糖 葫 芦 (Tang hu lu)

糖 葫 芦 (Tang hu lu)

Last week students in the Year 11 Chinese class made Chinese street food 糖 葫 芦 (tang hu lu) also known as candied hawthorn or candied fruit. The girls were keen to share this recipe with the wider community. Here is the recipe that was used:


Ms Shuhong Li
Chinese Teacher


  1. The strawberries and grapes were washed and dried.
  2. Then the fruit was arranged, and a skewer was put through them.
  3. In a pan, sugar and a small amount of water were boiled.
  4. Once the sugar had bubbled, one skewer was dipped into the sugar and then into ice water to test. If the sugar hardened immediately, then the temperature was right and more could be made.
  5. Then each skewer was individually dipped, coated in sugar, placed in ice water until all were done.
  6. Once the sugar had hardened on the fruit, each skewer was placed on a plate and were ready to be eaten.
  7. If you need to save some for later, cover them with plastic wrap and place them in the fridge.
  8. When washing up, use hot water so the sugar doesn’t stick.
