Primary Podcasters

Primary Podcasters

Year 5 started a podcasting unit to integrate technologies and media arts when they discovered Isla Franco’s dad, Daniel Franco, is the Managing Director at The Creative Synergy Podcast organisation. They invited him to come and speak to students along with Gabriela Vasconcelos, Marketing and Podcast Manager. According to Daniel, the three most important things about podcasting are (1) The art of questioning, (2) Listening and (3) Research and planning. They also learnt about the importance of editing out unwanted background noises and/or bloopers.

“Daniel was very brave to come in and answer all of our questions. He was very professional in the way he talked”. Savanna Hails 5JS

“I didn’t know that editing could take so long to do. When you listen to a podcast it sounds really clean but there is a lot of editing behind it”. Serena Thai 5VM

“It was such a great experience to have an expert in the field come and engage the students as they have real life experience”. Ms Szegedi, Year 5 Teacher

Using knowledge gained and classroom activities, students aim to create, record, and edit their own podcasts.

Ms Joanne Villis
Digital Technologies Coordinator
