Careers Education
At St Aloysius College, learning about Career pathways starts right from Reception with our dedicated Careers and VET Coordinator.
Early years students are visited by old scholars who are working in non-traditional fields, such as engineering and technology, to increase the visibility of these pathways. Within the curriculum, Year 3 and Year 8 students work in partnership in fun and engaging ways, through the Coaching Collective, to research and explore a variety of career options.
During our annual Careers Week, every year level from Reception to Year 12 participate in career learning opportunities, including an Alumni Breakfast profiling the breadth of career paths of our graduates, and a school based Careers Expo.

In the Senior years, we actively assist students to make informed choices about their future through individual career counselling, career education programs and careful subject selection at the senior secondary level.
More information about Careers Education can be found on our Careers website.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses offer Senior students from Years 10 to 12 opportunities to undertake work related training while they are still at school in areas such as hospitality, community services, fitness, nursing, business, animal studies, game design and beauty services.
Some students use VET as a possible career pathway, some use the qualification to gain casual work whilst at school, while others are simply looking for an added challenge that will complement their school studies.
Work Experience
Year 10 students participate in our Work Experience program which involves a week-long work placement in an area of interest to individual students. The program enables students to explore possible career paths for the future and leads to informed subject selection for Stage 1 and 2. The benefits of work experience are immense, providing increased self-confidence, an understanding of employer expectations, and enhanced opportunities for part-time or casual employment.