From the Catherine McAuley Library
From the Catherine McAuley Library
It has been a busy week in the library!
Our junior primary students enjoyed the opportunity to share and discuss picture books celebrating diversity and acceptance as we acknowledged Harmony Week. Mary Lee Donovan and Lian Cho’s beautiful picture book, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes, gently celebrates hospitality and acceptance, family and friendship, kindness and compassion. It was a privilege to share this text with our younger students and use it as a platform to generate discussion around why we celebrate Harmony Week.
Staff and students enthusiastically combined all their reading minutes on Thursday 9 March to participate in Australian Reading Hour. This initiative has a short and simple message: read, share, and enjoy books! We encouraged our SAC community to do just that on the day and to record their reading efforts to add to our collective result. We received almost 300 reading records totalling 16,539 minutes across our SAC community! All entries went into the draw to win one of three prizes, and Nicola, Vivian and Chelsea were our lucky winners!
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services