Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
This Wednesday, 5 June, marked World Environment Day. Staff and students are aware that care for our common home is central to our mission as a Catholic school. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, says: “We must heed the call of the young people, citizens, associations and scientists urging us to take action, and radically change our relationship with nature and the planet. This collective quest for solutions is what World Environment Day is all about.” The creativity and innovation of our young people will be key to finding these solutions.

Both the Finance Committee and the College Advisory Council have met in the last fortnight. We are grateful to the members of our community (current and past parents, past staff members, Sisters of Mercy and friends of the College) who volunteer their time to support the work of these committees. Their expertise and guidance in ensuring that we remain true to our Mercy values in all activities of the College and in the stewardship of resources are gifts that we do not take for granted. Judy Sailors, Acting Chief Executive of Mercy Education Ltd, was also in Adelaide this week and attended the Council Meeting where she shared her insights into the broader mission of Mercy Education. I would like to acknowledge and thank the Finance Committee and College Advisory Council, pictured below, for their wisdom and generosity.

Pictured above: College Advisory Council
Mr Samir Madi, Mr Steve Andrews, Ms Lisa Dallow, Sr Helen Owens RSM, Dr Sue Holoubek (Chair), Ms Paddy McEvoy, Ms Doreen Maiello and Kiah Buckskin-James

Pictured above: Finance Committee
Ms Diandra Ciaciarelli, Mr Steve Andrews, Mr Adam May, Ms Paddy McEvoy, Mr Kevin O’Brien (Chair) and Mr Nick Tattoli
Sister Judith Redden RSM, Principal of Saint Aloysius College 1983 – 2013, has recently been diagnosed with an invasive bone cancer. Judy has already begun treatment and is responding to this health challenge with her usual optimism and determination. Sr Caroline Ryan, on behalf of the Sisters of Mercy, has invited us to join in prayer for a miracle of healing to support Judy’s physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing, a miracle that might also advance the cause of Catherine McAuley’s canonisation. In the month of June, members of the St Aloysius College community may wish to pray once a day intentionally through Catherine, using the prayer below:

Those of us who were students at SAC during Judy’s time as Principal, or who have worked alongside her for many years, know her as a woman of great faith and vision. Judy welcomes our prayers and loving thoughts and we wish her well at this challenging time.
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Primary Coordinator

Primary Coordinator

We had a wonderful morning welcoming our young friends and parents from Chancery Lane to our first SAC Discovery Day. In celebration of Reconciliation Week, the students and parents participated in a lively music lesson, learning about rhythm and creating beats with rhythm sticks and boom whackers. Ms Maddi Binney's enchanting vocals accompanied the group as they enjoyed classic songs like 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes' and an Acknowledgement to Country in Kaurna. Then, with Ms Viviana Graney, Maja, and our Year 7 helpers Millie and Pearl, the children listened to the story 'Nature all around us' by Kimberly Engwicht and explored nature-themed activities at provocation tables, including learning about native animals and engaging in literacy and numeracy-inspired activities. We can't wait to welcome Chancery Lane's parents and young people to our next SAC Discovery Day in Term 3, where we'll be diving into Literacy and Physical Education lessons. We hope to see you there!
Ms Abby Matte
Primary Coordinator

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Defence Force Work Experience Program
STEM Immersion Week: Edinburgh (September)
- Edinburgh, SA
- 23 - 27 September 2024
This event has been developed to showcase a variety of STEM careers available in Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) and with Industry partners.
DSTG brings together interdisciplinary expertise from across Australia and around the world to address Defence and national security challenges. Their role is to work closely with the Australian science, technology and innovation eco-system. This helps deliver scientific advice and solutions that provide capability enhancement for Defence and the national security community.
In this placement you will have the opportunity to observe and gain an introduction to the application of research in engineering and science fields. You will be specifically introduced to Defence scientists/engineers and learn about how they help to develop new capabilities and assess existing science and technology. While you will not be engaged directly to perform any scientific work you will have the opportunity to tour our facilities and speak to many different scientists about their areas of research, education and career histories.
DSTG will conduct a tour of their research facilities, giving students the opportunity to view equipment up close that is not normally open or accessible to the public. Some of the equipment on display may include:
- Maritime: Operating in the maritime space with advanced undersea surveillance, materials science, and navigation technologies
- Platforms: Making sure our vehicles are undetectable, resilient, efficient, and capable
- Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear: Detecting threats and protecting our forces in compromised environments
- Human and Decision Sciences: Support of human situational awareness, decision making, control, and protection in complex environments
Try a Trade
Try a trade courses are a great way to gain insight into different trade areas and Western Technical College still have a few spaces for their try a trade courses in Term 3 in the following areas:
- Barbering
- Engineering
- Hair & Beauty
- Plumbing
- Screen and Media
See Mrs Stephenson in the Careers Centre if you are interested.

5 -19 July 2024
10:00am - 1:00pmFlinders University Drama Centre
Flinders University Drama Centre
A map of Flinders University can be found here, the Drama Centre is located at J8.
For 16+ young people wanting to audition for Drama Schools at the end of the year.
Auditioning for Drama Schools can be very challenging. This bootcamp is a fun-filled and comprehensive way to find out some tips and skills to help you overcome those nerves, build your confidence, and practice some techniques to help you perform at your very best on the day.
This bootcamp provides four days of play, with short workshops in movement, voice, acting and rehearsal techniques, culminating in a “mock” audition, where you get to practice presenting your work to the group, in a low stake, highly supportive environment.
Led by legendary Australian actress and actor-trainer Glenda Linscott (Former head of Acting at WAAPA) with Dr Renato Musolino of the Flinders Drama Centre.
This special training intensive will take place over five mornings in the school holidays (July 15-19) at the internationally renowned Flinders Drama Centre – South Australia’s centre for actor training. Current secondary students referred by their teacher or school can access this 5-day program for a reduced price of $190.

About Glenda Linscott
A highly successful and respected actress since graduating from National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in 1978, Glenda has a formidable resume which includes performances in lead roles for major state and commercial theatre companies and also on film, television, and radio.
She is proud to have, for many years, been associated with organisations such as Playworks, and the Australian National Playwrights Conference developing new Australian plays as actor, dramaturg, and director.
From 2006 - 2014, Glenda ran her own corporate coaching and training business Perform with Confidence working with captains of industry in the fine art of performing with confidence with respect to winning the hearts and minds of their people.
Glenda is also a sought-after training consultant for major actor training organisations, including Flinders University, NIDA, Victorian College Art (VCA), Media Arts and Entertainment Alliance (MEAA), University of Melbourne, Swinburne TAFE and many private training academies in VIC, NSW and QLD.
Stage 2 Students Flourish on the Fleurieau Peninsula
Mercy Light: Learning

Outdoor Education, offered to students at Stage 1 and Stage 2 of their secondary studies, offers experiential learning about the natural world and how we interact with it. It enhances students’ understanding of conservation and sustainability and their personal and social growth.
Recently Stage 2 Outdoor Education students completed the first of two major expeditions, venturing to Ngarrindjeri country across the Southern Fleurieu for several days of camping and hiking in Deep Creek National Park. Just a few hours' drive from SAC, the park is offers spectacular views, from the far shores of Kangaroo Island to the craggy slopes of Deep Creek Valley.
The outdoors lend challenges and encounters that many young people do not have the opportunity to engage with, from seeing native wildlife up-close in their habitat, to developing knowledge of how to navigate remote areas, create basic shelters, or treat injuries. Reflecting on this expedition – one of the last she’ll partake in as a school student – Alicia Rudko said, “hiking long distances, camping in tents, preparing our meals and cooking for ourselves helps to build some resilience. I think it’s important to experience these kinds of challenges because it helps us to stay motivated, to appreciate what we have. After you’ve done a big hike, you feel like you’ve achieved something.”

Alicia’s peer, Isabelle Crotty, agrees. “Outdoor Education camps are different from camps we participate in during earlier years. Outdoor Ed camps require us to be more independent, and teachers encourage us to step outside our comfort zone. We sleep in tents that we set up and put down by ourselves, we create our own meal plans and we cook together.”
Outdoor Education teacher, Mr Michael Heath, has vast experience leading such expeditions, instructing students on the importance of understanding group dynamics and leaving minimal impact during their time in environments like Deep Creek.
Alicia says students are taught early on in Outdoor Education that it’s important to, “take only photographs and leave only footprints!"
The group trekked well over 30 kilometres during this recent trip.
“The walk was a brisk pace, including stretches of the famous Heysen Trail, with students enjoying the spacious plains and admiring nearby herds of cattle, chasing the last few hours of sunlight. Glowing sunsets are the reward at the end of these long days, and then it’s time to cook up a storm and debrief on our experiences,” recounts Mr Heath.
Evening debriefs take place around the ‘bush television’ – a campfire – and offer staff valuable insights into the development of students and the progression of their learning.
Additionally, they help strengthen group bonds and encourage broad discussion.
“I suggested that we share one sweet memory of the day, and one sour memory of the day,” Alicia explains, “it helps us to keep a balanced view, but most people never had a sour thing to share. That’s because we can focus on the sweet moments. I can remember one student sharing how much she appreciated having full use of her legs. This isn’t something we would usually say at school, or at the end of a normal day, but being outside and testing our limits helps us to practice gratitude.”
Gratitude doesn’t end when the expedition does; the journey back to Adelaide is a period of physical, mental and emotional transition. Although tuckered-out, it’s a time for students and staff to continue sharing memories of their time in nature’s classroom. Memories of achy limbs from long treks will indeed fade, but it’s these memories – those of simple moments of joy, humour and growth – that last.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team

National Reconciliation Week is held every year from 27 May - 3 June. These dates are significant because they mark the dates of the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision. St Aloysius College is now in the third year of its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The RAP outlines the actions our schools is taking to advance reconciliation and create meaningful opportunities to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our community. You can read our school’s RAP here: 2024-SAC-RAP.pdf
National Reconciliation Week is a hive of activity at SAC. From music to culture, stories and language and opportunities to learn about the history of Reconciliation, all faculties and students across the school lead and learn in the journey towards Reconciliation.

Showcasing First Nations Authors and Illustrators
National Reconciliation Week was celebrated in the library as we showcased First Nations authors and illustrators in all our story sessions. Our Year Two students enjoyed sharing Adam Goodes’ Walk with Us and went for their own short walk where they were encouraged to ‘switch on their senses’ and experience the sights, sounds and smells of Country. Year One students used Bronwyn Bancroft’s beautiful illustration style in Come Home to Country to create colourful birds to nest in our library tree. Our Year Five students have been exploring song lines and the Year Sixes appreciated learning more about Sorry Day. Other year levels have enjoyed being immersed in our First Nations picture book collection. Lunchtimes were also popular, with craft activities to celebrate the importance of this special week.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator

National Reconciliation Week in the PE Faculty
This year SAC netballers will play in the Indigenous Round with newly designed bibs that celebrate Aboriginal culture, designed by Year 12 Tatum McLean and Year 10 Alexis A’Hang. Their design acknowledges the land on which SAC sits and the proud history SAC has in educating girls.
"The netball bib we designed represents our school and wider community coming together. As an all-girls school you can see the symbol for woman on the bib in the outer corners. We wanted to also represent the land that we live, play, and work on, Kaurna land, so we did kangaroo tracks on the sides of the bibs, because Tarntanyangga (Aboriginal name for Victoria Square) means red kangaroo dreaming. We are located right by Tarntanyangga so we thought it was important to represent that on the bib. We are really grateful for the opportunity, and we hope you love it as much as we do! " Tatum and Alexis

NRW in the Music Department
On Wednesday morning, the Primary Choir and the Year 5 and 6 classes were visited by Jessie Lloyd, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musician who performs a broad collection of Australian Indigenous songs. An award-winning composer, performer and creative entrepreneur, Jessie is a cultural practitioner of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music and is dedicated to the continuation of cultural traditions through the presentation of both contemporary and traditional Indigenous music.
"Jessie Lloyd came to teach us about language, culture and Indigenous songs. I got to see her twice because she came to our Primary choir session as well as a session with all Year 5s and 6s. Jessie is a courageous, influential woman. She inspired me to keep working on my dream of being a performer. I liked her song Red, Black and Yellow. It had a very catchy tune and made me think about the importance of the Aboriginal flag and what it means." Frieda Jerebica 5AV
"Jessie was a very inspirational woman whom I really admired. I really liked how Jessie Lloyd tried to encourage all of us to learn more about the language and songs from the Torres Strait Islands. I liked how she talked about the meaning behind the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags while making it entertaining with her singing and instruments. She was positive and engaging and I was led to discover lots of new information. Jessie was spectacular!" Faith Rewai 5AV
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator

NRW in the Nunga Room
The Nunga Room is open every Tuesday during lunchtime for our First Nations students to come together to hang out and share in fun activities. It’s a space for students to build bonds with and connections with people in different year levels. This fosters a strong sense of community and cultural identity, allowing students to have a strong support system at school. During National Reconciliation Week, the students enjoyed designing and decorating their own boomerangs, which they took home as special keepsakes.
Later that week, our secondary First Nations students made damper (a type of traditional bread) which was a delicious treat! Food and food-preparation is important to culture and tradition, and the students really enjoyed themselves, while practicing their cooking skills. After a patient wait for the damper to cook, came the obvious highlight of eating it together in The Nunga Room during a rainy lunchtime.
Another highlight of the week was spending time with and learning from Kira Bain, a Kaurna language teacher and proud Ngarrindjeri woman. Kira taught many students during her day at SAC, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous. Students learnt some Kaurna introductions, simple greetings, and conversations. Teaching Kaurna language is crucial in preserving First Nations culture, respecting Kaurna People, and the land we are on, while also fostering reconciliation.
Ms Maja Tongerie
Learning Support Officer

Reconciliation Week in JAM (Justice & Mercy)
Quest for Reconciliation – A Scavenger Hunt with a Difference
As part of SAC’s recognition of Reconciliation Week, JAM ran a scavenger hunt. Facilitated by the secondary JAM students, the scavenger hunt transformed the Dunlevie courtyard into a timeline of historic Reconciliation moments in Australia’s history. This gave students the opportunity to retrace these important steps towards Reconciliation. Upon completion of the scavenger hunt, the theme “Now More Than Ever” was revealed to students. This year’s theme for NRW is an ongoing reminder continue working towards reconciliation, even in times of adversity. When they reached each Reconciliation milestone along the scavenger hunt, students were given a puzzle piece and worked together to piece together the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, symbolising the need for collective effort and collaboration to continue the work of reconciliation in the future. You can see our flags pieced together in the National Reconciliation Week video!
Ms Mia Konopka
JAM Coordinator

Wear It Yellow Day raises $442!
SAC was a sea of yellow for our annual Wear It Yellow fundraiser on Friday, supporting First Nations organisation, Children’s Ground! For a gold coin donation, students and staff donned bright yellow ribbons, scarves, earrings and even yellow eyewear. Wear It Yellow Day raised $442, which will go towards improving the economic, social and educational outcomes for First Nations youth, through Children’s Ground. Thank you to the many families who participate in and contributed to Wear It Yellow Day.

Lowitja O’Donoghue Oration
On the evening of Wednesday May 29, a number of staff and students were honoured to represent the College at the 17th Lowitja O'Donoghue Oration, hosted by The Don Dunstan Foundation. Professor Tom Calma AO presented the 2024 Oration. He reminded us that young people will lead us towards a more just and reconciled Australia. The evening concluded with a powerful communal song, led by First Nations singer-songwriter, Nancy Bates.

The Last Daughter Film Screening
To mark the end of National Reconciliation Week, several staff attended a film screening of The Last Daughter. The film conveys the compelling true story of Aunty Brenda Matthews, a Wiradjuri woman from New South Wales, who was removed from her biological family during the 1970s and spent many years being raised by a non-Indigenous foster family. The film conveys reflections from members of Aunty Brenda’s biological and foster families, and the heart-wrenching impact that Brenda’s absence had on all their lives, as well as on Brenda’s own cultural identity. Aunty Brenda, who attended the film screening, left the audience with this powerful message: “We all live on this land together. Along this journey, I have learnt to reconcile within myself, so that I can reconcile with others. We listen with our ears, but when we go within ourselves to listen, we can often find the answers we truly need. In sharing this story, there’s heartbreak, but there’s joy too. It invites others into the circle and through story sharing and truth-telling, we take steps to reconcile.”
Ms Maddie Kelly
JAM Coordinator

From the Acting Visual Arts Coordinator

Acting Visual Arts Coordinator

Arts Week had it all!
Hundreds of Receptions to Year 7s joined in the creative fun in the Dunlieve Courtyard at lunchtime each day of Arts Week to create amazing artwork. The artworks were added to our chapel wall after every lunchtime until it was brimming with beautiful work.
Students experimented with a variety of media, creating watercolour abstract patterns, oil pastel flowers and Picasso portraits using markers and pencils. Hellie in Year 3, Sia in Year 2 and Marwah in Year 5 were the lucky students who won a prize box filled with art equipment each for creating an artwork and entering the raffle that was drawn over three of the lunchtimes. Congratulations to our lucky winners!
Thank you to the Art team and our fantastic Year 12 Art leaders Milla and Pia for making this epic event happen. We can’t wait to do it all again next year!
Ms Phoebe Koch
Acting Visual Arts Coordinator

2024 SAC Laneway - A great way to end Arts Week!
SAC Laneway is the event that keeps getting bigger and better each year. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made the night such a success, and congratulations to our sensational music students and staff for putting on a great show.
Many thanks to the following sponsors who donated the prizes:
- Derringers Music
- Adelaide Festival Centre
- Barristers Block
- Chain of Ponds
- Three Pillars Wines
- Hello Pilates
- Ryan and Sarah Anderson
- Louise Glennon
- Richard Boksmati
- Marvel House
- Dulwich Grocer
- Amanda Philips
- Felicity Arts
- Alex Frayne
- Tony and Marks - Newton
- Harrison’s Music
- Palace Nova Cinemas
- Yo-Chi - Glenelg
- Coles – St Agnes
- Rory’s Catering
- Jonny’s Popcorn
- Baker’s Delight - Kurralta Park
- Red Hen Spirits
- Alex Frayne for a signed copy of 'Distance and Desire' (2024)
Keep the fun alive and CLICK HERE to enjoy a short video!

Snaps, Smiles and Fun! Creativity captured at the Arts Week Photobooth!

Exciting times at Narnu Farm!
In Week 3, Year 3 students enjoyed an exciting camp at Narnu Farm. They had a fantastic time feeding farm animals, cuddling adorable baby chicks, and unleashing their creativity and teamwork while building billy carts. The experience was not only fun but also educational, providing the children with hands-on learning opportunities and unforgettable memories.
The Year 3 Team

Exploring the wilds of Adelaide Zoo!
Over two Fridays our intrepid Year 2 explorers bravely set out to explore the wilds of Adelaide Zoo. The first overnight camps for these young adventurers were a rousing success and much discovering and learning took place! In between close encounters with Australian native wildlife, Night walks, activities and eating ice-cream, the girls had a sensational time and are still talking about their experiences!
Many species were observed including several favourites such as giant pandas, lions, tiger cubs, maned wolves and a firm favourite the binturong (bear cat) which smells just like buttered popcorn!
Mr Brendan May, Ms Kate Ruston and Ms Daniela Nudo
Year 2 Teachers

Innovation in Learning: SAC’s Journey with SACOME’s STEM Pilot

St Aloysius College is thrilled to be one of six schools participating in the SACOME: STEM Digital Technology Pilot, an innovative initiative that equips students with essential STEM skills. In collaboration with the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME), the program will allow students to explore real-world applications of digital technology, preparing them for careers in industries such as resources, defence, and robotics. Aligned with the Australian Curriculum, the program will enhance students’ knowledge of automation, digital literacy, critical thinking, and creativity. Thanks to SACOME and its industry partners, the fully funded pilot provides challenge kits in the form of Bee Bots and Micro Bit vehicles, an online learning platform, and ongoing teacher support. Reception students have been busy this term exploring our diverse state by coding ‘wombots,’ while Year 5 students have been calibrating and automating vehicles for remote terrain exploration. Programming robots is about more than just having fun; it will also empower our students to expand their understanding of STEM careers, inspiring them to dream big and pursue future success.
Ms Viviana Graney
Primary Coordinator (Teaching & Learning)

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
Term 1 Primary Sport was busy!

After School Sport and School Clinics
Come ‘n Try was again on offer for Receptions to Year 2s where they participated in dance, multi sports and basketball clinics across six weeks.
Year 5/6s were involved in Water Polo Clinics run by SAC Secondary students and a new opportunity offered was for Year 3-6 students to travel to the parklands on a Tuesday after school to participate in lacrosse and AFL clinics.
Year 4-6 students played competitive basketball games each week and improved their skills with the help of secondary coaches and coaches from Kelly Sports.
Year 5/6 students travelled to East Torrens Baseball Club to participate in a day long softball clinic that was run by the Walkerville Softball Club. The girls were introduced to many new skills finishing with a fun game at the end of the day.
Representative Sport
Year 4-6 students participated in the East Adelaide SAPSASA Swimming Trials where Year 6 student, Chloe, was selected to be a member of the East Adelaide District team. At the State Carnival, Chloe came first in the 50m butterfly, 50m freestyle as well as the freestyle relay and the East Adelaide team came first overall in Division 1. She has now been selected to be a member of the 12 and under state team to represent SA later in the year on the Gold Coast. Good luck Chloe! We cannot wait to see all of your hard work pay off!
Year 3-6 students participated in the SACPSSA (Catholic Schools) Swimming Carnival where we finished 4th overall. It was such a great team effort and atmosphere, lots of ribbons being won throughout the day and the support for each other was excellent.
Year 6 students Eden and Eloise were selected to be members of the East Adelaide Softball team. They competed in a 3-day event at West Beach in Week 9 of Term 1 where they developed their skills and knowledge and by all accounts had a fun three days.

Term 2 Begins…
After School Sport
Our Lacrosse team has started the season strong, improving every week. They have had a couple of close losses, a draw and a win so far. They also competed in the SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival where they won 3 games, drew 1 and lost 2. A big thank you to our experienced Year 6 students who came to play on the day.
We have two Year 3/4 teams and four Year 5/6 teams competing in the ThunderCup Netball Competition being held at Netball SA on Thursdays after school. The teams are predominantly coached by secondary students who plan training sessions and organise the game time and positional changes. Everyone is learning and it has been a positive start to the season.
Reception to Year 2 students have started their Come 'n' Try Gymnastics, Lacrosse and Soccer clinics. It is wonderful to have over 50 junior primary students being active after school.
Representative Sport
Year 4-6 students travelled to Foxfield Oval to be involved in the East Adelaide SAPSASA Cross Country Trials. All team members ran their best with Year 6 student, Chelsea, earning her place to represent the East Adelaide District in the upcoming Cross Country State Carnival to be held at Oakbank later in the term. Good luck Chelsea!
Congratulations to Year 6 students Harsnajh and Eleousa who have been selected to represent the East Adelaide District to participate in the SAPSASA State Netball Carnival. There were over 90 girls who trialled so this is an amazing achievement. Good luck for your competition in Week 8!
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator

SAPSASA Cross Country Team
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Thrilling Comeback: SAC Girls Edge Past Adelaide High to Secure Round 2 Spot!
Our Open knockout Australian rules footballers are through to Round 2 of the statewide school's competition, with a thrilling win against Adelaide High this week!
After a slow start, Olivia Howie instilled some hope with a late snag before the 3-quarter time siren. It was all guns blazing going into the last quarter, with plenty of opportunities in our forward 50. A crafty goal by Gracie Sim and a couple of points dribbled over the line put us within a goal in it in the last minute. Enter: Georgia Robertson!!!
Bursting through the pack, Georgia was able to find the gap and seal the deal! A gutsy effort all round, and a well deserved 2 point win by SAC!
We look forward to seeing the team progress to Round 2! Stay tuned.
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator

2024 Australian Mathematics Competition for Students in Years 7-12

Your daughter is invited to take part in the 2024 Australian Mathematics Competition. This competition will be completed on Wednesday 7 August 2024 (Term 3, Week 3).
The entry fee is $8.50 per student.
Further information on the competition can be found on the Australian Mathematics Trust website (
Ms Laura Flynn
Mathematics Coordinator
We're so excited to share a lovely evening with our SACOSA community in SAC's gorgeous Heritage Room.
Friday June 28 from 7-9pm. Don't miss out!
Click here to RSVP.