From the Careers Department

From the Careers Department

Ms Julie Stephenson
Careers & VET Coordinator

Presenting to Careers and VET practitioners

Congratulations to Year 12 student Charley who presented to a large group of career practitioners at a recent network day held at the Motor Trades Association (MTA).

Charley spoke confidently about her experiences of undertaking a school based apprenticeship which involves work, training and completion of her SACE. At the end of Year 12 Charley hopes to convert her apprenticeship to full time so she may continue working for her host employer which is Volkswagen Solitaire. Charley was the first female school based apprentice signed with this wonderful host employer who have since taken additional students.

Andrew Parkes from MTA speaks very highly of Charley and incorporated her presentation into an educational day for practitioners who heard of the opportunities available within the motor trades industry.

Pictured above: Ms Julie Stephenson with Year 12 student Charley at a recent network day held at the Motor Trades Association (MTA)

School Holiday Workshops

Generation Dance have a great selection of school holiday workshops on offer from 17th to 20th April. Workshops in all genres, for all abilities and for all ages, lots of fun and a perfect way to keep entertained over the holidays. Bookings are now open and the early bird discount finishes on Sunday 26th March.

Click here to learn more about Generation Dance APRIL School Holiday Workshops
