Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
This week we have distributed the St Aloysius College 2023 Magazine to students. The beautiful cover, designed by current Year 7 student Charlize, reflects the vibrant and engaging content of the magazine. The images jump off the page, illustrating a school environment that is bursting with life and learning. Congratulations must go to Alexandra Gonzalez Salas, whose work throughout the year in capturing most of these photographs, combined with her talent for bringing things together in such a visually inviting way, is central to the success of the publication. I hope that you will enjoy scanning the pages for images and stories of your loved ones!

The Class of 2023 were welcomed back to the College by SACOSA (the SAC Old Scholars Association) last Friday night and were the first to receive their Magazines. We were thrilled to have so many of the cohort present at the event – a sign of good things to come for SACOSA. We look forward to keeping in touch with our most recent graduates through SACOSA activities and hearing where life takes them.

Speaking of old scholars, this week we had the annual photo for daughters, nieces and grandchildren of old scholars. Each year, this photo grows to encompass more of our students. There can be no greater affirmation of an education at SAC than to want the same experience for your own daughter, and we are proud to welcome so many generations of Mercy women through our doors as parents and grandparents.
It was great to see the Year 12 students taking to the pool at the Swimming Carnival last week. We were delighted by the level of participation from Years 4 to 12 and thankful for the many parents who came along to join us at the Aquatic Centre. There was a healthy balance between competitive swimming events and hilarious novelties, which explains why everyone was able to get involved. Thanks to Nicole Wedding and the PE team for their excellent organisation of the day.

Thanks to the many First Nations students and their families who joined us for the Yarn Up BBQ last Thursday. Viviana Graney, Maja Tongerie and India Bament-Sitkowski created a welcoming environment for both adults and young people in the Mitchell courtyard and the playground kept the younger kids entertained all evening! We are excited to see the Mitchell Steps redevelopment take place over the next few months, which will provide a physical Acknowledgment of Country in the centre of the College. The Reconciliation Action Plan at SAC is an authentic and active plan because of the wisdom and guidance of the First Nations members of our community, and we look forward to our continued work together for a more just and reconciled Australia.

Who doesn't love the thought of coming to school in their PJs? The Year 1s certainly embraced the idea wholeheartedly at the Year 1 Pyjama Party. There was dancing, pottery, other crafts and pizza. We were glad they were heading home in their PJs, as I think most of them would have fallen asleep in the car on the way home!

Today is International Women's Day, a day where we celebrate the progress towards gender equality in our society and highlight the changes we are still seeking. The UN Women Australia theme for 2024 is Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress. The recently released information regarding the gender pay gap in Australia reminds us of the need to continue fighting for women to fully realise their potential and have their work recognised through equal pay. We are proud to be part of the solution at SAC, empowering young women to change the world!
Happy International Women's Day!
Ms Paddy McEvoy
2024 International Women's Day - Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress

From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
NAPLAN Testing
Australian students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests in Reading, Writing, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar, punctuation) and Numeracy. Students will undertake all tests online, except for the Year 3 Writing test, which will be completed on paper.
Since 2023, NAPLAN tests are scheduled in Term 1, commencing on Wednesday 13 March. Most students will complete all test domains between 13 – 18 March. If students are absent for tests, they will be able to complete catch-up tests during the NAPLAN testing window: Wednesday 13 March – Friday 22 March.
From 2023, there were significant changes to the way that NAPLAN results are reported to parents. The numerical NAPLAN bands and the national minimum standard have been replaced by the following 4 levels of achievement:
- Exceeding
- Strong
- Developing
- Needs additional support
Further information about how results will be reported can be accessed here: NAPLAN - Proficiency level descriptions.
The recent NAPLAN practice test provided students with an opportunity to experience the test environment. Students and parents can also visit the NAPLAN Public Demonstration Site to explore the types of questions they may experience in each of the four test domains.
It is important that students come to school each day with their device fully charged and a set of wired headphones (not wireless, e.g. air pods). For students who do not have headphones, we have a limited supply of spare sets that can be borrowed.
The test schedule appears below, please note that the lesson time allocated also includes preparation (logging on to the NAPLAN browser, testing headphones etc.) and time for finalising the test sessions.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning)

In it Together: Sister Meredith Evans Inspires Young Leaders

Sister of Mercy, Meredith Evans, was recently awarded the title of Senior South Australian of the Year for dedicating her life to helping the vulnerable and inspiring others to do the same. It was most Australians’ first introduction to the lively 75-year-old, but Sister Meredith is no stranger to the St Aloysius College community. For more than two decades, Sister Meredith has been guiding students, old scholars and staff in their Mercy journeys and inspiring them to follow in the footsteps of Catherine McAuley.
Although not herself an SAC Old Scholar, Sister Meredith’s decision to pursue a vocation as a Sister of Mercy more than 50 years ago links her intrinsically to our ethos. Sister Patricia Pak Boy, ANZAC Peace Prize winner and Principal of St Aloysius College from 1970-1976, was one of Meredith’s key influences.
“Sr Patricia came to talk about spirituality and theology, of how to be your best self…she spoke in a language that I understood as a 20-year-old,” Meredith said.
“I was always thinking you only get one shot at this life and I wanted to give it my best to make a difference in the world we’re living in.”
In February, Sister Meredith spent time with Year 6 and Year 12 Justice And Mercy Leaders, encouraging them to reflect on the significance of their roles in the SAC community, and on how they may utilise their own unique personalities and talents to make a difference.
“Young people always inspire me, they give me hope, and a sense that we are all in this together,” Meredith shared.
“The young are on the verge of a whole new world opening up for them and they are open to new possibilities in a way that much older people sometimes find challenging. I don’t see us as being separate – the older and the younger – I think we are on a journey together. That is what encourages me, and something in me is deeply touched about their contribution to the world we are living in.”
Year 12 JAM Leaders, Caitlin and Grace, were grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Meredith.

“Sister Meredith is a very warm, loving and wise person. She really embodies Mercy and lives out her morals and values in every way. Meredith has a great sense of fostering and nurturing of the Mercy spirit and is able to bring people together no matter who they are. We enjoyed the time we spent with Meredith and after meeting her we have a greater understanding of what Mercy is and how we can live it every day,” they said.
Equally, Meredith was impressed by the conviction with which students expressed their passion for social justice and their roles as JAM Leaders.
“I think what struck me was their sense of wanting to live out of Mercy values, and they named it as that: Mercy values. A whole understanding of Mercy is significant for every one of those students. And I think that SAC is really amazing to keep that alive, that vision, of Catherine McAuley, alive for new generations all the time. And that's not an easy feat. St Aloysius students are not known for sitting back and saying, “someone else can do it.” They say, “we can do it.”
Meredith’s work for the last 15 years has predominantly centred on advocacy for refugees and asylum seekers, and Meredith says, “SAC has actively and courageously made a commitment to families and individuals who are in need. It’s incredibly inspiring, and I’m inspired by a lot of young people who have come through SAC. I know many of them, and the new generation of Young Mercy Links SA participants come from this school. That is incredibly encouraging, to see how this vocation of Mercy is taking on a new life.”
Young Mercy Links SA was established with support from Meredith in 2017 to provide avenues for young adults to continue engaging with community service post-school. The group is actively engaged in grassroots advocacy, and, with Meredith, members have travelled to Cambodia to assist with building houses for survivors of land mine explosions.
“There is something very precious about the way St Aloysius College has, over time, fostered a sense of Mercy for new generations. We’ve got to keep that alive, the possibility of new ways of ‘being Mercy’, to be discovered.”
Ms Maddie Kelly
JAM Coordinator / Marketing & Communications Team

From the Music Coordinator

Music Coordinator
Music Camp Magic 🎶
Over 100 students and staff gathered at Nunyara in Belair last Friday and Saturday for a fabulous weekend of music making and connecting. Students worked hard in their rehearsals, which gave them a chance to grow as musicians, and the weekend concluded with a performance to each other. This was a great opportunity to hear other ensembles and celebrate the joy of making music together. The Friday evening quiz, costume parade and movie night, run by the Senior Music Leaders, is a well-loved tradition and was once again a highlight of the event. The costumes were epic (even the teachers joined in!) and friendly rivalries sparked during the quiz. A special shoutout to Year 11 student Chelsea, who received the inaugural Camp Kindness Award for her unwavering support, helpfulness, and inclusivity throughout the weekend.

Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator
From the English & Literacy Coordinator

English & Literacy Coordinator
The Muse Magazine Launch (2nd Edition)
During Writers’ Week we proudly celebrated our own St Aloysius College writers, with the launch of the second edition of Muse Magazine on Monday 4th March. Muse is a biennial publication featuring student writing and art works, collated and edited by a dedicated student team. First published in 2021, each edition is dedicated to a ‘muse’, someone who has shared their love of writing and encouraged it in others. This edition was dedicated to late staff member Mr Neville Stapleton, whose wit and way with words is fondly remembered by many staff and students. The student editors were justifiably proud to see their efforts in published form and we wish them well for future editions!
Ms Genevieve Pelekani
English & Literacy Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)

Religious Education Coordinator (Primary)
Students at St Aloysius College have the opportunity to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation from Year 3 and Confirmation and First Holy Communion from Year 4. Students will learn about these sacraments through the Religious Education program with their teachers and will attend a one-day workshop at school. Students will then celebrate their sacraments in the Adelaide Cathedral Parish or in their own parishes. Parents are required to attend a meeting leading up to the celebration to participate in the family preparation. If you wish for your daughter to be prepared for these three important Sacraments this year, please click here to access a letter and complete the online form by Wednesday 13 March, 2024. Please note your daughter must be baptised Catholic in order to celebrate these Sacraments.
Please click here to access the online form.
From the Humanities & Social Sciences Coordinator

Humanities & Social Sciences Coordinator
understanding the Holocaust’s impact
All six Year 10 History classes recently visited the Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Steiner Centre, an experience that provided them with a profound connection to the history they have been studying. The excursion, part of their World War II unit, allowed students to hear survivor stories and engage with historical artefacts, deepening their understanding of the Holocaust’s impact, and the lessons we can learn from it.
The highlight for some classes, was meeting Holocaust survivor Andrew Steiner, who shared personal insights into his experiences during the war. This rare opportunity gave students a tangible link to history, emphasising the importance of remembrance and education, and Andrew’s message of love and forgiveness.
Students left the museum with a renewed perspective on the significance of learning from the past to inform our future, ensuring that such atrocities are never repeated.
Ms Elizabeth Heuzenroeder
HASS Coordinator

CONNECTING WITH ANCIENT CULTURES AT THE University of Adelaide’s Museum of Classical Archaeology
"The Year 11 Ancient Studies class recently visited the University of Adelaide’s Museum of Classical Archaeology. With over 1700 artefacts on display, students were immersed in Greek and Roman culture. Students were able to learn about the importance of historical provenance and make connections between ancient cultures and our own. Year 11 student, Grace, commented: “The guided tour of the Museum of Classical Archaeology was a wonderful and insightful experience that allowed our Ancient Studies class to explore various cultures and times throughout history, spanning from a mummified hand from ancient Egypt to a Roman baby bottle dating back to the 1st century CE. Thanks to the lovely guides and our teachers, we have gained insight into the extraordinary history of humanity.” Students also had the privilege of hearing from University of Adelaide scholars, Dr David Rafferty and Chloe Jones, who discussed pathways for studying and working in the field of Ancient History." Grace 11CE
Creative STEM modelling activity in Stage 1 Chemistry this week!
Stage 1 Chemistry students engaged in a creative STEM modelling activity this week. They learned how to write the electron configurations of atoms of the first 38 elements of the Periodic Table using plastic shot glasses as orbitals, coloured differently for each type of sub-shell, and M&Ms as electrons. Naturally the M&Ms did not last beyond recess!
Ms Sandra Eustace
Chemistry Teacher

From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
The first three rounds of the SACSSGSA Term 1 Sport season have got off to a flying start! A reminder that there are no games this Saturday 9 March, due to the long weekend. Trainings and games will recommence the following week.
blue round
On Saturday 24 February, Catholic Girls schools came together for Blue Round. This important fixture date aims to promote Mental Health awareness in our schools and community. Teams come together in a variety of sporting fixtures to play, compete, and do their best. It’s about encouraging and caring for your friends and going that extra mile to make everybody feel included and valued. Players, spectators and coaches wore Blue to raise awareness, and at St Aloysius College, volleyballers from schools across Adelaide exchanged notes of support and kindness before engaging in games.

Nominations for winter sport are now open. Sport options for Years 7-12 students are as follows:
- Netball, Soccer, Badminton (Saturday Morning Games)
- Australian Rules Football (Seniors = Wednesday Afternoon Games, Middle = Friday Afternoon Games)
- Dance & Fitness (Lunchtime Sessions)

* PLEASE Note:
- Students may only nominate for up to 1 Saturday Sport
- Nominations strictly close Friday 22 March.
In Term 2, St Aloysius College will be entering teams into the School Sport SA Statewide competitions for AFL (senior). Netball (7-12) and Basketball (7/8 & 10-12). We will also be entering a team in the Catholic Girls Swimming Carnival, to compete in May.
- Catholic Girls Athletics carnival (on Tuesday 12 March) has been CANCELLED due to heat - It will be rescheduled later in the year.
- The first set of trials will be held on Open Night, Wednesday 3 April for all knockout basketball teams. More information will be distributed in the student notices for this trial. Additionally, trials for other sports will be held late Term 1 / early Term 2, so keep an eye on the daily notices.
Move over Swifties, Mercy Bracelets are back in full swing!
These bracelets may look like Tay-tay’s friendship bracelets, but our Mercy bracelets came first!
For the third consecutive year, students from Year 8 meet each Monday to create beaded bracelets displaying our school’s Mercy values of Compassion, Hospitality, Respect, Service, Justice and Courage.
During these fun sessions, students have the opportunity to socialise, build new relationships and get creative in a cosy, friendly and welcoming environment.
These bracelets will be sold later in the year on Mercy Day to raise money for Mercy Works.
Ms Maria Fragnito & Ms Mary Kotsionis

Caritas 60th Anniversary Celebration
Last week, our senior SRC students Daniela, Mackenzie, Chinonye, Gabi, Grace and Mischa represented St Aloysius College at the Caritas 60th Anniversary Celebration Mass, at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.
The word Caritas derives from Latin and means love and compassion. Today Caritas serves in 18 countries, working through 67 partnerships in communities to bring hope, support and compassion to the world’s most vulnerable people. At SAC we’ve been committed to support Caritas Australia through the generosity of our students and their families.