Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
It has been a big week for camps and retreats at SAC. Year 4 students headed off to Belair on Monday for an overnight stay. Year 6 students left for Victor Harbour on Wednesday and Year 12 students headed up to Mylor for their Retreat. I love seeing the way students embrace this chance to be together in new environments. When I visited the Year 12 cohort yesterday, they were having such a great time, enjoying their beautiful surroundings in Mylor, gathering for moments of reflection and contemplation and very much looking forward to fun times at the talent night last night!
Year 4 Camp in Action!

Year 6 Camp in Action!

Year 12 retreat in Action!

And as if the year level camps were not enough, our Year 11 Outdoor Education students packed their kayaks and headed for Kingston on Murray. The number of senior students choosing to pursue this subject has been growing at SAC, and for many, their love of the outdoors developed during those year level camps, beginning with the Zoo Snooze in Year 2! I know that many students are looking forward to their camps and retreats in 2024, and I know that parents and caregivers will encourage their full participation.
Of course, all of these activities are made possible by the amazing staff of the College. They plan and coordinate these events because they believe in the value of taking students away to new places to learn things about themselves and their world. I am inspired by the passion with which teachers at SAC head off on these camps, knowing what an impact they have on our students.
Last week I went on my own version of “school camp”, when Mercy Principals from Victoria, SA and WA gathered in Geelong. We spent time reflecting together on Mercy Leadership, guided by Fr Elio Capra, Tracey Ezard and Emma Llewelyn rsm. Like the students, we benefited greatly from the time to share ideas and support one another, reigniting our commitment to live out Catherine McAuley’s vision to lead schools that educate and empower young people to create a more just world.
And Catherine’s vision was visible yesterday when students of all ages, guided by old scholars Mia and Angie, celebrated cultural diversity in a Harmony Day celebration. This year, Harmony Week and Close the Gap Day coincided, so as we celebrated respect and inclusion, we were also reminded of the significant injustice faced by First Nations people in Australia. As with many aspects of our identity, we celebrate our achievements whilst continuing to strive for improvement.

On the cusp of Holy Week, we keep in mind all those in our community who have lost loved ones recently. From our Holy Thursday liturgy through to our Easter Mass in Week 9, we are reminded that death does not have the last word. God’s love runs more deeply and powerfully in our lives than we can ever imagine and is our ultimate future. We hope that members of our community who are grieving find some comfort in the Easter ceremonies.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Drama Department

Drama Coordinator
The Year 12 Drama students and several staff member attended The Adelaide Festival production of The Promise, a musical theatre show. Created by Wende and five playwrights, The Promise fused themes of motherhood, women’s issues and expectations into theatrical and innovative song. Utilising intense lighting and sound, balanced with many softer moments and audience interaction, The Promise was a wonderful experience for our students to see live at the Space Theatre. Many student comments are below:
“I thought it was actually a really interesting show – there was so many different interesting light and music dynamics that sold the story they were trying to tell, and just giving a little bit about the actors that came on stage, it was a very different view of what was going on. It was fantastic.” - Makayla Comley
“I thought the play was very interesting, the music was also interesting. It was also really empowering as well, and I think that for people who relate to it would enjoy it.” - Lilly-Rose Matthews
“I really enjoyed this performance; I thought it was a really unique exploration of the female experience captured through such amazing lighting, sound, and movement techniques. It was such an immersive and thought-provoking performance." - Eleanor Buckham
“I loved it. I think the lead singer was awesome and the band was amazing – they really played to the audience, which I think was so cool. Everything was so unique and different, it was great." - Bridget Tran
“I really enjoyed the performance. I thought the songs were really great; I really liked the rock ballads….and how they leaned into elements of insanity. It was an incredible production of theatre.” - Grace Campbell
“I really enjoyed the show. I thought there was a bit of everything for everyone… different genres of music for everyone to enjoy.” - Maria Truong
“I thought the performance was really exhilarating; there was a lot of dramatic ups and downs, and she was just overall a very amazing singer with just amazing range.” - Michelle Moey
“I thought that performance was outstanding. They are such incredible artists, musicians, and actors. The music was incredible and unique – I really enjoyed it.” - Sara Boksmati
"I thought the performance was really good – I liked to see the performers switching from musical instruments and coordinated really well together.” - Abbey Moretti

Year 10 and 11 Drama
Last week the lucky Year 10 and 11 Drama students along with our study tour students from St Capitanio Japan, attended a performance Time Machine at the Adelaide festival. The focus of the performance was Extreme Action, a new art form invented by award-winning choreographer Elizabeth Streb, which takes choreography beyond dance to defy gravity and pushes the human body to its limits. Time Machine was a breathtaking retrospective of Elizabeth Streb’s extraordinary career. The performers combined virtuosity and technical skills in a fast-paced intense show.
Some students' comments are below:
"The production showed a lot of elegance but also very rough around the edges and I liked the thought of the gravity was your friend and that we shouldn't be scared of it." - Amy Branson
"The performance had amazing storytelling and was fast and acrobatic, it was very exciting." - Zahra Mohammadi
"I like how they made it really big and fun for the audience." - Haylee Bahr
save the dates for our year 10 and drama nights - coming soon!

SAC's Spirit of Hospitality, Diversity, and Inclusion on a Great Big Canvas

Over the last few weeks, it was a pleasure to see staff and students coming together to create a vibrant face for The Village wall. Launched on Harmony Day, the artwork celebrates the spirit of hospitality, diversity, and inclusion that we are so proud of at SAC.
The Community Artwall project wouldn't have been possible without the Art Department’s guidance and assistance, the Maintenance team support, our wonderful Year 12 Art Leaders and the many enthusiastic students and staff who dived in to master their street-art skills! No matter how big or small the contributions were, every stroke is now part of the big picture and owned with pride.
Whether it was being involved in a new activity for some, making new friends for others, or enjoying a moment of mindfulness, each session reminded me that big things are possible when done with love for our school community.
Thanks to everyone who participated to make this project come to life!
Ale González Salas
Publications/Marketing Officer

Staff and student reflected:
"It was fun to paint with and meet the other SRC’s. The artwork represents Harmony Day in my eyes because all people are in harmony at this school, and it makes me feel connected to different cultures. I would like to see more artworks because it brightens up the school and makes it a lot more inspiring. I have never painted before, so it was fun learning how to paint with all the different techniques." Sienna Wilkinson (Year 5 SRC)
"The invitation to be included in the Art Wall was really welcoming. I don’t see myself as particularly ‘arty’, but the invitation to be included, regardless of skill, was great. It was nice to chat with students I didn’t know while I painted, forming connections throughout the community. To me, the artwork represents invitation, welcome and community togetherness. It makes me feel included within our community and through it I see cooperation and diversity. I discussed the community art wall with my Ancient Studies class in relation to a comparison with Ancient Egypt and considered what we can learn about a society from its art! Ms Elizabeth Heuzenroeder (HASS Coordinator)
I loved having the opportunity to be involved and paint a section, and I wish I could have done more! The colours are just beautiful. I loved how staff could just pop in and paint a bit when they had a spare half an hour and there was a lovely community vibe to the project. It would be wonderful to see some more artwork around the school! Ms Jessie Wildenauer (Teacher-Librarian)
"I feel happy that I got a chance to be able to paint The Village mural. The artwork represents to me all the kind and caring students that come to SAC. This artwork makes me feel very relaxed and calm. I would love to see more artworks around the school created by students because it shows how hard the students and teachers worked to make this. I was very comfortable with the painting techniques we used because the teachers told us everything and it was an amazing experience." Mia Belperio (Year 5 SRC)
"I felt like I made The Village a more colourful and welcoming place for all the students. To me the artwork represents all the caring students that attend SAC no matter what their religion or background is. This artwork to me shows students/teachers holding out a hand and offering help. Being a part of this makes me feel like I helped make a colourful change to the school in this new learning space. I would like more artworks around the school because it is very bright and pretty. When painting I felt comfortable using the techniques and I really enjoyed painting the mural with the Year 9 students." Grace Halligan (Year 5 SRC)
"The artwork represents mercy and the different communities that all come together in one place. The SAC community has always been inviting no matter who you are and what you are like." Joy Julianto (Year 7 student)
"I liked it and I was really happy to participate because it means that I’ll always have a mark on the school, even if I move or when I graduate. It was really fun to paint. The graphic represents hands and that we have a community here where everyone is welcome no matter their colour or their disability. I'd love to see more artwork created by students and also by the Reception students because they would probably like to participate too even though they are little." Liana Arthur (Year 7 Student)

Geology Rocks
Year 3 students ventured on an exciting journey to the South Australian Museum, where they embarked on a thrilling exploration of rocks and minerals. Guided by their educators, these young geologists immersed themselves in interactive exhibits, discovering the vibrant colours of ochre rocks and the sparkling allure of gemstones.
Through hands-on activities and engaging discussions, the students deepen their understanding of Earth's geological wonders and the important role rocks and minerals play in our world. Inspired by their museum adventure, they return to the classroom with newfound knowledge and a passion for scientific discovery.
Year 3 Teachers
Ms Sarah Costanzo, Izzy Deluca and Abby Matte

From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
Sounds of City Schools
On Thursday, March 14, the Music Departments from SAC, CBC and St Mary’s Colleges came together to celebrate the talents of their students, presenting The Sounds of City Schools. The stage at St. Mary’s College came alive with captivating performances, showcasing the immense musical prowess of the students from all three schools. The evening included performances from the SAC Stage Band, Senior Choir, Small Jazz Combo, Senior Rock Band 'Catalyst', and Catch 22. The night culminated with an energetic combined city schools performance of the Journey hit, Don't Stop Believin'. Well done to the performers, organisers, and supporters, particularly the staff, students and families who contributed to the SAC Op Shop and Bake Sale on the evening!
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Australian Defence Force Careers Expo

At the Adelaide ADF Careers Expo students and job seekers can discover the rewards of working in the ADF and what type of job they might thrive in. With over 200 different roles available, there’s sure to be one to match their skills, interests and education.
Friday 10th May 9am - 3pm
Saturday 11th May 9am - 4pm (General public)
Where: Adelaide Showground, Jubilee Pavillion Goodwood Rd, Wayville SA
Please register if you would like to attend: ADF Careers - Adelaide ADF Careers Expo
Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Health
Approximately 60 students from Years 9-12 attended the information session offered by the University of Adelaide and Flinders University in which pathways int Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Health were discussed. Thank you to Sasha Champion and Emily Costello, school liaison officers for the universities, who provided an informative presentation and answered a range of questions.
UCAT registration is now open to any Year 12 students interested in pursuing these pathways in 2025.

Visit from Scott Williamson, Bond University

We offer thanks to Scott Willaimson who visits SAC each year to speak to students interested in applying for future opportunities at Bond University. Bond University is located on the Gold Coast with the closest major city of Brisbane 86kms north. It is a not-for-profit university, funded by tuition fees and contributions, 100% of which are invested into student teaching and facilities. Applications for Bond University open 1st May 2024.
Bond University | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
VET Information
There are some VET courses available with mid-year entry for interested students in Years 10-12. Courses include:
- Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate III Individual Support and Disability
- Certificate III Business
- Certificate III Fitness
- Certificate III Legal Services
Please see Mrs Stephenson in the Careers Centre for more information.
Year 12 University Taster Days - April School Holidays
Flinders University is excited to offer Year 12 students a unique opportunity to look into the world of tertiary study by offering 3 different themed Taster Days being held during the April holidays:
AI, Cybersecurity, Mixed Reality, Software Eng. Taster Day at Flinders
Tuesday 16th April
Engineering & Design Taster Day at Flinders
Wednesday 17th April
Biotechnology-Forensics-Life & Plant Sciences Taster Day at Flinders
Thursday 18th April
These events will include workshops, tours, Q&A sessions, and opportunities for Yr 12 students to talk to lecturers, course coordinators, and current university students. Please register at the links provided if interested.
Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator
SAC students take on the Surf Life Saving SA's State Championships!
Congratulations to all our students who recently competed in Surf Life Saving SA's State Championships! who Zara and Katia (Year 5) and Keira (Year 3) represented the Henley Surf Life Saving Club. Zara won a gold medal in the 150m ocean swim for Under 10s. Zara and Katia swam together in the 150m team ocean swim and won silver. Keira also had great success, coming 6th in the 600m distance beach run for the Under 8s age group! Well done, girls - it's great to see SAC students getting involved in events like this!

OSHC Before School Care: A Glimpse into Our Mornings
OSHC is happy to present another edition to the school newsletter, packed with insights into the vibrant life of the before school care program. It’s been just over two years since its inception, and the program has earned enthusiastic approval from our families.
The BSC program offers a diverse range of nutritious breakfast options to fuel students' minds and bodies. From whole grain cereals to our various toasted options and milk-based drinks, our menu caters for a variety of tastes and dietary needs. It's clear our students enjoy these options; starting their day with nutritious fuel for learning and fun!
Our diverse range of craft and general activities isn't just about creativity; it's about catering to the unique interests and preferences of each student. From painting to origami, we tailor our program to ensure that every individual finds something they love. In partnership with the crafts available, the before school educators also encourage students to engage in free play, as we believe that free play fosters important developmental skills. We understand that through communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, children develop social, emotional, and cognitive abilities. With imaginative activities and physical play, creativity and motor skills are promoted. Our program nurtures well-rounded learners primed for success in and out of the classroom.
Finally, for those students that need a little longer to start their day, the program offers activities such as yoga, singing and ‘just dance’ towards the end of the morning session. These activities stimulate the mind, allowing for a positive and bright classroom arrival.
Gemma Dwyer-Monaghan
OSHC Educator

Learning Outcome 1:1 Children feel safe, secure, and supported.
Learning Outcome 3:2 - Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.
Learning Outcome 4:2 Children use a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching, and investigating.
Year 7-12 STEM Club
Year 7-12 STEM Club is underway on Wednesdays at lunchtimes with our STEM Leaders, Abbie and Tara. This year’s theme is “Things to Freak your Parents Out”, and we have started the year by making SLIME. All secondary students are welcome to attend throughout the year and each activity will be advertised through the notices. Come and join the Year 7-12 STEM Club!

2 Days to go!
JOIN SAMIR Madi'S 50K WALK IN SUPPORT OF Myeloma Australia

Samir Madi (school parent and valued member of the Advisory Council) is heading towards 50 years of age. He has decided it's the perfect time for a physical challenge and a great opportunity to support a wonderful charity.
Introducing the "50km Walk for Myeloma Australia" – a day that promises to be both challenging and fun, all while making a significant impact by raising funds for Myeloma Australia.
Myeloma Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support, educate, inform, empower and bring hope to people who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones.
Myeloma, also known as multiple myeloma, is a type of bone marrow cancer arising from plasma cells. Currently there is no cure for myeloma, but with treatment it can be controlled for many years.
There are 2 options for everyone to join the event:
You can take on the huge 50km challenge with Samir, or sign up for the 10km adventure.
Duration approx. 13 hours (6am start at Grange Jetty Reserve, 7 pm finish back at Grange Jetty) with plenty of stops along the way.
Duration approx. 2 hours (5 pm start at Grange Jetty Reserve, 7 pm finish back at Grange Jetty)
- It is FREE to register at:
- Any donations would also be much appreciated at:
On behalf of Samir Madi, thanks to everyone and let's keep moving!
@walk50km on Instagram and FB

School Terms
Tuesday 8:15am – 11:30am
Wednesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday 8:15am – 11:30am
School Holiday opening times are advertised in the SAC Newsletter prior to the end of each term.
- Uniforms can also be purchased from our Online Shop.
- Click here to view detailed information re the SAC School Uniform.
For further information, please click here.
A wide range of secondhand uniforms are now available instore, get in quick, they will disappear fast.

Golden Gunz Movie Fundraiser
Congratulations to the following SAC students who are involved in the Golden Gunz Cheer International team.
- Paige Halligan (Year 4)
- Ruby Sarkanen (Year 5)
- Grace Halligan (Year 5)
- Tiana Stefanovic Year 8)
- Anna O'Grady (Year 9)
- Bermuda Nicholls (Year 10)
Help Golden Gunz Cheer team realise their dream
Golden Gunz are an elite level 1 cheerleading team of 17 girls ranging from 9 to 17 years old. The team embodies the spirit of cheerleading both on and off the floor; demonstrating positivity and a team focus whilst delivering a fiercely competitive routine. They have worked hard to be selected to compete on an international stage at the Global Games Cheerleading competition held in Honolulu, Hawaii in May 2024. This event hosts athletes from all around the USA and the world, with thousands again expected to participate this year. Golden Gunz are looking forward to representing the State at these Championships and appreciate your support in helping them to be a part of it!
As part of fundraising for this amazing opportunity, they are having a Movie Night.
- 🎥 Kung Fu Panda 4
- Piccadilly Cinema - North Adelaide
- Saturday 6th April
- 5:30pm for a 6pm start
If you’d like to support by buying raffles tickets, joining us at the movies for kung fu panda 4 or purchasing a case of wine, please click here or on the image below 👇