Our Environment
Our Environment
To celebrate ‘Environmental Week’, the students focused on various engaging activities. These activities included crafts, leaf echidnas, painting with hands, tracing leaf stencils and creating flowers, to develop a sense of importance of our environment. Students achieved the Learning Outcomes of 4.2 and 4.4 as they successfully attained a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experiment, research and investigation. Furthermore, students were actively engaged, through connecting with people, places, technologies, and natural and processed materials. Such interactions with the environment empower students’ knowledge and equip them to make a difference. Activities in relation to Environmental Week not only enabled students to develop a range of skill, but also provided them the opportunities for hands-on experience to enhance their scientific literacy.
Nagina Zahra
OSHC Educator
L/O: 4 Children are confident and involved learners
4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.