From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

From the Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care)

Ms Jacqui Mcilroy
Deputy Principal
(Pastoral Care)

SPIKE Childcare app for OSHC Bookings

This year we will be transitioning to an online booking system for parents and caregivers for our Before School Care and After School Care services.

The online booking system will give parents and caregivers the ability to book and/or cancel OSHC bookings via an app and access important information, including emergency contacts, invoices and statements.

We are asking parents to please download the SPIKE Childcare app before the end of Term 1, 2022. If you need any support with the app, please contact the OSHC team on 8217 3200 between 8am-2pm or 8217 3254 between 2pm to 6pm to help answer any questions about downloading the app or making online bookings.

Please click here to access further information and instructions on how to install and make OSHC bookings via the app.

Jacqui Mcilroy
(Deputy Principal Pastoral Care)
