stay hydrated as by the end of it I had a massive headache.
Day 3 (Thursday): By day 3 it felt like everyone had really got the hang of things. Like Wednesday, we set off early in the morning and once again all paddled really well to make it to the campsite by mid-day. It was perfect weather again (mid to high twenties) and the paddle didn't feel to tiring or hard. Day 3 was my turn to navigate and with a fellow student we navigated through a windy part of the river. Navigating was hard at first as making sure everyone was going the right way, felt like a big task. Although, after learning how to use the compass, keep track of where we were, and use the help of the whole team we made our way to the campsite in no time! We swam in the river and jumped of trees, played lots of cards, and even saw some pretty cool animals like giant lizards and kangaroos. My favourite part of Thursday, and the camp, was the night kayak. A group of us when out after the sun set and paddled around. It was amazing seeing the river at night but also feeling so connected to the land and like nothing else in the world existed. Overall for being remote, I found it surprisingly easily and actually loved it!
Day 4 (Friday): Friday was the last stretch to get to our final destination. We woke up extra early and watched the sunrise, it was so beautiful. I would say kayaking was the hardest on this day as unlike the rest of the camp, we were going against the stream. It felt harder and my body was getting a bit saw this point. But nonetheless we once again made it!

Out in the Deep Blue Sea for Stage 1 Biology

As part of their studies in Stage 1 Biology, students spent the day exploring Port Noarlunga Reef Sanctuary Zone. The aquatics centre staff took students on guided snorkelling and reef walking tours, whilst teaching them about the ecology of this protected reef. It was wonderful seeing the students engaging so enthusiastically with this experience. We even had several students who experienced swimming in the ocean for the time.
"This was my first ever swimming experience and I had a really great time. I saw lots of fish, sea stars and learnt to snorkel." Makayla Comley 11LK
"I have been to Pt Noarlunga before but this was the first time I have snorkelled on the reef. I really enjoyed learning about the ecology of this unique reef system. We were so lucky to be visited by a curious seal as well." Molly O’Halloran 11 LK

An Out of Space Experience!
During the September school holidays Year 10 students Sophia and Rhiannon applied and were accepted to attend the South Australian Space School. This camp experience aims to provide a stimulating and rewarding educational experience for the most intelligent and talented of our Year 10 students in South Australia, allowing them to focus on a career in science or engineering.
Rhiannon and Sophia reflected:
"During the week we took part in activities such as model rocket building, Mars simulations and met people that we will be friends with for life. We would encourage this year's Year 9 students to apply next year as we found this to be such an inspiring experience."

Laying of the Crosses for the 2/43rd Battalion
a lovely tradition SINCE 2012

Students of 10JM spent their Monday morning laying crosses to pay respect to those South Australians who fought for the 2/43rd Battalion between 1940-1945. 10JM had just learnt about World War II and specifically Australia’s involvement and valued the opportunity to learn more from those who had family members as a part of the Battalion. The girls hammered the crosses into the sacred ground of the Field of Remembrance. These crosses are kept safe at St Aloysius, ready for Remembrance Day each year. This is a lovely tradition that started in 2012, when we were entrusted with the crosses. 10JM were very thankful to be a part of the experience and it is nice to see history in action and that the men who risked their lives for our country, are still honoured and remembered today and always.
Ms Chelsey Webb
Secondary Teacher

Who says the Art of letter writing is dying?
For the Year 3 students, it has ignited a spark that has filled their letter boxes with excitement. After learning about how to set out different kinds of letters, and how to address an envelope, students visited the post office to purchase stamps and send their own hand written letters to each other. One of the highlights was seeing what pictures would be on the stamps, with some lucky students getting a Disney one! Students were excited to keep an eye on their letter boxes at home to receive a traditional piece of communication. Such a treat in this digital age!
Ms Renee Morizzi and Izzy Deluca
Year 3 Teachers

Spring is in the air and poetry is blooming at SAC
On Saturday 28 October the South Australian English Teachers Association (SAETA) launched the Spring Festival Anthology containing entries from their Spring Poetry Competition. Amongst those published were winners of the Friendly Street Poets Prize, awarded to Year 11 and 12 students. Congratulations to Year 11 students Samantha (3rd Prize) and Angelina (Commendation) on their achievements in the Poetry Festival. Their winning poems are published here (Traveller - Samantha; Your Thorny Grip – Angelina). Congratulations are also extended to Anika (9SM) and Oliver Farley (8MH) whose poems were included in the anthology. With over 4000 entries to the competition, these are impressive results. We look forward to reading more from our published poets.
Ms Genevieve Pelekani
English Coordinator

A Premier Visit for Kennedy
Students in 6IW were delighted to welcome South Australia's Premier Peter Malinauskas for a very special surprise visit. Year 6 SRC Representative, Kennedy, wrote to the state's leader about her election to the student leadership role after 13 attempts, and promising her classmates that she'd contact him as their student voice. This stirred Peter Malinauskus, who said, "I thought I'd pop in to congratulate Kennedy on her achievement! It just shows how hard work and perseverance can pay off. And with young people like Kennedy, I'm excited to see what the future holds for our state."
Congratulations, Kennedy! We are proud of you for showing courage to use your voice.

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Term 4 Come ‘n’ Try and Clinics
This term Reception students have started their Come ‘n Try Dance sessions and it sounds like they are having a great time. Year 1-4 students have been given the opportunity to be in an AFL Auskick program, while Year 3-6 students are involved in basketball clinics and Year 5/6 students are doing Water Polo clinics. All have started smoothly, and we look forward to seeing all of the skills and knowledge gained.
SACPSSA Athletics
On Friday 3 November, 44 students from Year 3-6 represented St Aloysius in Section 1 of the SACPSSA Athletics Competition. The team did the school proud, not only on the track but also off of the track while supporting their fellow teammates. Please see below for some highlights (by year level and then alphabetical order):
- Mia Barreto: 3rd Year 3 Div 2 Long Jump
- Lily Pangallo: 3rd Year 4 Div 3 200m
- Mary Pangallo: 1st Year 4 Div 3 400m
- Juliana Aritzis: 1st Year 5 Div 2 Shot Put
- Vivienne Lugg: 1st Year 5 Div 1 Shot Put
- Isabelle Tellis: 1st Year 5 Div 2 High Jump, 2nd Year 5 Div 3 100m
- Blythe Truslove: 2nd Year 5 Div 2 400m
- Stella Watts: 1st Year 5 Div 3 400m
- Maia Burden: 1st Year 6 Div 1 High Jump, 1st Year 6 Div 1 400m, 1st Year 6 Div 1 800m
- Paulina Colmenares Gonzalez: 3rd Year 6 Div 2 800m
- Eliza Harris: 3rd Year 6 Div 1 Shot Put
- Matilda Hassam: 1st Year 6 Div 3 60m Hurdles
- Emma Hudson: 3rd Year 6 Div 2 200m, 3rd Year 6 Div 2 High Jump
There were also so many fourth places across the board but just too many to mention. The girls should be very proud of their efforts!
Maia Burden (6SD) was named Year 6 Champion Girl with two convincing performances in the 800m and 400m as well as she created a record of 1.45m in the div 1 high jump.
Sidney Fahey (6LA) won the Girl’s Open Pentathlon with a 4th in the long jump, 1st in the 800m, 2nd in the 60m hurdles, 2nd in the 100m and 2nd in the shot put.
Special Achievements
At the end of Term 3, Year 6 student Maia competed for East Adelaide at the School Sport SA SAPSASA Track and Field Championships. She ran in the 12-year-old girls 800m event where she broke the record with a time of 2:19.34. We congratulate Maia and wish her all the best for the 12 and Under Track and Field Nationals that are going to be held later in Term 4 in Launceston, Tasmania.
Yesar 6 student, Sidney, has been selected to represent SA in Basketball in the Under 14 age group. She will travel to Melbourne to compete in the Southern Cross Challenge in January 2024. Good luck Sidney!
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator

Hot Shot Tennis Day!
participation, cooperation and skill development
On Wednesday in Week 2 an enthusiastic group of Year 3 and 4 students attended the annual Hot Shot tennis day at the Millswood Tennis Centre. The students were in teams and had lots of fun playing doubles with different partners against St Dominics and St Thomas. The focus of the day was on participation, cooperation and skill development. SAC students certainly enjoyed practising their forehands, backhands and volleys in mini games played over the course of the day.
Ms Sarah Eaton
PE Teacher

Year 6 Unique Sculptures
This year, our Year 6 students delved into various aspects of Visual Art, expanding their portfolio and knowledge. They particularly immersed themselves in the traditional art form of fabric samplers, dating back to the 16th century. Initially, this posed a challenge, testing their patience and determination, but they persevered and discovered a sense of calm and resilience, resulting in remarkable and vibrant artworks.
Additionally, we placed a strong emphasis on crafting sculptures from recycled materials, which required extensive planning and allowed many students to convey their concerns about environmental issues or express their personal interests in sports, dance, or makeup. These unique sculptures were showcased in a splendid exhibition held in the Redden undercroft, where the students’ works harmoniously complemented one another.
Ms Julia Colton
Year 6 Teacher


SAC Changemakers!
Congratulations to Year 10 students Sienna and Retha who recently graduated from the Youth Governor’s Leadership Foundation program. This program helps students to develop into confident and empowered change agents. Together with students from diverse communities across SAC, they plan and implement a project to serve the community. Sienna and Retha are pictured below with 2022 graduate of the program, Bridget. We look forward to the impact these graduates will continue to make on our school and the world!