From the Principal

From the Principal

Ms Paddy McEvoy

The theme for this year’s Book Week, Dreaming with Eyes Open, gave our primary staff a good excuse to wear their pyjamas to school last Friday! The costumes at the parade were incredible, with students dressed as characters from fantasy, fairy tales and many other genres. A love of literature is something we seek to nurture in each of our students, and when we see our Year 12 students keen to join in the fun of Book Week, we know that we have been successful. Special thanks to the Library Team, whose constant creativity and commitment is an inspiration to staff and students alike.

Year 10 students Bridget and Momina graduated in Week 4 from the Youth Governor’s Leadership Foundation, a program designed to help teens become self-aware, confident, socially conscious and community-minded leaders. Working with other young leaders from across the state, Bridget and Momina participated in team projects to promote the work of some not-for-profit organisations in SA. The program is closely aligned with our own Mercy values, so it was great to see Momina and Bridget flourishing within a broader context. We wish them well as they take the lessons they have learnt into their senior years.

Thanks to the many families who attended Subject Selection Interviews for students entering Years 11 and 12 in 2023. The families I spoke to were feeling confident that their daughters have made good choices and are well placed for success in the SACE. Students benefit from these conversations, as they see that their parents, teachers and support staff are in a partnership to enable them to thrive.

On Monday, a funeral service was held at the Monastery for Sister Kate Conley RSM. Kate was an old scholar of St Aloysius, who joined the Sisters of Mercy a few years after she graduated from the boarding school here on Angas St. She returned here to teach and then went on to become a teaching Principal at several Mercy schools across SA. Following this, Kate worked for many years as Chaplain to the Women’s Prison. Many old scholars will remember hearing Kate speak at the Mercy Day High Tea in 2019. She was a wonderful storyteller and a woman whose kindness and compassion seemed to know no bounds. Kate maintained strong connections with her fellow students from her years at SAC, and she will be greatly missed. May she Rest in Peace.

Ms Paddy McEvoy
