We are all very excited about the renovation of the Mitchell Courtyard. Designed in consultation with our Primary students, take a peek at the new space we will be enjoying soon!

From the Principal

“Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive”.
David Whyte
Welcome to the 2022 school year. I hope that the school holidays have provided you and your families with a change of pace and time to relax together. The communications we have been sending through regarding the staggered start to Term 1 are intended to provide the information and clarity you need to plan for the weeks ahead. As always, we welcome any enquiries. No question is too small and we want every student, new and continuing, to look forward to the start of this school year.
At our first staff gathering last week, we reflected on the Mercy value of Courage. We couldn’t have chosen a more relevant focus for the world we are living in today. In the words of David Whyte, “Courage is what love looks like when tested by the simple everyday necessities of being alive”. Our experience of challenge in the last two years gives us confidence that together, we will navigate whatever 2022 will bring.

Students, staff and families were impressed with the excellent results achieved by the Year 12 Class of 2021. In this newsletter, you will find a summary of the results presented by Director of Teaching and Learning, Jacqui Jury. Every student successfully completed the SACE, with 21% achieving an ATAR over 90 and 50% achieving an ATAR over 80. Special congratulations to Dux of the College Juliana who achieved an ATAR of 99.7. Congratulations to the following students who also achieved an ATAR over 99, placing them in the top 1% of Australia: Gabriela (99.25), Ivy (99.2) and Paige (99.15). We look forward to celebrating with the graduates and their families at the Dux Assembly, which will be held later this term.
Welcome to New and Returning Staff
We are pleased to welcome: Madeleine Binney (Music Teacher), Jane Mahar (Italian Teacher and Languages Coordinator), Stephanie Neale (Music Teacher), Alice Munton (English Teacher), Suzy Penberthy (EAL Teacher), Ali Ripberger (Teacher Librarian & Information Services Coordinator), Lucyna Zwolski (Legal Studies & HASS Teacher), Sandra Addle (Uniform Shop), Donna Douglas (Front Office/Receptionist), Katrina Michalanney (Counsellor/Social Worker), Joann Phillips (AFL Trainee), Gabriela Coelho (JAM Support Coordinator) and Nikita De Vuono (JAM Support Coordinator) to the staff, and welcome back: Kate O’Reilly (Art/RE Teacher), Giulia Brunetti (Year 5), Frances Caluya (Maths Teacher), Stephanie Caminiti (Maths/Science Teacher), Juliana Crisci (Year 3 Teacher), Joanne Szegedi (Year 5 Teacher) and Rebecca Triantafilakis (English Teacher).
Holiday Works
During the break, extensive work has been carried out around the College. The new nature play and renovation of the Mitchell courtyard is well underway with phase I being open to students during Term 1. There has also been much general maintenance to prepare the classrooms for the year ahead, including a minor renovation of the Year 12 common room. In addition, the chapel had necessary preventative heritage repairs to protect the bell tower and stained glass windows. It has been a busy time for the maintenance team with many programming challenges associated with COVID-19.
As we welcome almost 170 new students from Reception to Year 12 this week, can I take a moment to congratulate the Class of 2021 for their outstanding success. They provided excellent student leadership, created many new student initiatives and contributed strongly to our whole school events. We were thrilled to hear that Gabriela Coehlo, SRC President, has been awarded the Andy Thomas Scholarship at the University of Adelaide. Gabriela was selected for her academic success, as well as her strong commitment to service of her school and community. Gabriela and her fellow graduates will be great ambassadors for the College in whatever pathways they follow beyond school.

2021 SRC President
Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter. It gives insight into the vibrant learning community that we are. We look forward to featuring many of our new students in 2022.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Welcome to 2022
Welcome back everyone to the start of a new school year. A special welcome to all the new students, staff and families who are joining our school community this year. The start of this year is obviously very different to previous years, with students in Reception, Year 1, 7, 8 and 12 learning on campus and students in Year 2-6 and 9-11 learning remotely until the planned return date for all students of Monday 14 February. Remote Learning Plans for primary and secondary students have been communicated to students and families and you will also find these reproduced in this newsletter.
For all students, both on campus and at home, we hope that the start of the year is a positive experience, and that the year ahead enables all students to flourish and experience the success of their efforts and engagement.
Academic Results
The class of 2021 completed their entire SACE in the context of Covid-19. They excelled in both their academic results and in the way that they refused to let obstacles stand in the way of their achievement and goals. The ‘can do in any circumstances’ approach I witnessed last year is why I think of the achievements of the class of 2021 as nothing short of courageous. They were not daunted by the challenges, they did not use Covid as an excuse, but rather, they approached Year 12 with determination, confidence, and courage. We are so proud of every student of the class of 2021.

Congratulations to College Dux, Juliana Laverde who achieved an ATAR of 99.7. Congratulations also to Gabriela Coelho (ATAR 99.23) Ivy Larwood (ATAR 99.2) and Paige Gordon (ATAR 99.15), placing them in the top 1% of Australia students.
Our students received 36 A+ grades, with 16 Merits awarded across 6 subjects including: Biology, English, English Literary Studies, Italian, Research Project and Society & Culture.
We have postponed our assembly to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2021 until it is safe to do so. Merit recipients will receive their certificate in a ceremony at Government House, however this event has been postponed for the same reason.
Some of the highlights from the class of 2021 include:
- 100% SACE Completion
- Over 21% percent of our students achieved an ATAR over 90, placing them in the top 10% of all Australian students.
- Over 50% of our Year 12 students achieved an ATAR over 80, placing them in the top 20% of all Australian students.
- 48% of all grades were A grade
- 89% of all grades were A or B grades
- 98% of all students who applied for university received a First-Round offer.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and all their teachers!

School Diary
The student diary is an important tool for communication between school and home, as well as a place to record homework and due dates for assignments. Teachers will check the diary regularly and we ask you to check and sign the diary at least once a week. The diary is an invaluable tool to help students develop their organisational skills.
The student diary is an important tool for communication betHomework is an essential part of the study program at St Aloysius College, helping to develop learning patterns, reinforces class learning, develop study skills and providing opportunities for revision, reading and completion of ongoing assignments. Students are expected to complete homework set by their teachers. Teachers are also very conscious of the many demands on students, recognising that homework should not deny students the opportunity to spend time with their family, friends or engage in other interests. Students should be able to develop the ability to incorporate homework into their lives in a balanced way. Communication with the subject teacher from parents or caregivers is needed if students have been unable to complete homework.
Teachers understand that difficulties completing tasks can arise. In these circumstances, early communication of difficulties is strongly encouraged. If an assignment cannot be completed by the due date, then an extension should be requested. Students in Year 11 or 12 who are absent on the day of a test or exam due to illness may require a medical certificate. In situations where students are experiencing significant challenges with schoolwork, or if students are likely to be absent for more than a few days, students and/or parents should contact their daughter’s Home Class teachers and/or subject teachers as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the curriculum at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Remote Learning Plans
The Remote Learning Guidelines for Students and Families detail the online learning strategy and available resources.
SAC School Uniform Information
School Terms
Tuesday 8:15am – 11:30am
Wednesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday 8:15am – 11:30am
School Holidays
Opening times are advertised in the SAC Newsletter prior to the end of each term. Entry is via the Angas Street gate.
- Uniforms can also be purchased from our Online Shop.
- Click here to view detailed information re the SAC School Uniform.
From the Deputy Principal

'Meet the Teacher’ Evening for Reception to Year 7 Parents
Early in Term 1, we would usually hold a ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening at the College. Given the current situation with the pandemic, we are currently working through alternative arrangements. We recognise how crucial it is for parents and caregivers to have the opportunity to meet their daughter’s Home Class teacher and to hear about the year’s program and special features, and hope to have some information to you shortly about how this may look for this year.
Student and Family Information Sheets
To ensure that we have the latest student and family information details, particularly emergency contact information and who to contact in the case of an accident, it is very important that we keep this information up to date. In Term 1 you will be issued with a copy of the information we currently hold in our computer system. It is important that you check this information very carefully, make amendments as needed and then return it promptly to us.
Security and Visitors’ Badges
St Aloysius College, in line with many other schools and businesses, requires all people coming onto the school property during the school day to first report to the SAC Office in the main foyer to sign in and to wear a visitor’s badge whilst on the school property. This procedure operates from 8:45am to 3:00pm. During the school day it is usually only possible to enter the property through the Wakefield Street doors. If you are in the school grounds without a badge you will be asked to immediately report to the SAC Office. Please do not try to rush past the SAC Office desk without getting a visitor’s badge, even if the staff are a little busy, as the safety of students is very important to us and unidentified strangers pose a serious threat to everyone. Whilst we are sorry if this practice inconveniences parents and visitors coming to the College, we hope you will understand our reasons for implementing this procedure - the safety of our students.
St Aloysius College will continue to follow the advice of our governing bodies regarding our approach to COVID-19 and its potential impact on school events and other practices. While we certainly learnt how to ‘pivot’ quickly in order to hold events and activities on our calendar in 2021, with the developments in 2022 impacting our beginning of year we do approach 2022 tentatively but with the hope that we are able to proceed with key events, albeit with a likely chance of modification. We will continue to communicate with parents and caregivers as such needs arise. We ask that parents and caregivers continue to adhere to social distancing and other requirements when at school, but are keen to welcome families back into the classrooms to interact with staff as soon as it is safe to do so.
I hope that this is a successful year for all of our students and their families and I look forward to meeting you all at the various events throughout the year.
Mr Nick Tattoli

Sr Janet Mead - Always remembered and much-loved musician, educator and Sister of Mercy.
Sr Janet, 84, died peacefully at home after succumbing to cancer on the morning of January 26. Janet was an old scholar, past staff member and dear friend and supporter of St Aloysius College. Our staff and students join with the Romero Community and the Sisters of Mercy in their grief, and give thanks for a life that gave so much to many vulnerable members of our community here in SA.
In God’s Care,

Primary & Secondary Sport for 2022
As part of the Return to School Plan agreed with SA Health, no inter-school sport training and competitions are permitted prior to the school year or during Weeks 1-4. Thus, the new proposed start date for Primary Come 'n' Try and basketball will be Week 5 and Secondary Sport games will be Saturday 5 March (Week 5), with trainings to also commence at the beginning of Week 5. Any changes to these start dates will be communicated directly to students and parents/guardians via SEQTA portals, email and the student bulletin.
To complete the online nomination and payment for Term 1 sport at SAC, please click here.
We are very much looking forward to the return of sport and to see some new and familiar faces representing our college!