Chemical Reactions in Year 9

Chemical Reactions in Year 9

Whenever we study a Chemistry topic, students ask “Can we make something blow up?”, so last week we did exactly that.  In our study of Chemical Reactions, we have recently been learning about different properties of acids and bases and where these are found around the home.  In an adaptation of the well-known volcano experiment, students in 9JV poured vinegar into a zip-lock bag, partially sealed it, wrapped some bicarb soda in some clean, dry toilet paper and carried the two separately outside to an open space. When ready, they inserted the paper bundle into the plastic bag, quickly sealed it and dropped it on the ground, standing back.  The bags literally “blew up” as they filled with carbon dioxide gas and then burst open due to the pressure.

Three stages of the chemical reaction

Ms Sandra Eustace
Chemistry Teacher
