Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal - Issue #17, 2024


Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
Below are my words of farewell to the Class of 2024 at today’s Graduation Assembly:
Today, we gather to celebrate 134 people who have made the Class of 2024 a very special cohort. We reflect on challenges overcome, successes achieved, and as we bid them farewell from SAC, we applaud them as they take their first steps into life beyond. Whilst we acknowledge some individual students with awards at today’s assembly, every student will be recognised at the Graduation Mass this evening and at the Graduation Dinner following the exams. I would like to share a few reflections on the Class of 2024:
- They have encouraged and supported one another through the challenges of Year 12. When the going was tough, they rallied around each other, recognising each other’s strengths, staying positive and helping one another to keep the end in sight.
- They have been generous and creative in their service, both within and beyond the school. From making bracelets in the Art Room on Valentine’s Day, to taking younger students to the Adelaide Day Centre at lunchtimes, the Class of 2024 has found new ways to lead and serve their community.
- Most of all, they have made space for individuality, allowing everyone to be themselves. Students have found their people, whilst staying connected as a group, modelling the values of inclusion and respect that are so central to our Mercy identity.
And it seems fitting that their final day of school falls on the International Day of the Teacher. I want to take a moment to thank the teachers who have inspired and nurtured the Class of 2024. From Reception to Year 12, each student will have had teachers who created learning moments that made them feel seen, sparked something inside them that they hadn’t even noticed in themselves, or helped them to understand how they learn in ways that changed them as a person. For me, that special teacher was my Year 12 Maths teacher here at SAC, Sr Bernadette Marks RSM. Her quiet and gentle words of encouragement helped me to think of myself as a capable mathematician, and led me towards a Maths Degree at Uni. And her joyful presence and commitment to justice made her a powerful influence in my life, and one for whom I am deeply grateful to this day.

At a University graduation ceremony a few years ago, Tim Minchin said, “Be a teacher! Please! Please! Please be a teacher! Teachers are the most admirable and important people in the world. Even if you’re not a teacher, be a teacher. Share your ideas. Don’t take for granted your education. Rejoice in what you learn and spray it!” This is not career advice; rather, it expresses the hope that each graduate here today recognises that their education is a gift and uses that gift to contribute to a better world. Can we take a moment to show our appreciation to the teachers of SAC!
Today, we are also joined by the first teachers of our students, their families. I’m sure that you share our pride in the young people who are graduating today. Your unconditional love is the foundation on which they have built their lives. Whether you have been part of SAC for 13 years or just this one, we have worked together to provide the best possible environment for our young people to grow and learn, and today we celebrate their flourishing. Thank you to all our SAC families.
At a gathering for Mercy ministries last week, Sr Sheila Curran RSM, an Irish Sister of Mercy, reminded us of what it means to be Mercy people. She said we need to be risk-takers, horizon-watchers and creators of hope. The world is facing so many challenges, and it will take new ways of thinking to navigate them. Class of 2024, we have great faith in you to create the change that’s needed. Thank you for all you have given to SAC over the years. The world will be a better place for the gifts you bring, and we wish you well.
Ms Paddy McEvoy

From the Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)
We are very pleased to announce the Year 12 Executive team for 2025. As a part of the Year 12 Executive team, students facilitate leadership and decision-making by bringing important issues to the notice of the school community, as well as organising whole school events and taking on additional responsibilities.
We congratulate our 2025 Executive members, a strong group of passionate and energetic young leaders.
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who applied to be on the Year 12 Executive team. They are to be commended for their efforts throughout the selection process and willingness to immerse themselves in student leadership. The Senior Leaders process for Art, Drama, STEM, Music, Languages and Sport has commenced, and Senior Leaders will be confirmed by Friday, Week 4.
Woven together in Mercy: Farewell, Class of 2024

Mercy Light: Leading
Across Australia, Year 12 students’ countdowns are dwindling to ‘zero’; their long-anticipated final day of school. Though they may not realise, by this point in their lives, they’ve spent roughly 2,500 days learning and growing in formal education settings. If you multiply that number by the 134 Year 12 students graduating from SAC this year, you find that between them, they’ve accumulated 335,000 days worth of memories, connections and lessons across these 13 years of schooling. Although a significant chapter draws to a close, students can take inspiration from British pop singer-songwriter, Natasha Bedingfield, who penned these words: “Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins… the rest is still unwritten.” While these are the Year 12s' final days of school, they are of course not their final days of learning.
There are several celebrations for SAC’s Class of 2024 within the next month. The first of these, the Year 12 Liturgy ritual, was held on Wednesday 23 October in the historic Cunningham Memorial Chapel. Its walls have stood for over 100 years, providing this Mercy community with a place for peaceful reflection. A long-standing tradition is for the cohort to write their names on colourful ribbon, which during this moving liturgy, is woven around a wooden frame. Year 12 Coordinator, Ms Nicoletta Romanelli, explained to the Year 12s how, “this ritual symbolises two things: the act of weaving, and carefully choosing colours and threads that at the time make little sense, but in the end, produce a beautiful work of art. It also reflects that God is the weaver, leading us in mysterious ways and drawing together the many strands of our lives. Each student’s name on a loom represents how we are woven together in Mercy.”

SAC’s Class of 2024 includes the largest number of students in a single cohort – precisely 26 – to have journeyed all the way through from Reception to Year 12. 2,500 days is a long time to spend in a particular place. One of these students, Daniela B, recited a poem written by English Coordinator, Ms Genevieve Pelekani:
“A girl stands in a doorway
ready for her first day of school
uniform perfect
bag packed
excited and afraid.
A young woman stands in a doorway
ready to step into the school beyond school
robed with compassion
carrying lessons learned from experience, as well as textbooks
excited and afraid.
Young woman
Be courageous as you take your place in the new world.
Strengthen yourself with all that you know
the importance of justice
and friendship
and love.
Be strong as you take your place in your new world,
for you have been taught well.”

Reflecting on her schooling, Daniela shares how, “the SAC community has guided me to become the best version of myself. From my primary school studies to being able to develop my subject-specific interests in secondary school, I do not know where I would be without the incredible staff and my peers. Of course, there are many iconic memories over my time at SAC. I will never forget about our school camps, particularly our Year 7 Canberra trip and the infamous Year 9 Camp to the Flinders Ranges. These experiences put me out of my comfort zone and taught me about perseverance and leaning on others in times of need.”
Daniela says, “Leaving SAC is hard. SAC is my home. But I know that I have been equipped with the amazing skills to pursue the future that I want to. Thank you to everyone I have come across in my schooling journey. Every interaction with staff, students and SAC’s wider community has helped me become the person I am. While it might be goodbye for now, it is not goodbye forever.”
Mischa W, Grace S and Elli P, who have also attended SAC since their earliest years, spoke of how their schooling has shaped them.
“SAC has provided us with such a positive environment and since so many of us have been through school together since Reception, we feel very close. This community is so inclusive and despite differences in backgrounds, we treat each other with respect, compassion and equity,” Elli explains.
Mischa, who is looking forward to decorating her Christmas tree with an ornament she still remembers creating during her Reception orientation day many years ago, feels similarly.
“The Mercy values are embedded in our learning and so now they are a way of life. They come first-nature to us. We will carry these always.”

Reflecting on how her education has informed her future, Grace spoke of wanting to become a primary school teacher.
“I want to be a teacher mostly because of the impact amazing teachers have had on me at SAC. They inspire me to serve my community, to give back, I want to go on and do the same for other children. Here at SAC, we have learnt respect and compassion: for our friends, teachers, and for our environment. We have learnt the importance of being present for people.”
On this point, Mischa chimes in: “With SAC being a Reception to Year 12 school, you feel like you have family around you. That is a great gift, to feel that well-supported. Wherever you go, you feel welcomed and cared for. You feel loved.”
Like Grace, Mischa and Elli echo that 13 years of an SAC education has equipped them with a passion to be of service to others, with both young women working towards careers in the legal profession.
“I want to be able to help people who are disadvantaged, and I know that I can use my learnings from SAC,” says Elli.
Mischa shares, “It’s in little interactions that you can see a big impact and even if you can’t remember specific moments from school, you will remember how they made you feel and how the Mercy values shine through.”
Mischa’s words are reminiscent of one of Catherine McAuley’s famous quotes that impels us to, “be shining lamps, giving light to all around.”
We look forward to seeing how the Class of 2024 illuminates their paths of life. While separate now, their stories still “unwritten”, as the famous song says, are woven together in Mercy.
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team

From the Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)
Artificial intelligence (ai) Policy
St Aloysius College has developed a Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy to provide guidelines for the use of this technology. We recognise the significant impact of AI on society and acknowledge ways that AI can support and enhance teaching and learning, as well as the challenges it presents, such as for students’ learning, academic integrity, privacy and safety. Please take the time to read our policy, which includes guidelines for responsible use of AI and outcomes in situations where AI is used unethically by students.
Ms Jacqui Jury
Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Year 7s Cosmic Adventure with SciWorld’s Starlab Planetarium
The Year 7 students embarked on a cosmic adventure with SciWorld’s mobile planetarium, Starlab! They explored the wonders of the Australian night sky, journeyed through the Milky Way, investigated our galaxy, the phases of the moon and the causes of both solar and lunar eclipses. All-star learning experience!

Oliphant Science Awards
We’re thrilled to announce that we had over 20 amazing entrants in this year’s Oliphant Science Awards!
The competition, open to all South Australian students from Reception to Year 12, offers a chance for young minds to explore the exciting world of science, celebrate discovery, and sharpen skills like observation and communication.
Congratulations to our award winners who attended the ceremony at Brighton Secondary School last Friday!
- 1st Prize in Programming, Apps, and Robotics (R-2): ‘Jurassic Park’by Year 2 student, Sophie.
- 1st Prize in Games (Yr 3-4): ‘Plants’ by Year 4 students, Sharvi and Samantha.
We’re so proud of all our participants for their creativity and passion for science!

Learning Opportunities at the Adelaide Central Market
We are incredibly fortunate to be situated in the heart of the city, surrounded by a wealth of learning opportunities. Our prime location allows us to immerse ourselves in the vibrant people, sights, and flavours of Adelaide. Last term, our Year 6 students had the chance to do just that.
After a term dedicated to studying the demographics and diversity of Asian countries in HASS lessons, the students embarked on a scavenger hunt at the Adelaide Central Markets. This hands-on experience allowed them to witness the influence of Asian culture firsthand. From savouring bubble tea in Chinatown to enjoying dumplings in the food court and spotting Bok Choy at the fruit stalls, the presence of Asian culture was evident everywhere.
It was also an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their financial literacy, with each of the students purchasing their lunch and gathering afterwards for a picnic lunch in Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square).
The excursion was a big hit with the students (and teachers!), and a great way to celebrate all that Asian culture has contributed to the food scene in Adelaide.
The Year 6 Team
THE YEAR 6 Students reflected:
“It was a great way to learn about the different produce of other countries, especially Asian cultures.” Neve Friend
“I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt because it allowed us to discover market stalls, we might not have seen before, and it was great to be given independence to explore the Central Markets.” Ziqi Cheng
“We were able to explore the Central Markets in our groups to complete a scavenger hunt where we had to answer questions about the diversity of Asia. It was a fun and creative way to learn about the rich and diverse cultures of Asia, while also giving us a sense of freedom and independence. We had an hour to finish the hunt and afterwards we were able to buy delicious foods and other supplies that were available.” Arielle Herman and Ella Cui

From the Digital Technologies Coordinator

Digital Technologies Coordinator
Highlights from The Year 10 Digital Technologies class
The Year 10 Digital Technologies class has been working on video game reviews. One review by Sophie Calder was spectacular. It not only showcases what the students have been doing but also helps parents considering buying the Harry Potter video game for Christmas. Check out Sophie's video below and a reflection about her experience with the task this semester.
Mr Tom Cotton
Digital Technologies Coordinator

Click here to watch the Hogwarts Legacy: Game Review by Sophie Calder

Year 10 Student, Sophie Calder, reflects:
"Digital Technology this semester has been a lot of fun. From learning skills in preparation for the research project next year, in Year 11, to learning how to code a funny conversation in Python coding, it has been a fun class to take part in. My favourite assignment so far has been the Video Game Review task. We got to pick a video game of our choice and then make a game review following a list of simple criteria. I loved getting to be more creative and having more freedom to choose everything about this assignment from the video game to the different clips I filmed for the final video. I was supported by my teacher and family the entire time, which helped me gain the confidence to upload my game review of Hogwarts Legacy onto YouTube. All in all, I have had a very enjoyable experience getting to complete this task, as well as partaking in everything else Digital Technologies has offered this semester."
From the Music Department

Music Coordinator
There was much happening in the Music Department in the final weeks of Term 3.
At the end of August, the Year 3 and Year 5 classes welcomed a group of musicians from the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra to SAC to perform their interactive concert Herman and Rosie. Based on the award-winning book by Gus Gordon and featuring music by local composer Mark Ferguson, the performance told a charming story of friendship, music, life in the big city, and following your dreams. In Music lessons with Ms Binney, the students had learnt some great songs and movement to accompany the performance, and thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the musicians.
"It was exciting to see the book come to life with music." Lucy (Year 3 student)
"The instruments and the music they played really set the mood in the book." Ela (Year 3 student)
"I enjoyed that we were able to join in because we had learnt about the songs in our music classes before the concert." Leni (Year 3 student)
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra - a Magical Performance

On Friday 13 September, students in SAC Music ensembles graced the marvellous Adelaide Town Hall stage, performing to an audience of close 500 people. Showcasing a wide variety of performances, from smaller ensembles and Year 12 soloists, through to concert bands, choirs and the final item featuring all performers, there was something for everyone in the program. Thanks to all the staff, students and families for their support of our musicians, and congratulations to the many talented students who took part.
2024 SAC Spring Concert - A Night to Remember!

To conclude the term, SAC was represented at each of the four 2024 Catholic Schools Music Festival concerts. On Monday evening, the Year 5 and 6 students in the Festival Choir performed magnificently, including soloists Mattea and Eloise who also returned to perform their solo on the Tuesday evening, and Year 12 student Bridget was one of the comperes. Over the course of the Festival, SAC contributed the follow support acts:
- Stage Band
- Senior Choir
- Catch 22
- Duo Harmonique (vocals, strings and percussion)
- Cello soloist Lucy
A shout out also to Year 11 student, Adi, who played the bass guitar in the house band for each performance. Well done to all involved – your performances were outstanding!
Ms Fiona Turner
Music Coordinator
SAC Shines at 2024 Catholic Schools Music Festival

From the Drama Department

Drama Coordinator
Excursion to Wonderverse
Patch Theatre Adelaide’s own Children’s Theatre since 1972 has created Wonderverse commissioned by the University of Adelaide for their 150th Anniversary celebrations.
Wonderverse was an innovative journey through a universe of light over many rooms at the University of Adelaide’s Bonython Hall. Within Wonderverse, our SAC Year 3 students traveled through a tunnel of mesmerising fireflies, created their own percussive masterpieces, contemplated the vastness of the universe, and helped control a magnificent sound and light wonderland. Our students experienced breathtaking lighting by Geoff Cobham, discover epic tunes by Elisha Umuhuri from Aboriginal hip-hop sensation DEM MOB, and – best of all – were part of the action. Adventure was had by all in this sensational interactive experience.
Mr Tom Coultas
Drama Coordinator

Year 3 Students reflected:
“I liked the part when there were glowing dots and we got to follow them around and when the fireflies were fluttering around.” Lyra Fidock
“The parachute was fun and when we got to lift the torches when they lit up.” Anne Manaug
“The start was lots of fun because we got to sit in hammocks and our shoes were glowing in the dark.” Alba Taylor Bretag-Norris
"It was such a fun experience, and all the sections were so different and engaging." Zara Probert
"It made me feel calm and also relaxed my brain and body." Mile Richards
"I loved how interactive it was so we could be part of the show. The staff were really nice and made it fun for us." Leni Feliciotto

From the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Coordinator

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Coordinator
Gold Award PARTICIPANTS HonoUred by the Governor of South Australia
On the last day of Term 3, Friday 27 September, I along with Ms Paddy McEvoy and Mr Tom Cotton had the pleasure of escorting twelve students to attend a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Ceremony hosted by the Governor of South Australia, Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, who presented each recipient with their Gold Award.
I highly recommend all parents to encourage their daughters to take up the opportunity to participate in, and experience this World recognized Award.
The 12 students awarded were: Alexis Auret, Marley Band, Anjali Becker, Sara Boksmati, Eleanor Buckham, Olivia Daniel, Keira Gerrard, Tali Hodgkiss-Roberts, Airlie Hoendervanger, Abbey Moretti, Alicia Rudko and Yasmin Toy.
Mr Alan Brown
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Coordinator

Below you'll find students' reflections of their experiences whilst participating in the Dukes Award:
"My Dukes experience was one that I will remember forever, from the multiple kayaking and hiking expeditions, community service and participation on the Larapinta Trail. My community service encompassed many hours at the school canteen, participation with JAM, and my amazing experience in the APY Lands. The Larapinta Trail was magical, with the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, views seen upon the everlasting stretch of mountains, and the ethereal beauty of the waterholes. I am very grateful for all the opportunities given to me through the Dukes experience as I have been able to develop many aspects of myself." Alicia Rudko (Year 12 student)
"Participating in all Dukes camps and activities throughout all three levels has been such a privilege to be a part of. It is such a wonderful experience being able to participate in challenging activities with peers and to extend relationships with likeminded people you share these challenges with. I have loved overcoming challenges with friends around me and growing as a young person alongside them." Sara Boksmati (Year 12 student)
"Throughout my Dukes journey, I have had so many unforgettable experiences. From Bronze to Gold, I developed my love of the outdoors, camping, and travel, and relished every opportunity to go on a Dukes camp. Some of my favourite Duke's memories were on the Tiwi islands, where we went for a sunset walk around the Wurrumiyanga township, and shared stories with the incredible Sister Anne Gardiner. I developed new skills such as learning French and was able to play badminton for SAC. With the award, I have achieved more than I could ever imagine and have been able to come out of my shell, not afraid to try new things." Olivia Daniel (Year 12 student)
"For the past few years, the Dukes program has been an integral party of my life, and I am so lucky to have had all the opportunities this program has awarded me. From kayaking on the River Murray during storm seasons and floods to bushwalks and orienteering, I am so grateful for all the skills I was able to develop and all the friends that I made. My highlight of my entire Dukes journey was the time I spent immersed and welcomed into the Pipalyatjara Aboriginal community in the APY Lands, something that has shaped my very being and I will never forget." Eleanor Buckham (Year 12 student)
"Dukes has been a great opportunity providing me with lifelong memories and a range of skills and qualities. The Bronze level walking camps set me up for my future Dukes endeavours. Packing and carrying all my items into a hiking bag that was almost the same size as my Year 8 self was a painful yet rewarding experience. I had the chance to meet many other people across my year level and in the grades above developing lifelong friendships. Moving into Silver I was met with the challenge of navigating a group of 12 students through the backwaters of the Murray River, although there were some wrong turns, through working together as a team we made our way to a remote campsite. We had to paddle through rain, sunshine and ocean-like waves, yet I still enjoyed every moment of it, feeling connected to the nature around me and the others with whom I was on the journey. When I finally reached the Gold level the hours of volunteering and skill development in the other levels all seemed worth it when I was granted the once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the Tiwi Islands as a part of my Gold Residential Project. This experience opened my eyes to the culture of the local community and gave me an opportunity to connect with the students in the local school. The immersion although was out of my comfort zone, gave me a chance to learn and broaden my views of Aboriginal culture within Australia. The memories formed and the connections built are ones that I will treasure forever. Overall, my Dukes journey has been a highlight during my time at SAC, my experiences and memories will be something that I will take well into my life post-graduation." Yasmin Toy (Year 12 student)
From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services
New Junior Primary Space Unveiled at OUR Catherine McAuley Library!
Over the term break, the next stage of redeveloping the Catherine McAuley Library was completed, and students have returned to school with great excitement for the new area. Originally part of the library office, our new junior primary specialist space has been completely renovated, opening up a whole new section of the library for student use. It has been wonderful to see junior primary students feeling a genuine connection to their collection within the main library space, as well as older students reconnecting with a favourite picture book or two! We are looking forward to fitting this area out with custom furniture for our younger readers to begin 2025.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services Coordinator

Chelsie Dawber (Class of 2017) Inspires Students with Global Soccer Journey!
This week, we welcomed back professional soccer player, Chelsie Dawber (Class of 2017), to inspire current students with her incredible tale of perseverance and success! From Chicago to Sweden and back to Adelaide, where she’s currently starring on the field for Adelaide United’s women’s team, Chelsie’s career has taken her all over the world. We are grateful to Chelsie for spending time with us and leaving a lasting impact on our students.

Students' Sporting Spotlight
South Australian Year 10 Students at the National Youth Touch Football Tournament
Five St Aloysius College students were recently selected for the SA Heat Touch Football Team to compete at the 2024 Door Dash National Youth Touch Football Championships held in Coffs Harbour. This national competition was attended by over 2000 players and officials where 120 teams from a mix of school, regional and state representative teams across eight boys and girls divisions from U12 to U18 competed to be crowned National Champions. It was the first time SA had entered an U16 team in this competition, so we are very proud of Alessia, Elle, Rosie and Ruby for being selected, and for Molly who represented the U18 team.
Unfortunately, due to some heavy rainfall, the competition was shortened after the first two days. Of the games completed the SA U18 team equalled their best ever finish and were confident in doing better (their next game was meant to be against Victoria).
At the SA Heat presentations at the end of the carnival, Year 10 student, Alessia, was awarded the coaches trophy for the U16 team.
A big thanks goes to Terry Rogers, Elle Roger’s dad, who was generous enough to volunteer to be the U16 team manager.
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator

Congratulations to Year 10 student, Alessia, who won the Coaches' Award for the U16 Girls Touch footy tournament

Staff Spotlight
MS Eloise Griffiths and Ms Sarah Anderson take a spotlight at the 2024 SANFL Volunteer Awards!

On Friday 11 October, SAC staff members Ms Eloise Griffiths and Ms Sarah Anderson attended the 2024 Hostplus SANFL Volunteer of the Year Awards at Adelaide oval.
Ms Anderson was nominated for the 'Teacher of the Year' Award for all her hard work and dedication to school football in the Sturt zone. Ms Griffiths was nominated for the Australian Toyota AFL Community 'Volunteer of the Year' Award and was a finalist in South Australia! Click here to read more.
Ms Griffiths also won the award for 'Tackle Your Feelings' (an initiative of the AFL working in the area of mental health training programs for community football players, coaches, as well as community members, umpires and other club support staff), and she is now the Ambassador for Tackle Your Feelings South Australia. Congratulations Elle!
Both Eloise and Sarah have made remarkable contributions to the community and we are incredibly proud of their achievements and dedication to fostering football and mental health awareness in South Australia.

Creativity, Culture and Connections in October Vacation Care!

During the October vacation care, students had a relaxing and fun holiday participating in a wide variety of activities planned for excursions, incursion and at-home days.
In the first week, students acknowledged and celebrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions, customs and celebrations through dance, drama and music with Aboriginal artists at Carclew. They combined gross and fine motor movement and balance to achieve complex drama and dancing movements and extended their creativity in writing their own songs as well as sharing them with the group. Students also enjoyed their VR incursion where they had chances to experience different job roles through Job Simulation on VR. On Under The Sea Day, students had explored and learned about various sea animals through educational video and crafts. On OSHC Olympics Day, they were challenged in a variety of active courses, such as obstacle course and tennis competition in the gym. On Art Day, they had
In the second week, students showed their openness to challenges such as skating and arcade games. Many students had their first try at skating and playing arcade games. They showed incredible persistence in skating when they fell and got up again and again during skating. Students were actively asking questions regarding those different arcade machines and how it worked. Students explored new ways to create hats and a habitat for their favourite pet with recycled materials on Mad Hatter’s Day and Inventor’s Day. By learning the cycle of design, students participated in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry-based activities such as determining what a pet needs in a habitat, how to create the items with recycled materials available.
In summary, students had a wonderful school holiday at vacation care with their friends. Some even made a friend/friend during their time at vacation care, which was exciting to see their friendship developing in play and structured activities.
Capturing Fun and Learning at October Vacation Care!

MTOP outcomes:
- Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and agency
- Children develop knowledgeable, confident self-identities and a positive sense of self-worth
- Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
- Children develop a growth mindset and learning dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity
- Children develop a range of learning and thinking skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
- Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
Serving up Pink Power for BCNA 🎀🎗️
Our Annual Pink Day was celebrated on Friday Week 1, in honour of Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Students and staff were invited to dress in all shades of pink to raise awareness, funds and show support for those affected by breast cancer. At recess and lunch, JAM students and the Year 7 SRCs lent a hand to sell pink donuts and slushies, with proceeds going towards Breast Cancer Network Australia.
Our community raised a total of $3546.00, an amazing contribution to Breast Cancer Network Australia. Thank you to everyone who support this year’s Pink Day, and a special thank you to Bakery on O’Connell!
The JAM Team

SAC History Website Earns Mander Jones Award Commendation

We are proud to announce that this week our SAC History website received the Mander Jones Award Commendation (Category 4). This award is for a publication produced by a smaller archival institution such as a school or religious organisation which uses, features or interprets the organisation's archives. The judges commented: “A well designed, content rich site showing a well thought out structure and deep research. Material from the school archives is used to great effect.”
Coordinated by our current Head Archivist, Ms Carol Grantham, the SAC History website was a team effort with assistance and input from a number of dedicated SAC staff members, in particular our previous archivist, Neville Stapleton and former Deputy Principal Christine Simpson. Well done to everyone involved for this outstanding and well-deserved recognition!
visit our SAC History Website and learn more about our story
Support our SAC Op Shop!

Did you know that our school has its very own Op Shop? Started in 2020 as an initiative of staff and students involved in the Justice and Mercy Group, the SAC Op Shop provides students with practical opportunities to realise some of our Mercy values.
Students at various year levels look at the ethics of fast fashion and its impact on the environment and human rights. The SAC Op Shop encourages students to purchase preloved clothing and to donate unwanted items of their own. Circular fashion is a fast-growing movement with the aim to keep as many clothes out of landfill as possible. The op shop is open at lunchtime on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Run by staff and student volunteers, all funds raised go to one of the numerous charities that St Aloysius College supports.
If you are having a clean out of your wardrobe, please consider donating to our Op Shop. We are currently looking for summer clothing that is clean and in good condition. There is a drop off bin behind the main reception area.
The Op Shop Team

From the SAC Uniform Shop
To make an appointment with the Uniform Shop, please click here.
Uniforms can also be purchased from our Online Shop.

Summer Uniform Guidelines:
- SAC School Dress: Please ensure that the SAC school dress is mid-knee in length to comply with the uniform regulations.
- SAC Summer Shirt and Brown Shorts: Optional.
- Summer School Hat: Grey.
- Footwear:
- Long white regulation school socks with brown flat, regulation lace-up shoes.
- Brown T-bar shoes or Roman sandals with no socks.
- Please note: By law, students are required to wear covered shoes in laboratories.
Cold Days in Terms 1 and 4:
- Students may wear their SAC blazer and/or the SAC jumper or vest over the top of the school dress/shirt and shorts.