From the Digital Technologies Coordinator
From the Digital Technologies Coordinator
Responding to Remote Learning at SAC
“Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills”-
Tom Peters
And during remote learning, this is exactly what happened. While students respond to the remote learning environment in different ways, most students adjusted quickly to using SEQTA to view lesson content and download tasks. However, the key missing variable during remote learning is the teacher. We are proud of the existing and new skills teachers embraced through Microsoft Teams, to develop and continue a strong sense of connection with students.
Primary student, Siobhan Aplin (4NP), reflected on the importance of having her teacher to support her learning:
“We did fun activities; I like doing an all about me poster. But my favourite thing about remote learning was seeing everyone on Teams. Something that I found challenging was not having my teachers there in person. I overcame that challenge by asking my mum to help me or asking questions in the Teams meetings.”
Deanne Forel, parent of Evie 2GC and Gemma 5JS reflects on her gratitude for teachers during remote learning:
“Although it has been challenging at times to juggle home schooling, work and our daily lives the teachers at SAC have done an amazing job supporting us through it. The lesson plans on SEQTA have been well organised and easy to follow. I’ve enjoyed watching my girls engage with their teachers during their daily Teams meetings and stay connected with their peers during their breakout sessions.”
For some students, such as Michaelle from 9JV, during remote learning they needed to attend school for supervised lessons. She reflected:
“During remote learning, I must learn at school whilst my peers learn remotely. Whilst we can connect through Microsoft Teams, chat on our phones, and send emails while also protecting ourselves from COVID, the only thing I truly like about remote learning is the ability to learn at my own pace. I really prefer all of us being at school and learning together.”
This feeling of togetherness is also confirmed by Estella (9JV), who recently joined SAC:
“As a new student I have felt incredibly welcomed and supported from my teachers and peers. I am looking forward to return to face-to-face learning and meeting everyone.”
From a teachers’ perspective, whilst we’ve navigated new teaching tools and online challenges, we’ve experienced many special and memorable teaching moments. Linda Sarunic, Secondary teacher reflects:
“My year 10 Personal Learning Studies class used Microsoft TEAMS breakout rooms. In virtual groups, students were asked to discuss their favourite school subject, reflect, and discuss how they could implement a curriculum capability within their school or personal life. Even though discussions were virtual, students connected, and discussion were in-depth. I didn’t expect to witness such connection remotely, it was a great teaching moment”.
Learning is indeed a partnership, founded strongly upon relationships between teachers, students and parents, a community.
Ms Jo Villis
Digital Technologies Coordinator