Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Welcome to the 2024 school year. I would like to extend a special welcome to the many new students and families who have joined us at St Aloysius College this year. We hope that in these first few days and weeks, you will experience the warmth of Mercy hospitality that quickly enables our students and their families to feel a sense of connection and belonging.
The Liturgy Committee has chosen our focus for this year’s liturgies and masses to be Called to Peace. At our first staff day last week, the whole staff reflected on this theme in the light of the challenges our world is facing, with so many children’s lives being ravaged by war. Now, more than ever, we are called to bring peace to our communities, in our homes and in our school.

The Class of 2023 has achieved excellent results and, in this newsletter, you will find a summary of the results presented by Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning), Jacqui Jury. Every student successfully completed the SACE. Special congratulations to Dux of the College, Isabelle, who achieved an ATAR of 99.4. Isabelle attended SAC from Reception to Year 12, so there are many teachers who are thrilled with Isabelle’s results, having played a part in her learning journey. More detail on the outstanding results from the Class of 2023 can be found in the pages of this newsletter. We look forward to celebrating with the graduates and their families at the Dux Assembly, which will be held on Tuesday 13 February.
We are pleased to welcome:
- Chelsea Connelly (AFL Trainee)
- Rita Caprioli (PE Assistant)
- India Bament-Sitkowski (First Nations Support Officer)
- Anjelica Grillett (Learning Support Officer)
- Meg McDonald (Marketing & SACOSA Intern)
- Elena Koulianos (English Teacher)
- Pip Smitheram (Mathematics, Science and RE Teacher)
- Belinda Monaghan (Science Teacher)
- Jacob Dickson (PE Teacher)
- Nagina Zahra (English and EAL/D Teacher)
- Amy Klar (English, Humanities and RE Teacher)
- Lily Foster-Richardson (Art and Humanities Teacher)
- Laura Kelly (English and Humanities Teacher)
- Mel White (PE Teacher)
The focal point of holiday works this year was “The Village”. This group of temporary classrooms has been constructed in the Redden Undercroft to enable us to move forward with renovating learning spaces and building a new Primary School, as communicated through the College Master Plan. We are grateful to Details Studio and Inca Constructions who have worked tirelessly throughout the holiday period to complete this project.
In addition, work has begun on the Mitchell Courtyard redevelopment to incorporate an Acknowledgment of Country. The Reconciliation Action Plan Committee, especially First Nations Student Support worker Maja Tongerie, has been central to this project, working closely with architect Peter Moeck. We are very excited to see their vision become a reality for the start of Term 2.

This Newsletter enables us to share with our community the huge variety of activities taking place in the College each week. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope that you will enjoy finding familiar faces and places included in newsletters throughout the year.
We hope that students, staff and families experience a peaceful and fulfilling year in 2024.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)
School Photos and Uniform
Our school PHOTO DAY is just around the corner!
Capturing these moments is a wonderful way to preserve memories of your child's academic journey. The details for the photo day are as follows:
- Date: Week 2, Wednesday 7 February
- Time: Photos will begin at 8:55am
- Location: in McAuley Auditorium and Auditorium 2
- Uniform: Full summer uniform
We kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that your child is well-prepared and dressed in their correct school uniform for the photos. Wearing the school uniform with pride promotes a sense of belonging and unity among our students. If there are any concerns or challenges regarding the uniform, please do not hesitate to contact your Home Class Teacher or Year Level Coordinator.
Please CLICK HERE to access the uniform reminders displayed in each classroom. The policy can also be found in the student diary.
We look forward to seeing all the bright smiles on photo day.
Mobile Phone Policy
A reminder that there has been a change to our current Mobile Phone Policy for Year 9 students for 2024.
Given the success of the change of policy at Year 7 and Year 8, this year, we will implement an “Away for the Day” policy at Year 9 as well. This will mean that students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, who bring their phones to school will be required leave them in their lockers throughout the school day.
Your continued support will be crucial to our success in implementing this change of policy. If you need to communicate with your child during the school day, please call 8217 3200 and we will ensure the message is passed on. If students access their phone during the school day, then we will ask them to store their phone in the Year Level Coordinator’s office until the end of the school day.
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)
From the Deputy Principal (Administration)

Deputy Principal (Administration)
As we commence the 2024 school year, I would like to extend a warm welcome back to all of our returning students and families. A very special welcome also to our new students and families beginning at St Aloysius College.
We are lucky enough to celebrate and provide opportunities for our students across the year, and it is worthwhile to take some time to scroll through some of the dates highlighted in the calendar so that you can plan ahead for some key events.

For a summary of major school events and to lock away important dates in your diaries, please click here to access our school calendar.
Reception to Year 7 Meet the Home Class Teachers - Thursday 1 February
6 - 6:30pm:
Parents/Caregivers of Year 3 students are invited to a Laptop Information session about our one-to-one laptop program. The session will include details about how the Surface Pro devices will be used in the education program, cyber safety, safe use and protection of the device and data and coverage for accidental loss or damage. This session will be held in the McAuley Auditorium.
6:30 - 7:30pm:
Parents/Caregivers of Reception to Year 7 students are invited to a Meet the Teacher session to hear their child’s Home Class teachers present an overview of the aims and highlights of the year and communication strategies. The venue for Reception to Year 6 is your daughter’s Home Class, and the venue for Year 7 is the McAuley Auditorium.
Parents/Caregivers are invited to share a drink with each other and SAC staff - drinks will be provided in The Cloisters.
Please note that this evening is designed for parents/caregivers engagement, not children. Parents/Caregivers with children in more than one year level are encouraged to spend part of the time in each classroom.
Year 12 Parent Information Evening - Monday 5 February
6:30pm: Meet the Teachers - Wine and Cheese
7pm: Parent Information Session - Strategies to guide your daughter successfully through Year 12
Parents/Caregivers of Year 12 students are invited to a wine and cheese evening to meet your child’s Home Class and Subject teachers. Following this, various staff will present important information regarding approaching the final year of schooling with your daughter.
Traffic Management and Carparking around the Campus
‘Back to School’ time always means greater amounts of traffic on the roads and especially at the start of the school year, we should anticipate more motorists around schools and those searching for car parks.
In partnership with Adelaide City Council, parking permits are available from our front office. The permits allow parents/caregivers to park around the perimeter of the school (in ‘No Parking’ zones) for 10 minutes during school drop off and pick up times. Please note that at the end of 2023 the Council have increased the number of “No Parking” Bays on Angas Street which has seen greater opportunity for our community to access carparks to drop off students.
It is crucial that our school community adhere to the road rules at all times, including reducing speed around the College when children are present and adhering to laws both as drivers and as pedestrians. All students are expected to use the pedestrian crossings on Wakefield and Angas Streets when crossing those roads and we appreciate the adults in our community modelling these same safe behaviours.

Change to Dismissal Time for Secondary Students
Please note that the dismissal times for the Primary and Secondary students will now align for the 2024 school year. Both primary and secondary students will be dismissed from school at 2:30pm on Mondays, and at 3:15pm on Tuesday-Fridays.
St Aloysius College uses SEQTA as a learning management system to enable greater collaboration between school and home. The SEQTA platform consists of three integrated portals:
- SEQTA Teach for teaching staff
- SEQTA Learn for students
- SEQTA Engage for parents and caregivers
The portal allows parents and caregivers a snapshot into the lessons taught for the day, homework set, upcoming assessments, feedback and rubrics on marked assessment tasks, and formal academic reports.
If you are new to the College this year, or a current parent/caregiver yet to set up your SEQTA login, you will receive a separate ‘Welcome to SEQTA’ email on Wednesday 24 January. Please follow the prompts in the email to set up your account.
We utilise Consent2Go - a digital solution that easily enables you to accurately keep and update your child’s health records and provide consent for school events, excursions and camps in a secure and timely manner.
If you are new to the College this year, or a current parent/caregiver yet to set up your Consent2Go account, you will receive a separate ‘Student Profile Update Invitation’ email on Wednesday 24 January. This email will be sent from: St Aloysius College - [MCBSchools] [email protected] so please ensure you look out for this in your inbox. Please follow the prompts in the email to set up your account.
For new families there are two crucial ‘permissions’ that we will seek immediately through Consent2Go. The first is Consent for Excursions in the Adelaide CBD, and the second is Consent for Aquatic Activities – details for both events are provided in the Consent2Go email invitation.
SAC on Social Media
We love to showcase to the wider community who we are as a College and to celebrate the many talents and achievements of our students and staff.
Please click on each link to access our pages:
I hope that 2024 is a successful year for all of our students and their families and I look forward to meeting you all at the various events throughout the year.
Mr Nick Tattoli
Deputy Principal (Administration)
From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
Welcome to the start of a new school year, especially to new students, families and staff who are joining our community. A new year is an exciting time, whether you are starting Reception, the next year level or Year 12. My hope for every student is that they achieve their personal best and embrace the learning and opportunities that will enable them to flourish this year.
2023 Academic Results
The class of 2023 achieved remarkable results. Congratulations to our College Dux, Isabelle who achieved an ATAR of 99.4 and to Rachita who achieved an ATAR of 99.05, placing both students in the top 1% of Australian students.
We are proud of the way that our students embraced the flexibilities within the SACE to achieve their goals. This included students undertaking Community Connections subjects which were tailored to their individual learning needs and one student undertaking a school-based apprenticeship alongside her studies. Many students also completed VET courses as part of their SACE, with a large number of students achieving ATAR’s over 90 incorporating VET study as part of their program. Over 86% of our students achieved a university offer for their first or second preference, with students embarking on a diverse range of pathways beyond school, including in the fields of Medicine and Health, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Business and Economics, Education, Engineering, Architecture and Science.
Highlights of the class are captured in the infographic below.
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 and all their teachers!
School Diary
The student diary is an important tool for communication between school and home, as well as a place to record homework and due dates for assignments. Experience tells us that good use of the diary enables students to develop excellent organisation and time management skills. Teachers will check the diary regularly and we ask you to check and sign the diary at least once a week.
Homework is an essential part of the study program at St Aloysius College, helping to develop learning patterns, reinforces class learning, develop study skills and providing opportunities for revision, reading and completion of ongoing assignments. Students are expected to complete homework set by their teachers. Teachers are also very conscious of the many demands on students, recognising that homework should not deny students the opportunity to spend time with their family, friends or engage in other interests. Students should be able to develop the ability to incorporate homework into their lives in a balanced way. Communication with the subject teacher from parents or caregivers is needed if students have been unable to complete homework.
Work Completion
Teachers understand that difficulties completing tasks can arise. In these circumstances, early communication of difficulties is strongly encouraged. If an assignment cannot be completed by the due date for a valid reason, then an extension should be requested. Students in Year 11 or 12 who are absent on the day of a test or exam due to illness may require a medical certificate. In situations where students are experiencing significant challenges with schoolwork, or if students are likely to be absent for more than a few days, students and/or parents should contact their daughter’s Home Class teachers and/or subject teachers as soon as possible.
Work Completion Guidelines
Additional information regarding meeting deadlines, time management, plagiarism and eligibility for special provisions can be found in our Work Completion Guidelines.
If you have any questions about the curriculum at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)

School Terms
Tuesday 8:15am – 11:30am
Wednesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday 8:15am – 11:30am
School Holiday opening times are advertised in the SAC Newsletter prior to the end of each term.
- Uniforms can also be purchased from our Online Shop.
- Click here to view detailed information re the SAC School Uniform.
For further information, please click here.