Nation Road Safety Week
Nation Road Safety Week

In Week 4 of this term, students were able to partake in National Road Safety Week by engaging with a variety of activities and learning experiences. Both in before school care and after school care, students from all year levels learnt about the many important steps we can take to ensure we are being safe on the roads.
We were able to learn more about the ways we can be safe when riding bikes, such as wearing helmets and watching out for other riders and obstacles. We also learnt about how pedestrians can be safe by using specific crossings and staying to the left of walking paths.
The students completed crafts to facilitate learning about what roads look like and the importance of traffic lights. Craft activities also allowed students to begin understanding what it may be like to be a driver on the road when they are older, by creating their very own driver’s license. This was a very valuable topic as students begin to navigate how to be confident and knowledgeable road users.
Ms Chelsea Hore
OSHC Educator

MTOP Outcomes:
1.3: Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities.
2.1: Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation.
2.4: Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.