From the Catherine McAuley Library
From the Catherine McAuley Library

Teacher‑Librarian & Information Services
National Simultaneous Storytime – ‘The Speedy Sloth’
National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. It is an opportunity for children all around Australia to share the same story at the same time – in many different places! This year, Rebecca Young and Heath McKenzie’s engaging book, The Speedy Sloth, was performed with colour and confidence by 1EG. Our junior primary students loved 1EG’s rendition of the excitement of the race and the way Spike the Sloth never gave up until she achieved what she’d dreamed of and worked hard towards.

Book Clubs immersion
Our primary classes have been busy in library sessions over the past few weeks. Year 4 and 5 students are currently immersed in Book Clubs, sharing a novel in small groups together. This gives them an opportunity to read together and discuss ideas from the text in a supportive group of friends. Book Clubs are a positive setting in which our students can be accountable to their group members for their reading yet supported through shared discussion. This exchange of ideas develops students’ reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, extends their vocabulary and reading repertoire, and gives them a chance to experience a deeper engagement with the story. Our collection of titles has grown significantly over the last few years, and it is wonderful to see our students so excited about selecting and receiving their novel to share in this context. Happy reading, Year 4 and 5’s!