JAMming for an Ethical Easter

JAMming for an Ethical Easter

Did you know Australians consume over $3 billion worth of chocolate each year? That’s an average of 32kg per person! Sadly, an estimated 2 million children work as labourers in cacao harvesting around the world to meet this demand. The good news is that there are now more ethical chocolates available than ever before.

In the lead up to Easter, JAM students are learning all about the various ethically certified Easter eggs that are available. This week, students are visiting their local supermarkets to conduct an ethical Easter egg audit.

On Friday, we will compare our results and engage in a simple advocacy activity – writing postcards to supermarkets – either thanking them for stocking ethical Easter eggs this year or asking them to consider doing so in the future.

How can you get involved?

Ms Suzy Penberthy
JAM Coordinator
