Acknowledgement of Country

From the Principal - Issue #19, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians, Friends & Students of SAC,
The Physical Education team ensured that Health and PE Week (Week 5) was one to remember, with a range of activities on offer for our students throughout the week. The Health Hustle in the gym was a big drawcard, with students of all ages joining in. The ‘80’s activewear was on full display in the PE office, and we could hear them coming from a mile away in those polyester tracksuits. The sense of fun that our staff bring to their work is surely part of the reason that so many students stay actively engaged in sports throughout their years at SAC, and it was great to celebrate with them last week.

On a more serious note, the Year 10 students put together some thought-provoking pieces of documentary theatre for their end of semester performances last week. The theatre was packed and the students left all of us with much to think about with works they had created themselves. Each ensemble showed great teamwork, encouraging and supporting one another both on stage and behind the scenes. Their work both on stage and behind the scenes augurs well for Year 11 and 12 Drama classes.

The SAC Pageant reminds us that Christmas is just around the corner, and the Year 2 students strode around the gym with their homemade floats grinning with pride. We were thrilled that our new Reception students were able to enjoy the day as part of their orientation program, and our friends from Chancery Lane were also captivated by the colourful parade. I’m sure we were all inspired to put the Christmas tree up, if we haven’t already done so, in seeing the joy on so many children’s faces!

Primary classes have been on the move this fortnight, shipping out of Dunlevie and settling into their new rooms in the Redden Undercroft. Thanks to the families who joined us in the Dunlevie Courtyard on Monday morning for a farewell to the Dunlevie Building prior to the Primary Assembly. This courtyard has been a gathering place for our primary parents for many years, and we know that the new configuration will be even more comfortable and welcoming in 2026.

Last night we said our final farewell to the Class of 2024. Almost 500 people gathered at Donato Reception Centre to honour this group of graduates with their families and friends. I am always reminded in these moments how lucky we are to have such a positive and supportive parent community. For many of these families, this marks the end of a 13-year journey together, but we know that we will always stay connected through the SAC Old Scholars Association (SACOSA). We look forward to sharing news of their achievements beyond school via our newsletters.

A group of adventurous students and staff will depart for Cambodia this weekend. The girls have worked extremely hard in the lead-up to this trip, and they will take with them a significant donation to the work of Sr Denise Coghlan RSM at the Metta Karuna Reflection Centre in Siem Reap, where Sister Denise has lived and worked for over 30 years. These immersion experiences have an enormous impact on the participants, and whilst there will undoubtedly be some nervous parents at the airport, we know that the girls will return with new understandings of how mercy can shape the lives of people across the world.
I look forward to seeing you at the many events in the next fortnight, especially the Year 6 Graduation Mass, Primary Mass and SAC Spectacular!
Ms Paddy McEvoy
From the Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)
Senior Leaders for 2025
We are very pleased to announce the following Senior Leaders for 2025. We are very proud of all students who applied and showed a willingness to involve themselves in student leadership at SAC.
Honoured with the Muriel Matters Award for Courageous Advocacy
A heartfelt congratulations to Year 11 student Clodeta, who was honoured with the prestigious Muriel Matters Award last Thursday afternoon at Parliament House. This award celebrates the legacy of Muriel Matters, a South Australian-born suffragist, educator and social reformer who made a profound impact in the early 20th century by advocating for women’s rights and freedoms. The Muriel Matters Award provides an opportunity to honour young South Australians who demonstrate self-initiative in fostering democratic discussion and engagement within their communities. Clodeta embodies this spirit and lives by the inspiring words of Catherine McAuley: “Speak as your mind directs and always act with courage.” This quote perfectly reflects her approach to life and her unwavering commitment to standing up for what is right.
Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

Waiting in the Wings for a Spectacular Showcase: 20 Years of SAC Spectacular
Mercy Light: Connecting
There’s an end-of-year buzz reverberating through campus. The recent Primary Christmas Assembly, well-attended by families and friends of SAC, sparked the spirit of festivity and showcased the College’s youngest students’ talents, skills and pursuits both inside and outside the classroom. Even though much is winding down for 2024, excitement continues to build for the greatest showcase of all: the annual SAC Spectacular! Next Friday November 29, Students of all ages will grace the state’s biggest stage, Adelaide Entertainment Centre, for a much-anticipated variety night that’s sure to delight.
This year marks 20 years of SAC Spectacular, lending ripe opportunity to meander down memory lane, celebrating and reminiscing. With the growth of the College, the show too has changed over time. One person who’s seen it through many stages of development is Ms Eloise Griffiths, long-serving teacher and SAC Spectacular’s Director.

“The event began in 2003 as a whole-school alternative to what had previously always been our Primary community’s end-of-year Christmas concert. I was Stage Manager for the Whole School Production that year, and we thought it would be good to start including highlights from the show. From there, we saw the value in having a whole range of performing arts showcased, as well as other areas of the school featured,” Ms Griffiths says.
“From 2003-2012, SAC Spectacular was held at the Adelaide Festival Theatre, and then to increase our audience capacity, we relocated to the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Part of the magic of Spectacular is that it gives the students an authentic theatre experience; they are not just walking onto and off of a stage. At venues like these, students are walking through hallways that have been graced by huge performers and world-class acts. It’s a classic example of the saying, ‘if you see it, you can be it!’”
SAC Spectacular is also a showcase of community spirit; it really does take a village to keep the wheels in motion. Even during a time of global pandemic, the show went on. Although the 2020 Spectacular was unable to proceed due to Covid restrictions, in a truly spectacular demonstration of teamwork, the event went ahead in 2021 despite a snap-lockdown jeopardising the possibility of a performance just two days out.
“We rolled up our sleeves and soldiered on,” Ms Griffiths says of that time. “We had all the items ready to be performed but no certainty as to whether a show that year was possible, and when we learnt we were able to go ahead, albeit with some restrictions, we arranged for the show to be live-streamed and the students still had their moment to shine onstage. It was a phenomenal moment of resilience.”
Resilience is a hallmark of courage, which is one of SAC’s Mercy Values. It takes great courage and vulnerability to stand onstage in front of others. Part of the theatre experience includes waiting in the wings side-stage; students, though jittery with excitement, must be quiet and patient as they wait their turn to perform. Year 8 student, Alyssa B, has participated in eight SAC Spectaculars and is eager for her ninth, in which she will entertain the audience as a compère announcing what’s to come. Myf H, in Year 9, will join her, as will several senior students. The role of the compères is vital; they are a thread, deftly weaving the showcase together and linking one performance to the next.
Alyssa shares that, “a special memory I have was Year 6 Spectacular, knowing that it was my final year of primary school, I wanted to have fun during the performance and dance with all my friends. When waiting to go onstage for spectacular it is the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking time of the night, hoping that you remember the whole performance and don’t mess up in front of the crowd!”
Pictured above: Front and center, Alyssa, performing in one of her early SAC Spectacular items at SAC

Myf says, “One of my favourite memories is sitting backstage at SAC Spectacular with the Drum Corps. We made a circle and called it 'team bonding'. We played card games and chatted with one-another, and it was such a great way to connect further with students from different year levels. Before going on stage, we all encouraged each other to do our best and have fun. I think this is a great example of what SAC and the Spectacular is all about, getting to know new people and having a great time doing what we love!”

Pictured above: Myf in action with the Drum Corps at SAC Spectacular — a moment of passion and teamwork!
Of managing her excitement levels, Myf recounts: “There is such a strong energy backstage, everyone is buzzing and supporting each other. Of course I'm worried about making a mistake in front of so many people and letting myself or the band down. But I remember that I've done the work, and all I have to do is enjoy myself and relax.”
The bubbling pre-show nerves are often forgotten as soon as the warmth of the theatre lighting prickles the students’ skin, and they see they are surrounded by their friends, performing just as they’ve practiced time and time again with support from teachers and choreographers, some of whom are SAC Old Scholars.
As well as nostalgic glances at the past, audiences can look forward to a 2024 SAC Spectacular to remember for the ages; there’s so much on offer, from pre-show entertainment in the Adelaide Entertainment Centre foyer precinct to two acts of performances that will lead the audience on a vibrant theatrical journey… without spoiling the surprises in store, there’s certainly something to suit every palette!
With just one week remaining until the big night, be sure to book your tickets, and tell your friends and family – you don’t want to miss out on this!
Ms Maddie Kelly
Marketing & Communications Team
Only a Snapshot of What Has Made SAC Spectacular Through the Years...
This celebration of talent, energy, and unforgettable moments has united generations of performers and audiences alike.

Dare to Dream: Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in STEM
The Dare to Dream excursion was an inspiring and engaging experience for our Year 8, 9 and 10 students, offering them a glimpse into the exciting world of STEM and the opportunities it holds. Here’s what two participants had to say about their day:
"The Dare to Dream experience was amazing. It was really interesting to see the different number of things that women are able to do in STEM, particularly technology. I really enjoyed the experience as I got to participate in a range of activities to extend my skills. The speech by Rosslyn Cox was my highlight of the day. She talked about being unapologetically yourself and how to find yourself. I would really recommend the experience to any girls even remotely interested." Aamina Dars
"The Dare to Dream excursion was a lot of fun, it was great to hear from the guest speakers about their experiences in the STEM field. The interactive workshops were fun and a great insight to what might be available for us in the future." Sophie Murphy

From the Drama Department

Drama Coordinator
YEAR 9 DRAMA EXCURSION - An Incomplete Encyclopedia Of Hugs
A group of Year 9 Drama students were lucky enough to attend An Incomplete Encyclopedia of Hugs presented by the SA Playwrights Theatre. Blending spoken word poetry with round-the-kitchen-table style storytelling, Juno (Claire Glenn) journeys through her personal hug repertoire, weaving tales of loss and love as she figures out what to do with this one glorious life. One hug at a time. Heartwarming, poignant and captured by playwright, Sarah Peters’ trademark lyrical storytelling and warmth, An Incomplete Encyclopedia of Hugs is a one-woman theatre-shaped hug for your soul.
Students' Reflected:
"I really liked how the actor painted the picture of her life through the use of ‘hugs.’ I also really liked the Q&A at the end where we met the actor, director and playwright." Frances Papps
"I thought the play was really good as it highlighted the importance of talking about the topic death and the significance of a simple hug." Poppy Watts
"I like how everything in the play had a meaning and how it was very relatable to the whole audience." Olivia Parrella
"I really enjoyed the acting and Juno’s story and her growth as she paves her way through her life with the use of hugs." Mariah Stavliotis
"I thought it was good. I liked the scenarios she used to portray her life and the simple set, sound and lighting." Amelia Williams

Year 10 Drama Night - A Captivating Showcase of Talent and Storytelling
In what can only be described as a two hour ‘epic’ theatre event, the Year 10 Drama Night, a celebration of documentary style plays, was held last week and it was a great success. The student written plays explored a number of interesting and complex topics such as the 1888 historic strike of the factory workers known as the matchstick girls; the perils of online dating; the tragic life of Princess Diana; the Gypsy Rose story; the rise of Donald Trump and the way the media mistreats women. The students performed marvelously on the night in front of a very supportive audience of family and friends. Congratulations to the talented Year 10 Drama Students!
Mr Tom Coultas and Ms Lucy Newton
Year 10 Drama Teachers

From the Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Sport Coordinator
What’s been happening in Term 4 Primary Sport?
Term 4 sport has been short, sharp and shiny!
Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 basketball teams played at Wayville from Weeks 1-6 with all teams being quite competitive throughout the season. They had training sessions with their coaches most Mondays after school who were guided by a coach from Kelly Sports as well as SAC staff members. I hope to see Year 3-5 students continue with primary basketball in Term 1 next year and for the Year 6s, I wish them all the best with their basketball as the move into the secondary sports program.
The Come 'n' Try program included Multi Sports for the Receptions and Cricket for Year 1s. Year 5/6 students participated in Water Polo Clinics.
There are also a number of students from Reception through to Year 6 involved in AFLW Auskick and Superkick Clinics as well as 9-a-side games run by the SANFL at Waite Oval on Mondays after school that will continue on through until the end of the term.
SAPSASA AFL Girls State Carnival

In Week 2, Year 5 students Alysha and Jaya, represented the East Adelaide SAPSASA District in AFL. Across three days they played against nine other districts winning all but one game. This is an amazing accomplishment. After all of their hard work they ended up with the silver medal in Division 1. Congratulations girls!
SACPSSA Athletics
In Week 3, 21 Year 3-6 students travelled to Athletics SA to compete in the annual SACPSSA Athletics Carnival. The team was chosen from trials earlier in the year as well as from the SAC Athletics Carnival. We had many excellent results throughout the day with everyone putting in their very best effort with quite a few ribbons being won and PBs being broken. We finished in fourth place overall out of nine schools which was a great achievement.

SAPSASA Tennis Girls State Carnival
Congratulations to Sarah Patni, Edytka Taneja and Isabelle Andrade who have been selected to represent the East Adelaide District in Tennis. At the time of writing, they are yet to compete, and we wish them all the best with their competition.
Term 1 2025 Primary Sport Nominations
Please check your email over the next couple of weeks for Term 1 nominations. The opportunities available for primaries are listed below:

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas break and looking forward to a bigger and better year in primary sport in 2025.
Ms Sarah Anderson
Primary Sport Coordinator
From the Secondary Sport Coordinator

Secondary Sport Coordinator
Term 4 Sport in Action!
Tomorrow morning will mark the final round of the summer sport Term 4 season, and the last weekend sport for 2024. We wish all of our middle year's volleyball, basketball, tennis and touch football teams the best of luck in their games. To cap off a wonderful season, two Year 12 students Yasmin and Alexis played their final senior game of Saturday tennis after 5 consecutive years of playing together for SAC!
And that truly is what sport at SAC is all about! I’d like to give the warmest thankyou to the coaches, teachers and families who have come out to support our team's week in, week out. Keep an eye on emails and the newsletter in the coming weeks for information about Term 1 summer sport, 2025. There will be opportunities to nominate all the way up until Week 1 of Term 1.
Yasmin and Alexis reflect: "We both started tennis at SAC as soon as we moved to the school. Tennis has not only been a great way for us to stay active but has also been a great way to make lasting friendships. We have been playing in the same team since year 8. We have improved our skills immensely from the weekly training sessions and games as well as getting the opportunity to interact with students from others schools. Over the course of these years, we have not only developed our skills on the court—improving serves, footwork, and mental resilience—but we have also learned the importance of discipline, teamwork, and perseverance. Being part of the tennis team has given us a sense of community, and a shared sense of achievement. Looking back, we are grateful for the lessons learned, the friendships formed, and the growth experienced."
Pictured above:
Year 12 students Yasmin and Alexis at their final senior game after 5 consecutive years of playing together for SAC!
Ms Meg Henderson
Secondary Sport Coordinator
Sporting Spotlight
A huge congratulations to Year 7 student, Eva Pfitzner, who has been selected to captain the U12 Track and Field state team. She will compete in Sydney in late November in the 1500m and 4x100 events. Not only is it an amazing accomplishment to be selected for the state team, but to lead her team as captain is truly admirable! We are very proud and can’t wait to see how she goes in Sydney – all the best Eva!
South Australia Metro State Teams
We’re so excited for a talented selection of basketballers at SAC who were selected in their respective age group’s state teams to compete in Penrith, NSW in January next year.
Congratulations to the following students:
Another story of athletic success comes from Year 7 student and soccer superstar, Pearl Bament-Sitkowski, who travelled to Singapore earlier this month to compete in the SingaCup – Singapore International Youth Cup.
Representing Football South Australia, Pearl travelled with her team to play four games. She said “we played against other teams in intense heat from all around the world and some teams from Australia too. Overall, we finished fifth and it was a great experience. I would love to do it again!”
Well done Pearl – so very deserving of this opportunity and we can’t wait to see what the future holds in football for you!

National Taekwondo Championships
Congratulations to Year 9 student Phoebe, who has recently won a silver medal at the National Taekwondo Championships in Brisbane. This outstanding achievement highlights her dedication, skill, and hard work in the sport. Phoebe’s success is a testament to her perseverance and discipline, and we look forward to seeing her continue to excel in future competitions! Well done Phoebe!

Term 4 Interschool & Knockout
The interschool and knockout sport calendar finished up this week, with our Year 7/8 knockout Touch Football Team competing in their state carnival on Tuesday. Coached by soon-to-be old scholars Elli Pusonjic & Hannah Kearins, the team had a very successful day out at City Touch – scoring the most touches for all teams out of the day, and only 3 tries being made against us.
Out of 6 games, the girls won 4 against Morialta, Mary Mackillop, Adelaide Botanic and Penola.

Earlier this term, our winter netball teams came back together to compete in the annual Middle Years Catholic Girls Netball Carnival. This event gives our players, coaches and officials an opportunity to practice their skills and collaborate with other Catholic Girls Schools in Adelaide. A successful day of sun, smiles and some good netball!

Lastly, St Aloysius College took a small group of students to compete at the School Sport SA Triathlon Championships last Friday. It was near perfect conditions down at Westlakes Canoe Club and a really fun day had by all. For many of our students, it was the time experiencing or competing at a triathlon, with most opting for team's event. We also had 3 students enter the individual Come 'n' Try event, which was a 300m swim, 8.85km cycle and 2.25km run. All 3 of our competitors finished the event with excellent times and in the top 3 – so well done to Asher Ostrowski, Lavender McMahon and Sophia Briggs!
The team event gave our young competitors an opportunity to experience triathlon, learn about the constructs of the event and compete in a safe and fun environment. SAC placed on the podium for all girls' events in the junior, intermediate and senior divisions which is an amazing accomplishment! SAC also finished 5th overall – for an all-girls school this was quite amazing considering we did not have teams in the boys or mixed divisions. I’m looking forward to seeing some new faces join the team next year.

our Senior Basketballers ready to mark the final round of the summer sport term 4 season!

A Week of Fun, Fitness, and School Spirit!

PE Week at St Aloysius was a huge success!
Held in Week 6 of Term 4 this annual event celebrated the importance of physical activity, teamwork, and overall health, bringing our school community together for a week of fun and fitness.

Highlights from PE Week:
Throughout the week, students participated in a variety of activities designed to promote physical wellness, sportsmanship, and healthy habits. Our PE teachers worked hard to create an engaging lineup of events that challenged students physically while fostering a spirit of collaboration and school pride.
Here’s a recap of some of the exciting moments from PE Week:
Themed Activity Days
Each day of PE Week featured a different theme, with unique sports, games, and activities that kept students moving and motivated. The daily themes were a big hit with students, and we had so much fun together as a school community:
- Mindful Monday: We started the week with a focus on mental wellness. Students participated in meditation and mindfulness exercises, learning the importance of calming the mind and staying present in the moment. It was a peaceful, energising way to set the tone for the week ahead.
- Throwback Tuesday: On Tuesday, we took a trip down memory lane with a whole school health hustle lead by Rita, Ms Cass and Ms Anderson. The HPE team dressed in their old school PE gear too!
- Wiggle Wednesday: Midweek was all about moving to the rhythm! Students participated in a whole school Just Dance session. It was a perfect way to break up the week with laughter and energy.
- Take on the Teacher Thursday: Thursday gave students a chance to face off against their teachers in friendly competitions! Whether it a plank, wall sit, or a netball/ basketball shootout, students got the chance to challenge their HPE teachers and show off their athletic skills in a supportive and fun atmosphere.
- Flag It Friday: We wrapped up the week with spirited games of capture the flag where year levels teamed up for friendly competition. The incredible turn out suggests this was a hit and will definitely be on the radar for future years. It was the perfect way to end PE Week with excitement, teamwork, and school spirit.

Why PE Week Matters
PE week promotes and highlights the importance of Health & PE in the Australian Curriculum to the learning and development of children and young people. All students have a right to receive quality physical education teaching, learning programs and the opportunity to be active.
A Week to Remember
Thanks to the support of our students, teachers, and families, PE Week was a memorable experience that promoted health, fitness, and school spirit. We hope that the energy, enthusiasm, and teamwork from PE Week continue to inspire students to stay active and embrace a healthy lifestyle moving forward.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event possible. We look forward to next year’s PE Week and the exciting opportunities it will bring! If you have any ideas for next year please email Ms Cass at [email protected] .
The HPE Faculty

Receiving the Pen Licence - A Huge Milestone in the Life of a Year 4 Student
The Year 4 girls embarked on an exciting journey, starting with their L plates, where they had to prove they could write neatly in pen using SA modern cursive. With determination and practice, they advanced to their P plates and finally, they achieved the ultimate reward—a full pen licence! Congratulations to these amazing girls on this fantastic accomplishment!
Ms Sera Crilley
Year 4 Teacher

Year 6 Students Gain Lifesaving Skills in First Aid Training with St John Ambulance SA
As part of their Health lessons on personal safety, the Year 6 students took part in First Aid training with St John Ambulance SA. They learned important skills like how to respond in emergencies, the delivery of chest compressions and how to treat snake bites. The students practiced these skills through role-playing scenarios, which helped them gain confidence and hands-on experience. The First Aid training gave the Year 6 students important knowledge and the confidence to act quickly in emergencies, potentially saving lives.
The Year 6 Class Teachers

Year 10 Students Craft Unique Earrings with Architectural Flair!
Year 10 Design students have skilfully integrated principles from various architectural and art movements to create unique earrings. Using 3D modelling software, they transformed their innovative designs into wearable jewellery. The students’ dedication and creativity are evident in the beautifully crafted pieces, showcasing their ability to blend historical inspiration with modern technology.
Ms Isabella Benvenuto
Year 10 Design Teacher
Innovative designs by our Year 10 Students

From the Science Coordinator

Science Coordinator
Each year, the Australian Institute of Physics (SA Branch) awards a Certificate of Acknowledgement to a Year 11 Physics student. The "Future Physicist" certificate aims to foster and encourage ongoing interest in this exciting field of science.
This year, the certificate has been awarded to Emma Fyfe in recognition of her exceptional passion and enthusiasm for her physics studies. Emma consistently demonstrates an ability to think creatively and approach problems with innovative solutions, achieving the highest academic standards in the process. Congratulations to Emma, we wish her continued success in her future studies in physics.
Ms Linda Kitto
Science Coordinator

2024 Investors Panel
The Year 11 Business Innovation class has been working creatively and strategically to develop their own startups. Students conducted market research and developed prototypes to test the viability of their products. Last week, the class had the opportunity to present their innovative business ideas to a panel of investors (teachers). The students appreciated receiving real feedback on their products, allowing them to make meaningful improvements to their business models, in the style of the popular TV show Shark Tank.
Ms Kiara Schonberger
Business Innovation Teacher

From the Careers Department

Careers & VET Coordinator
Girls on Track!

Last week a group of students from years 3 to 9 were fortunate to attend the Girls on Track workshop at the Adelaide 500. They participated in STEM activities, a pit stop challenge, a media workshop, recreation and fitness challenge and a garage tour, while learning about the many job roles in motorsports.
FIA Girls on Track is a global, not-for-profit initiative that was initially launched by former Formula 1 development driver Susie Wolff. In Australia, the program is backed by Motorsport Australia and offers females aged 8-15 years a unique opportunity to participate in motorsport events. The goal of the program is to grow interest in STEM subjects and industries with the aim of increasing female participation in these sectors. Motorsport is utilised as a tool to expose students to the incredible opportunities and career paths available. It was certainly a fun and action-packed morning that was appreciated by our students.

What to expect in your first year at UniSA Webinar

5.30pm Tuesday 10 December
Are you wondering what to expect in your first year of university? This session will explore the common questions students have about their first year of study including classes and timetables, assignments, support services, as well as what to expect financially and socially. You will also get to hear from current UniSA students about their first year of university and what they experienced!
Register for a webinar - University of South Australia

UniSA December information sessions:
December Information sessions - Study at UniSA - University of South Australia
CSMF Choir Brings Holiday Magic to ELC
Our CSMF choir put on a beautiful little carols concert for the ELC during lunchtime this week. The students performed with great enthusiasm, spreading festive cheer and getting everyone in the holiday spirit. It was a wonderful opportunity for the younger children to enjoy some live music and celebrate the season together.
Ms Tennille Gibson

Help Us Collect Christmas Hampers for Those in Need!

SAC Upcoming Events
Inviting all Year 6 Parents
For catering purposes, please click here to RSVP.
Celebrating 20 Years of SAC Spectacular!
Join us for a night of amazing performances by our talented students as they showcase their hard work and creativity onstage at the one and only Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

Join us and walk 20kms to raise awareness of skin cancer!

Hi! We’re Eva and Lili and we have organised the 20kms for Sunny Days Walk to raise awareness of skin cancer!
Skin cancer is Australia’s most common cancer, with 2 in 3 people getting diagnosed with it in their lifetime. The majority of these cases are due to sun damage, including something as simple as not applying enough sunscreen. Unfortunately, anyone is at risk of developing skin cancer, although it becomes more common as you get older.
These statistics alone are reasons to why we have had the motivation to try and raise awareness and contribute to fighting along with the millions of Aussies who battle skin cancer.
Come and join us on Saturday 11 January 2025, as we walk alongside our friends and family to help support the cause!
CLICK HERE to book your attendance and contact us for more information.
Thank you!
Eva and Lili (Year 9 Students)
City of Adelaide Integrated Transport Strategy Consultation

What's your vision for our streets and transport network? What changes would make travelling to, from, and within the city more accessible for everyone?
The City of Adelaide is working on a new Integrated Transport Strategy to make getting around Adelaide easier, safer, and more sustainable. Whether you are cycling, walking/wheeling, catching public transport, or driving, we want to hear from you.
Let’s shape the future of our streets and transport network together!
Consultation closes 2 December.