Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
The first fortnight of the school year is a busy time for students and staff. The energy it takes to reconnect, build new friendships and navigate a new part of the school landscape is significant, and I’m sure there were a few tired students and parents last weekend!
Thank you to the many parents who attended the Meet the Teacher Nights for Reception to Year 7 and Year 12 families. There was a great buzz in the air, and people valued both the formal and informal aspects of the evening. We hope that we will continue to build our relationships, especially with families new to SAC, so that we can work together to support the best outcomes for our students.

The Opening Mass for the 2024 school year was held in the St Francis Xavier Cathedral last Friday. We were able to gather the whole school community in this sacred space, and students were very respectful and engaged in the Mass. Thanks to the many students who made this such a special celebration, as part of the choir, readers, altar servers or making the doves to decorate the pews in Religion classes. And of course, a huge thanks to the Liturgy Committee and the Music staff whose creativity brings the Mass to life. Looking around the Cathedral, I felt so grateful to begin the year in such a peaceful and reflective space.

Masses and assemblies will look a bit different this year, as the Redden Undercroft is now home to The Village – a collection of eight classrooms that will make space for the implementation of the next phase of our Master Plan. The Years 6 to 8 classrooms will be upgraded this semester, and the development of a new Dunlevie Building to provide bright, innovative and welcoming learning spaces for our primary students. Stay tuned as we collaborate on a vibrant community artwork for the front wall of The Village.
It was lovely to welcome 29 children to our first Play Group in the Cloisters. Reception teacher, Olivia Spadavecchia, and Primary Coordinator, Abby Matte, have done an outstanding job in planning for this initiative, and the marketing team has definitely let the world know that we are ready to welcome their little ones. Some young members of our own community came along, with children of staff and siblings of our current students. Children, parents and grandparents had a great morning, and we look forward to seeing them all again at next week's session.

Yesterday evening I attended the SACE Board’s Merit Ceremony at Government House, where India Bament-Sitkowski was presented with the Aboriginal Student SACE Excellence Award. In addition, 21 students across seven subjects were recognised with Merit Awards for outstanding academic achievement. This moment of celebration for students and their families also acknowledges the outstanding work of our teaching staff, from Reception through to Year 12, who have challenged and supported their students to achieve this level of excellence. Next week, many graduates from the Class of 2023 will join us at the College for the Dux Assembly. Seeing our most recent graduates moving on to a diverse range of pathways is a great source of inspiration for our current students and we look forward to welcoming them back!

India Bament-Sitkowski (Class 2023 and Aboriginal Student SACE Excellence Award recipient) with her parents, Ms McEvoy and old scholar Amy Ralfs, who works for the Education Minister Blair Boyer and attended the ceremony.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) takes place each year for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The tests will be scheduled between Wednesday 13 March and Friday 22 March. Please note that this timeframe allows for catch-up days for students who may miss a test. All tests will be conducted online, with the exception of the Year 3 Writing test. Students will participate in 4 tests in total in the following domains:
- Writing
- Reading
- Conventions of Language
- Numeracy
In preparation for NAPLAN tests, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will sit a National Practice Test on Tuesday 27 February at the following times:
Year 3 and Year 5 students | As scheduled during the day by Home Class Teachers |
Year 7 | Lessons 1 & 2 |
Year 9 | Lessons 6 & 7 |
The test is for practice only and will not produce student test results for schools.
Students in all year levels will need to provide wired headphones for use in the practice test in February and the NAPLAN testing window in March. If your daughter has received a new device this year, please note that headphones will need to be USB C type.
Participation in the National Practice Test will provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the types of questions they will experience in NAPLAN Online 2024. Students, teachers and parents can also use the public demonstration site at any time to become familiar with NAPLAN Online:
NAPLAN Public Demonstration Site
If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact me at the College.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
Research Project gets underway…
At SAC, the entire Year 11 cohort undertake Stage 2 Research Project B in Semester 1. After the successes of the 2023 cohort (14 Merits and 56% of students achieving grades in the A band), the students were really keen to get started on generating their topic ideas. Pictured are students in one of this week’s classes participating in “Speed Topicking”. Chats were kept brief, but the discussions were rich and animated. Topics being suggested are as wide ranging as reproductive technologies, organ transplants, the positive influence of the young in aged care, and female authors in the fantasy genre.
Ms Sandra Eustace
Research Project Coordinator

French Study Tour and Exchange
The end of 2023 saw the exciting resumption of our overseas study tours after the pandemic, beginning with just over six weeks in France. We took the opportunity to combine our existing reciprocal exchange with our sister schools in Paris and Lyon with two weeks of travelling around to different cities. Read on for an account of our French adventures and stay tuned for more exciting reports from our upcoming study tours to Italy and Indonesia.
Ms Jane Mahar
Coordinator of Languages, Overseas Study Tours and Student Exchanges.

"Our journey began at the Adelaide Airport where we flew to Singapore on November 22nd 2023. On our 9-hour layover in Singapore the group went on a free tour around the Merlion and Gardens by the Bay. After some very tired shopping and trying our hardest not to fall asleep on the floor, we travelled to Paris. Day 1 consisted of walking through the Luxembourg Gardens, visiting the Champs Élysées, and the Arc de Triomphe which inexplicably was closed. Day 2 was a day trip to Villers-Bretonneux to the visit the Victoria School, the two war memorials and the Sir John Monash Centre. It was a very long bus ride back to our hotel filled with happy chatter, music, and naps. Day 3 was arguably the most exciting day of the trip. We visited the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. There were many amazing paintings but our main focus was the Mona Lisa which we got a group selfie with her in the background. On the Eiffel Tower I conquered my fear of heights by standing on the glass floor on the first level. It twinkled twice while we were up there and was a magical experience. Day 4 was our trip to the Palace of Versailles. We stood in the miraculous Hall of Mirrors where the Treaty of Versailles was signed. It was bigger than we could have ever imagined. Days 5-7 were spent in Avignon. It was a quaint town with a bright community encased within city walls. However, the true wonders of southern France did not lie within Avignon's walls. Day 6 we did a tour of Avignon and the Papal Palace. Day 7 we went on a journey to the Pont du Gard and Nimes. Day 8 was an exciting train ride to Paris or Lyon, buzzing with hopes of what was to come, knowing our host families were only hours away." Zara McPharlin (Year 10 Student, 2023)

"From November 30th we each stayed with a French family for the next four weeks. We learnt lots about school and daily life, as well as different sorts of foods and Christmas traditions. Six of us lived in Lyon while the other girls stayed in Paris. We spent three weeks going to a French school and the last week travelling the country with our host families over the Christmas break. For the last week in France we visited Tours where we spent the New Year and visited some of the famous châteaux in the Loire Valley. We then returned to Lyon before spending our final days in Strasbourg. In this time, we visited many castles and churches. They were all very beautiful and breathtaking. When we returned to the Paris airport, we said goodbye to two of the girls who went on their own adventures with their families. The flight to Singapore felt long and exhausting but we were glad to be on our way home. After we arrived in Singapore, we were trusted by the teachers to explore the Singapore Airport which is famous for its attractions. In this time we saw the indoor waterfall in Jewel, which unfortunately was shut. As we had already explored Singapore on the trip over, we spent our time shopping and relaxing. The trip from Singapore to Australia was filled with relief and excitement. The thought of seeing our families and sleeping in our own beds kept most of us up and we didn't sleep a wink. Reuniting with our families was the best feeling and we will never forget the amazing opportunity we were given." Mackenzie Freer (Year 10 Student, 2023)

Yr 12 Orientation Day
"Oh, the places you’ll go!"

An excited cohort of 135 Year 12 students began the year with an Orientation Day at Aquinas College, North Adelaide. They were able to enjoy the grounds next to Colonel William Light’s statue to participate in team building activities, before settling down to more formal presentations. Words of wisdom and advice were shared by teachers and old scholars in conjunction with a more light-hearted message from Dr Suess’ classic story, Oh, the places you’ll go!
During our concluding liturgy, the 2024 SRC Executive reflected on their journey from Year 7 to Year 11 and insightful observations were delivered, including some of the following:
"It feels like just yesterday that we were sitting in the Redden Centre, not knowing what the path ahead would lead to."
"We navigated Year 8 through unprecedented times with online learning that challenged us to grow, forcing us to adapt and become resilient. Though physically separated we still formed bonds and connections will are still with us today."
"We have moved beyond our questionable phases, strengthened our relationships and started to question what we will become."
"Now, on the cusp of 18 years of age, we have choices…..some of us will be the new Bill Gates or make a noble difference in our world. But as of right now, most of us don’t know. However, all of us will need the help and support of those around us."
As the words of the closing prayer attest,
Lord, as we face the year ahead, we pray: in our journeying with you, may we never lose our sense of direction and never lose sight of the landmarks towards which we travel.
We look forward to an enriching, enjoyable and successful year for all our Year 12 students.
Ms Carolyne Williams & Ms Louise Tunney
Year 12 Coordinators

From the Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)
eSafety Commissioner: Free online webinars for parents and carers
In today’s digital age, staying safe online is more crucial than ever. Whether you’re a student, educator, or parent, understanding digital risks and knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones is essential.
As we welcome 2024, we also open the door to new online risks and opportunities which may raise some parenting challenges:
- When is the right time for them to use social media?
- How do I have better conversations with them about gaming?
- How can I support them if they experience online abuse?
We are excited to share a series of free parent webinars hosted by the eSafety Commissioner. Each webinar is designed to improve your understanding and response to online challenges your child may face.
The webinar topics include:
- eSafety 101: How eSafety can help
- Understanding how to support your child with online gaming
- Understanding parental controls to safeguard your child
- Online safety and social media: TikTok, YouTube and Instagram
Please register here for webinars of interest and together we will continue to support your child in having a safe online experience in 2024.
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal

The Catherine McAuley Library - Our Much-loved Space
The library has been busy in the first weeks back at school. Always a much-loved space, our students have enjoyed returning to school to find an updated look in the library. Our thanks go to the Maintenance team for the fresh paint work and new light fittings that help our library feel lighter and brighter. We’ve made some designated spaces for year level groups to share their library sessions, and the competition to find creative names for these spaces is on! It has also been wonderful to have so many students come in and share their holiday reading experiences. Book recommendations have been aplenty in the library this week!
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
Unlock Your Musical Potential!

Are you passionate about music? Do you dream of playing an instrument, singing in a choir, or rocking out with a band? Look no further! SAC offers a vibrant co-curricular music program that caters to all musical interests. Whether you’re a budding musician or an experienced performer, there’s something for everyone.
1. Private Instrumental Lessons
Our private instrumental lessons provide a unique opportunity for students to explore their musical talents.
When: Lessons will be offered for 30 minutes per week during school time. Times are generally negotiated with the individual instrumental teacher so that lessons are on either fixed or rotating timetables, as appropriate.
Instrument Options: Choose from a wide range of instruments, including piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, trumpet, trombone, voice, clarinet, saxophone, harp, oboe and more.
How to sign up: 2024 Instrumental/Vocal Tuition Application Forms with all details are available for collection from the Front Office, on the SAC website or at Microsoft Word - 2014 Instrumental & Vocal Tuition Form.doc (, or your daughter may collect a copy from the Music Department.
2. Ensembles
Ensemble playing gives students the opportunity to learn a vast array of repertoire while experiencing the fun and satisfaction of rehearsing and performing while connecting with others. Students also use the opportunity to expand upon the techniques learned in private lessons. We encourage all students learning an instrument to participate in at least one ensemble at the school.
Whether you play an instrument or love to sing, there’s an ensemble for you. To see the full list of ensembles and view the rehearsal schedule, please Primary and Secondary Music Ensembles 2024 - Formstack and then complete the form to register for ensembles.
Why Participate?
Social Connection: Co-curricular music activities foster friendships and a sense of community.
Emotional Well-Being: Music is a powerful outlet for emotions and stress relief.
Skill Development: Improve your musical abilities and gain confidence.
Performance Opportunities: Showcase your talent at school assemblies, concerts, and special occasions.
For more information about the Instrumental or Music Curriculum Extension Program, please don’t hesitate to contact the Music Department at [email protected]. We’re looking forward to a great year of music making!
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator

In an era where sustainability and community engagement take centre stage, SAC increasingly recognises the importance of instilling these values in students. One innovative initiative that embodies both community service and skill development is the SAC Op Shop. This unique project not only provides students with an opportunity to volunteer but also imparts valuable skills in retail and promotes sustainable practices. Highlights of this endeavour are the active involvement of Year 12 students who created a spectacular fashion parade showcasing sustainable fashion for the entire school community as part of their Integrated Learning course, the market lunchtime events, and our pop-up events across the city.

The School Op Shop: A Hub of Learning and Giving Back
The SAC Op Shop serves as a dynamic platform where students can actively contribute to their community while developing essential skills. Managed and run with students, the SAC Op Shop offers a range of second-hand goods, from clothing and accessories to books and household items. Through volunteering at the op shop, students gain hands-on experience in customer service, inventory management, and visual merchandising, all while fostering a sense of responsibility and teamwork.
The Year 12 students, eager to leave a lasting impact on their school community, spearheaded the initiative to organize a fashion parade with a sustainability focus. Recognising the need to promote eco-friendly practices, they decided to showcase clothing and accessories exclusively sourced from the SAC Op Shop. This not only reinforced the school's commitment to sustainability but also encouraged our students to learn about alternative, more environmentally conscious fashion choices.
The fashion parade serves as a visual, but it also educated the school community on the importance of reducing their environmental footprint. The event successfully challenged preconceived notions about second-hand clothing, proving that fashion can be both affordable and eco-friendly.
The SAC Op shop has also been involved in many market days which have occurred at lunchtimes each term as well as pop up stalls during the Fringe music events, our school Laneway festival and most recently in the SAC Wakefield Street Christmas Pageant Hub.
Students have not only learned about the intricacies of event planning but also developed skills in collaboration, leadership, project management and contributing to meaningful mercy work projects. Additionally, their involvement in promoting sustainable fashion empowers them to be advocates for positive change within their community.
All proceed from our sales are distributed to Mercy Works projects. Since the SAC Op Shop began in 2020, we have raised over $7500!
The impact on both students and communities is enduring and transformative.
As the SAC Op Shop continues to thrive, it exemplifies how a small initiative within a school community can create a ripple effect, leaving a lasting impact on both students and the broader community.

Energetic & fun days in OSHC DURING THE Vacation Care Program!

Over the course of approximately three weeks, including a week in January, students enjoyed an array of activities during the Vacation Care Program. The excursions were full of energetic fun days to various places such as AFL Max, lunch at the Adelaide Zoo, Thorndon Park Playground and roller skating at St Clair Recreational Centre. Our OSHC Centre activities included a Sip and Paint Day where students enjoyed sipping smoothies whilst creating their masterpieces as well as a Spa and Wellness Day where once again students explored mindfulness through meditation and yoga and also enjoyed having their nails and hair done.
Our cultural Day explored the country of South America. The students immersed themselves in a day filled with crafts, food, music and dance. Many other activities during Vacation Care included Santa’s workshop, Water Play day, Kids vs Educators Day and Ignite VR & Technology Day. Our program concluded with a visit to the Movies and a relaxing afternoon of crafts and free play.
Ms Vicki Costi
OSHC Assistant Director

Let's keep moving!
JOIN SAMIR Madi'S 50K WALK IN SUPPORT OF Myeloma Australia

Samir Madi (school parent and valued member of the Advisory Council) is heading towards 50 years of age. He has decided it's the perfect time for a physical challenge and a great opportunity to support a wonderful charity.
Introducing the "50km Walk for Myeloma Australia" – a day that promises to be both challenging and fun, all while making a significant impact by raising funds for Myeloma Australia.
Myeloma Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support, educate, inform, empower and bring hope to people who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones.
Myeloma, also known as multiple myeloma, is a type of bone marrow cancer arising from plasma cells. Currently there is no cure for myeloma, but with treatment it can be controlled for many years.
There are 2 options for everyone to join the event:
You can take on the huge 50km challenge with Samir, or sign up for the 10km adventure.
Duration approx. 13 hours (6am start at Grange Jetty Reserve, 7 pm finish back at Grange Jetty) with plenty of stops along the way.
Duration approx. 2 hours (5 pm start at Grange Jetty Reserve, 7 pm finish back at Grange Jetty)
- It is FREE to register at:
- Any donations would also be much appreciated at:
On behalf of Samir Madi, thanks to everyone and let's keep moving!
@walk50km on Instagram and FB
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Term 1 Sport
Team lists and training information has been uploaded to the Term 1 SEQTA Sport Portal, with touch football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, dance and fitness trainings / matches to begin next week (Week 3) and Water Polo the following week (Week 4). Fixtures will be released mid-week by SACSSGSA and distributed shortly after. Please continue to check the portal for these draws.
As we head into the first week of sport, please familiarise yourself with St Aloysius College sport absentee policy & SACSSGSA Weather Policy below:
Absentee Reminder:
If your daughter cannot attend a scheduled training or game, a parent or caregiver must notify the sport coordinator (Meg Henderson) via text/call to the sport phone or email (see contact below). At least 24 hours notice is preferred in order to source fill ins or notify opposition of a forfeit.
- Ph: 0447 937 709
- E: [email protected]
Hot Weather Cancellation Procedures:
If the temperature for the forthcoming Saturday is forecast at 38°C on the Bureau of Meteorology’s website at 9:00am on Friday, all secondary sport will be cancelled. For extreme circumstances where the forecast changes after 9:00am on the Friday to be above 38°C an email will be sent the following morning.
Water Polo – if the temperature for the programmed day is forecast at 38°C on the Bureau of Meteorology’s website at 12:00pm on the day of, all games played in outdoor venues are to be cancelled. Indoor venues in a controlled environment shall continue unless unsafe to do so, due to extreme conditions.
Sporting Spotlight
Year 11 student Claire was busy over the summer competing at Victoria State Age Swimming Championships in December and the SA Open & Relay Championships through January. In Victoria, Claire won a silver medal in the 100m breaststroke and placed 4th in 200m breaststroke. In the SA state competition, Claire won Gold in the 4x50m Freestyle and 50m Breaststroke, and Silver in the 4x50m medley relay, 100m breaststroke and 4x100 medley relay.
These accomplishments ensure Claire is well-placed for another successful year in the pool and we look forward to sharing more of her athletic achievements. Claire and other competitive swimmers will represent SAC at the upcoming Secondary Swimming Championships in late February. Keep an eye on the newsletter for results.

A JAM-packed Start to 2024

The Justice And Mercy (JAM) group at SAC is a collective of students in Years 6-12 who, with guidance from a team of staff and old scholars, lead initiatives to raise awareness and funds for social and environmental causes throughout the year. The JAM group meets weekly, on Fridays at lunch time, to participate in leadership formation and learning about such issues, before planning and coordinating activities that engage the school and wider communities. JAM students also regularly volunteer for Mercy Matters initiatives (Years 7-9) and visit Sister Janet Mead's Adelaide Day Centre for the Homeless, located nearby in Moore Street, on Wednesdays at lunch times.
This year, we welcome to the JAM staff team Angelica Alfaro. Angie graduated from SAC in 2023 and will work closely with myself and Mia Konopka (Class of 2022) to guide JAM.
Term 1 is always an exciting and challenging time of year for JAM students, with the group welcoming many new members while strengthening existing bonds, and learning about a range of important issues.
Significant JAM dates for Term 1 include:
- Tuesday 13 February: Anniversary of the Apology to the Stolen Generations. Students are welcome to attend a screening of the Apology in the McAuley Auditorium at lunch time on Tuesday Week 3.
- Sunday 3 March: Clean Up Australia Day
- Friday 8 March: International Women's Day
- 20-26 March: Harmony Week
- Thursday 21 March: National Close the Gap Day
- Saturday 23 March: Earth Hour Day (SAC date of recognition TBC)
The first JAM meeting for the year was held on Friday Week 2, where students met JAM leaders - a team of six Year 6 students and two Year 12 students, who will lead the group in 2024.
Congratulations to our 2024 JAM Leaders:
Year 12
- Caitlin Surynt 12LK
- Grace Campbell 12SC
Year 6
- Daniela Monge 6GC
- Grace Haney 6SD
- Harper McLaughlin 6GC
- Lucy Bowles 6IW
- Mariana Mangos 6GB
- Rosanna Anish 6GC
Ms Maddie Kelly
Justice And Mercy (JAM) Coordinator
From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
Students at St Aloysius College have the opportunity to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation from Year 3 and Confirmation and First Holy Communion from Year 4. Students will learn about these sacraments through the Religious Education program with their teachers and will attend a one-day workshop at school. Students will then celebrate their sacraments in the Adelaide Cathedral Parish or in their own parishes. Parents are required to attend a meeting leading up to the celebration to participate in the family preparation. If you wish for your daughter to be prepared for these three important Sacraments this year, please click here to access a letter and complete the online form by Wednesday 13 March, 2024. Please note your daughter must be baptised Catholic in order to celebrate these Sacraments.
Please click here to access the online form.
Primary School students will celebrate Shrove Tuesday on the 13th of February by enjoying some pancakes with their class. If you are a registered volunteer on the SAC database and would like to help cook pancakes, please email me (Ms Isabella Deluca) [email protected]. Volunteers would be required from 8:30am - 10:30am. Students are asked to donate pancake mix and toppings such as jams, honey, maple syrup, sugar or lemons to enjoy on the day.
Please click here to access the Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday Letter and further information about Project Compassion or if you would like to donate online, please visit the Caritas Australia website at: St Aloysius College, ADELAIDE - Caritas | Project Compassion Schools

Ms Isabella Deluca
Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

School Terms
Tuesday 8:15am – 11:30am
Wednesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday 8:15am – 11:30am
School Holiday opening times are advertised in the SAC Newsletter prior to the end of each term.
- Uniforms can also be purchased from our Online Shop.
- Click here to view detailed information re the SAC School Uniform.
For further information, please click here.
Privacy Collection Notice
Under the Australian Education Regulations 2023, the school is required to provide the department with the following information about each student at the school:
- names and residential addresses of the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
- student residential address (excluding student names)
- whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level)
- whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status).
The school collects the above information by generating a unique and unidentifiable student reference number (SRN) for each student record. The school only uses the SRN for this collection. The SRN cannot be used for any other purpose. The number only indicates to the department that each record provided is for one student.
Please click here to access the Notice for full details.