Laudato Si’ Week – Care for Our Common Home

Laudato Si’ Week – Care for Our Common Home

Year 9 students celebrate God’s abundant gift of creation with colour and creativity

In Laudato Si’, On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis asks us to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. In Religious Education, Year 9 students engage with some of the key ideas in the Pope’s encyclical about sustainability and ecological conversion as well as celebrating God’s abundant gift of creation. These artworks below, created by Year 9 students, reflect some of the key messages in the Pope Francis’ Encyclical.

Green JAM Activity

During Laudato Si’ week, Green JAM students put their green thumbs to action and filled our planter boxes with nutritious veggies and herbs that will grow throughout winter. Once harvested, the veggies will be delivered to Adelaide Day Centre, who will use them to prepare delicious meals for their clients. ☘️🌿🌱🍃
