2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge
From the Catherine McAuley Library
2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge
It has been a busy week in the library as we have submitted all our entries for the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge. This annual initiative acknowledges students who have read twelve or more books over the first three terms of the year. Students have been busily recording stories shared in class, library lessons, class novels, audio books and personal reading. Last year, we had a record number of 440 students who submitted their entries. We have well and truly eclipsed our highest number of entries with a total number of 513 in 2023! The increase in our total is largely due to a higher participation rate across Years 7 and 8. We are really proud of these students for valuing the benefits and joy that reading brings. We’re looking forward to sharing certificates and medals with all participants next term.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian | Information Services Coordinator