Before School Care Term 4

Before School Care Term 4

In the first few weeks of Term 4, students have explored various topics such as wellbeing, spring, and fitness through crafts and activities. In the wellbeing week, students experimented with several aspects of wellbeing by were encouraged to think about things that made them happy and participated in short yoga practice. In the spring week, they practiced their fine motor skills by making some paper flowers and paper snails. In the fitness week, their autonomy was respected as they made their own decisions on their play while chances to play movement challenges with the pre-made videos were offered. Besides, students of all ages have shown a strong interest in the new board games, such as Taco Cat Cheese and Flamecraft. These have certainly improved students’ enjoyment, especially the older students’ engagement during their stay in before school care. In summary, students enjoyed before school care as a relaxing space and time before a busy school day started.

Ms Ellen Duan
OSHC Assistant Director
