From the Catherine McAuley Library
From the Catherine McAuley Library
Our junior primary students enjoyed sharing the newly published picture book, Country Tells Us When. Through this beautifully illustrated text, students discovered how the Yawuru people in and around Rubibi (the town of Broome) use the clues Country provides to know when seasons are changing. Our students compared the six seasons experienced around Rubibi to the four seasons experienced here on Kaurna Country. They enjoyed reflecting on activities they enjoy participating in during each season and used their ideas to create a colourful mural.
It may still be a term away, but we are looking forward to Book Week 2023! Classes have already begun sharing some texts from the shortlists and anticipating which book will win each category. Over the next few weeks, we’ll all choose our personal favourites as we read the shortlisted books together. In anticipation of decorating the library to fit the 2023 theme of Read. Grow. Inspire, we’ve had students from across year levels help out during lunch to create elements of displays. It has been great to see students sharing fun and creativity together.
The Writers’ Group has continued to offer poetry writing workshops for primary students this term. These are valuable opportunities for our senior students to prepare sessions, writing prompts and technique demonstrations, and for our junior students to feel inspired and supported in their writing. The sessions have been very well received and appreciated. The written results are outstanding and are a credit to both our student facilitators and participants.
Ms Ali Ripberger
Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services Coordinator